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t1_j9p44uz wrote

Everyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together could see this outcome. It will unfortunately be replicated in other states.

Tennessee has screwed themselves for the next 20+ years in 9 months just because they want to control the choices of the population.


t1_j9ph9oe wrote

The cruelty is the point. They don't care about long term issues when they can oppress women right now.


t1_j9poupz wrote



t1_j9sjpvm wrote

On the one hand, I completely agree with your points. On the other hand, I can't help but think that for all of human history, before modern medicine, the suffering that you describe was the default and only option for humans. Biology can be cruel and unfair. Evolution is a sloppy engineer.

I view the right to choose, provided by modern medicine, to be a gift that we (as humans) have empowered ourselves with. No woman (or anybody involved) takes abortions all willy-nilly - - they're very serious and often emotionally painful experiences. But allowing them is the right thing.

I just can't help but think that the notion of "forcing" people into childbirth is strictly a modern notion that only exists because of the medical advancements that we've made that allow for a safe abortion.


t1_j9t7qfr wrote



t1_j9txccu wrote

I agree with everything that you said. If you got the impression that I was somehow rationalizing forcing people into childbirth, I most definitely was not. If that's how it came across, that was a miscommunication on my part.

My only point was that the entire topic is something that is not only unique to humans as a species, but is also unique to humans of the modern age.

I also agree - comprehensive sex education is also very important and something we should provide to every young person.


t1_j9u4zzq wrote



t1_j9ughbe wrote

Oh, for sure! Yeah, reddit can be mad sometimes, lol. But I didn't take your comment harsh at all. :-). I found it an informative and valuable comment, but not hash. I did, however, notice that my original comment had some down votes, so I wanted to add some clarification and additional context for all the other Redditors reading this thread. I was unsure if you did or did not think I was advocating forcing people into childbirth - but I realized that there was a risk that other readers might. My reply was both to you and to the general public at large. Thank you for the conversation. Cheers!


t1_j9pish4 wrote

It is about the cruelty at this point. They can say that all this happened under Biden and bam, their voters believe it.

Or they can blame the results on those that were not given the option to choose by framing them as immoral.


t1_j9q8a5p wrote

It's all about punishing women for enjoying sex.


t1_j9qilou wrote

It's to normalize a lack of choice for the population. Next it will be clothing choices or vaccines or crossing state lines.

It is also to counter the declining population in the worst way possible.

And finally, it's to keep people poor helping to create a permanent underclass. Preferably one that will view military service as a step up.


t1_j9qlzlp wrote

They'll outlaw birth control next. Then divorce.

President de santis will have his own theocracy.


t1_j9ruirt wrote

They’re already choosing clothing options the anti-trans bills the drag queen bills they’re telling people what they can and cannot wear now they just passed a bunch of them today


t1_j9uvh8c wrote

I find it odd you slipped vaccines in there when that’s for the overall good of a healthy society. We need people to stop the spread of diseases like polio, measles etc. it’s strange to me to lump that in with abortion rights and clothing choices.


t1_j9s5ha2 wrote

It’s also about destabilizing their lives so much that they’re dependent on their baby daddy and don’t get ideas about things and start voting Democrat. Oh and the future child-run meat packing plants. Wish that were hyperbole.


t1_j9p539s wrote

That there is the problem though. The republicans judges don’t have two brain cells between them. All they care about is muh religion and imposing it on everyone else. We should call this next generation the Dobbs generation as a middle finger to the republicans.


t1_j9qs7v2 wrote

Hey now the TN state legislature is BUSY. They just passed a bill to ban drag shows. They ain't got time to deal with vulnerable children!


t1_j9pcosx wrote

As a burned out CPS Investigator, this could be a lot worse than you think.

All CPS organizations are on a state level, so there are 50 different ways of doing things, but as I understand it, my state is pretty common.

Our model is designed to churn through social workers because it’s a prestigious job in Social Work, but it’s a nightmare to actually do. Instead of having support, enough staffing for manageable caseloads, and a quality workforce, it’s a lot easier to just churn through social workers.

The average entire career of a CPS Social Worker in my state is 9 months. I learned this from my state’s #2 position at DCYF. They’re well aware this is the model. I was the most senior member of my unit after 6 months on the job.

95% of our calls are bullshit; usually just a crazy misunderstanding, but often someone with a grudge calls in something stupidly too. The 5% where we have a safety threat takes up 75% of the job.

Allllllllll those unwanted babies could easily break the entire system. The courts are going to get slammed with dependency cases. Social Workers are going to get churned through at an insane rate.

We’ve been neglecting the safety net for a long time. A LOT of babies are going to fall right through.


t1_j9pgsqt wrote

Nobody is prepared for this. I doubt red states will do anything to help either sadly.


t1_j9pvitp wrote

I suspect a lot of babies are going to end up in public bathrooms where there aren't any cameras.


t1_j9q5oku wrote

It makes me think of the picture of a kid during Lyndon B. Johnson's "war on poverty" (Life). This kind of poverty never went away, but retrograde anti-abortion policies are set to make it even more common.


t1_j9q9xfh wrote

I’m in school to be a social worker. I want to work with kids, but I couldn’t handle CPS. I feel overwhelmed just reading this article


t1_j9qkrhs wrote

I have a friend who is a school counselor at a school for “poorly behaved” kids. 90% of the time they’re “poorly behaved” because their home life is shit. She absolutely loves her job and has helped kids who otherwise would never graduate get their diplomas. She got her masters in social work or something similar, but that’s an option too to help disadvantaged kids.


t1_j9phxla wrote

It’s like no one reads history. The Romanian orphanage scandals aren’t that long ago. When the Ceausescu regime in Romania banned abortion and birth control in an attempt to raise the population levels they ended up with hundreds of thousands of kids their families couldn’t afford to feed.

Those hundreds of thousands has babies that turned into millions of kids clogging the underfunded state orphanages, kicked out at 18 with no education, no social skills and no prospects. Crime, drug use and related issues skyrocketed.

They moved into the sewer system for shelter and promptly started popping out babies of their own. In the sewers.

It’s a human rights nightmare to this day.


t1_j9qyyps wrote

Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.

Those who do study history are doomed to watch the first group repeat it.


t1_j9r57oz wrote

This is why I wake up depressed every fucking morning. Half the world is made up of morons, a quarter are psycho/sociopaths, and the quarter with the right mix of brains and a functioning moral compass are too powerless to do anything.


t1_j9ro7h7 wrote

I remember watching a movie about that: “4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days”. Brutal.


t1_j9qmcil wrote

Ladies. If you are a veteran and need an abortion you can go to the VA. Doesn’t matter what state. It’s a federal agency and not at all bound by state laws.


t1_j9sha5m wrote

DoD also just put out some new guidance for active service members.


t1_j9tujp0 wrote

There’s a six month wait list unfortunately.


t1_j9u32cr wrote

I’ve always been able to go directly in and be seen. Hell I got stung on the ass by a bee and I went in and was seen directly. There’s a lot of misinformation about the VA it seems. I always hear the worst things. But in real life they have always been incredibly prompt.


t1_j9p58dw wrote

The one thing all the anti-abortion laws have in common is that they failed to consider what will happen to increased number of babies and how many of them will end up in the adoption system they didn't consider so didn't give extra funding to.


t1_j9pv4kh wrote

They assume (correctly) that most of these children will be kept by the birth mother at minimum, or forced to be kept if a birth father intervenes.

The parents will pay child support and continue to live in whatever shitty situation they were in when they had the baby, the baby will always be a source of contempt even if loved, and then it will grow up to be a good little soldier or worker.

That's why despite all their blustering, adoption is NOT put front and center as an option. That was only brought up when women could still consider abortion, as a deterrent. Now the option will only be brought up if the mother aggressively pursues it.


t1_j9phh3j wrote

I thought the one thing they all have in common is shame the single mom. These smug sons of bitches, so goddamned high and mighty, look down on the women. Pro-life indeed.


t1_j9pnurn wrote

Republican politicians absolutely considered that. They just expect those poor kids born to people who don’t want them to join the military. Gotta feed the machine baby.


t1_j9qd1qy wrote

"Child Services in Disarray"

Tennessee: "Abolish the inadequate DCS! Give the money to churches!"

It's part of the plan


t1_j9phmj4 wrote

Abortion will remain illegal in red states as long as wealthy women can still travel to blue states. This allows those in power to reap the benefit of appearing tough on the issue without having it personally impact them or their family.


t1_j9pnt2s wrote

It can still personally impact them and their families. There is no time to travel to a blue state when you are hemorrhaging from a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.


t1_j9qg3xm wrote

Alabama is flirting with using the chemical endangerment law to go after mothers who have a drug induced abortion in a different state.


t1_j9tezib wrote

Alabama is also talking about a new bill to make abortion murder.


t1_j9qg024 wrote

People coming from red states to blue states shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion for 5 years. /s


t1_j9ql4an wrote

It’s simple really, build big dorms at meat packing plants, maybe some more at the Honda plant. Circle of life, Arbeit macht frei…/s


t1_j9q2f8s wrote

It's almost like the amount of real suffering of sentient people created by banning abortion is much much more than the suffering of an abortion of a fetus. And you KNOW these idiots who voted for these politicians are not all standing up to become foster parents. 'we value life until it's born.'


t1_j9s3usc wrote

The inevitable outcome was that states would be overwhelmed by babies given up by women forced into giving birth when incapable of caring for an infant. The next inevitable tragedy will be states unable to financially sustain a foster care system bringing back the orphanage system to warehouse babies ,many who will grow up with no family . Children were cherry picked from orphanages to suit the needs of the people shopping ,taking the "best" first and some sadly taken for no other reason to become babysitters or a labor source . Physical and sexual abuse was also a sad consequence of the orphanage system.


t1_j9pdwsv wrote

I wonder what will happen with crime rates?


t1_j9q788h wrote

The article answers that already.

>In that environment, it’s not surprising that foster kids face a highly disproportionate risk of being incarcerated. Tennessee has a strong foster-to-prison pipeline

That phrase being present tense is pretty telling.


t1_j9qfa2i wrote

I wonder if TN is one of the states that permits forced labor of prisoners for $.10 an hour. If it is, there is a pretty clear economic incentive for them to keep that pipeline flowing.


OP t1_j9qkb1n wrote

TN is the home state of the private prison industry. That’s not a coincidence.


t1_j9rp75s wrote

Numerous studies have given credence to the idea that crime rates began to drop precipitously in the mid-90s because there were less unwanted children born following the Roe decision in 1973. We're setting ourselves up for a crime wave in about 18 years from now.


t1_j9qholb wrote

The cruelty is the point though. Republicans love this.


t1_j9teazu wrote

Many of us who support abortion rights said this scenario would happen. Pro-birthers want all these babies born, yet rant about them when they and the parents end up on welfare or using other social programs seen as "entitlement." While completely ignoring the broken foster care system and the babies, children, and teens part of it. Now more babies will end up in foster care or run the risk of being abandoned because of Republicans and their need to control and oppress women through their warped religious beliefs.


t1_j9rkwse wrote

What all these right wing republican zealots don’t understand is that they are creating a massive backlash that is going to haunt the GOP for the next generation. Unfortunately until sufficient anger builds and does it’s job lots of human lives are being damaged.


t1_j9rpfdc wrote

I wish I was being sarcastic, but I'm not. Many of the Republican's evangelical voters assume they will be raptured in the not too distant future and won't need to worry about the problems their bullshit is causing.


t1_j9tu1po wrote

They want more vulnerable children. They need them now that Epstein is dead.


t1_j9x7q0w wrote

Conservatives only give a shit about unborn children. Once they are born they might as well be thrown directly into an incinerator for all they care.