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D00bage t1_j7i3l1o wrote

The Allstate Mayhem guy is at it again


ranting_chef t1_j7i58rr wrote

I worked at a place where the valet guys would routinely take nice cars for a drive if they knew there was enough time. They leased space in a parking garage two blocks away, and it always struck me as a bit bizarre watching a guy drive off with someone's Porsche.


Big_D_Cyrus t1_j7ibttq wrote

Mama says they ornery cuz they got all them automobiles and no keys to start them with


Noisy_Toy t1_j7ilvn1 wrote

In most places valets are legally required to use secure off-street parking. If that kind of parking was available next to the restaurant instead of a few blocks away, the valet wouldn’t be needed.


creggieb t1_j7iwrlo wrote

How to make Mo money without using Yo money


tmrcz t1_j7j93jm wrote

in Toronto there was recently a series of thefts of Enterprise free-standing key drop-off boxes. I never really put two and two together - the cars and their keys in close proximity.


karibear909 t1_j7jbvm1 wrote

Sounds like they're doing prep work for the casino heist.


EnglishDutchman t1_j7jbx6x wrote

Serious: As a Brit, I’ve never quite understood the American fascination with valet parking. It does seem like a great way to get your car stolen or trashed. Why not just park your car yourself? I also thought the keys being stored outside in a box was a movie trope. I guess not? In which case how are valet-parked cars ever NOT stolen? You know the owner is inside for the duration. You know where the cars are parked and you can just walk up and take the keys. This seems hilariously silly.


J_Robert_Oofenheimer t1_j7jdoaf wrote

I was a valet for about five years through college and grad school. It's typically done for a few reasons. One being if it's a fancy dress event and the parking situation sucks. You can't have women in super fancy dresses and heels walking three blocks downtown in the rain to go to a wedding, or parking in the dirt lot and getting their nice clothes filthy, so you have them pull up right to the door then park for them.

The other reason is if the parking situation will require more cars than you have room for. I did a big event where we had like a lot with 30 spaces or something and we stuffed 80 cars in there. Took careful maneuvering to shove them all in there and then get them back out. The only way it would ever have been viable is if one person or persons were in control of ALL the cars.

As for the keys, typically we would have a person standing with the keys, plus the stand is locked. Most thieves aren't going to pick the thing up. It's heavy as shit.


NearlyDeadWeight t1_j7jeqpt wrote

Just to add to the other reply you already got, I would add that most Americans (including myself) don’t actually have a fascination with or even like valet at all…

I’d much rather park my own car and avoid the risks you described (as well as another tip), but in some venues I’m simply never given that option as valet is the only choice if you arrive by car.


Caveman108 t1_j7jmiod wrote

It’s just rich people shit. I’ve literally never done valet in my life. Don’t remember my parents using one besides one time at a nice hotel in big city, and that was only for check-in. Seriously not that common.


Touch_Of_Legend t1_j7jw1jn wrote

There are some hotels in the cities that requires valet parking because they have underground (secured) parking lots.

Customers/patrons are not allowed to drive on site.

Those hotels often have the parking charge (mandatory) on your bill so you’d see it ahead of time.


SpaceTabs t1_j7kb4bn wrote

That part of DC you're better off not taking a car. This is primarily for patrons that aren't from the area. Maybe they aren't comfortable with using the local garages. I frequent that area often, but either take the train or park much further away where it's safer and quieter.


nicetriangle t1_j7keqa7 wrote

Only the filthy rich like it. It's always overpriced and the only times I've used it, it was foisted on me by the hotel as the only parking method they offered. The general public generally hates valet, myself included.


UncommercializedKat t1_j7kfb94 wrote

Am American and hate valet. Nothing like paying $5 so you can wait 15 minutes for a valet to pull your car from a spot 30 feet away. (Some restaurants don't have self parking and are mandatory valet. Also street parking is by residential permit only for several blocks and public transport is a joke)

What's even better is when you valet your car and have one too many drinks and do the responsible thing and take an Uber home. Then when you get home you realize your house key is with the valet. Fun times.


Longjumping-Log1591 t1_j7kg1m9 wrote

new cars have a valet button that puts the car in limp mode and can't go over 10 mph


OnlyHuman1073 t1_j7mcg6n wrote

The bosses on the job would literally get the people that didn't know stick to drive the sticks, and stop after so long if it was a shitty learner and switch cars so they could either keep going or try someone else. They needed stick drivers, and perhaps they didn't want to be the only ones driving stick because sometimes it was a LOOOooooooong run to get their car in a neighborhood during a wedding. Man, so many good stories but I have a meeting, perhaps I will be back.