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Mumof3gbb t1_j84zkh6 wrote

I was interviewed for a job at a clothing store years ago and when asked what would I do if someone stole something I said Id chase them. He was like no! You never do that! I was shocked but now I understand. Weird question to ask a 20 year old though


AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j859lmr wrote

It makes sense to emphasize that to a young person just entering the workforce, though: They might not yet have developed the reflexive indifference that years of soul-crushing retail work imparts. (I got the same lecture myself when I was like 19 and attempted to prevent a shoplifting at the bookstore I was working at.)


lonehappycamper t1_j85dg9x wrote

It's not indifference. It's that your life and safety are worth more than anything anyone's stealing. If the store cares enough about theft, they'd hire trained security guards.


AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j85dxwx wrote

Oh, I agree with you 100%; I was more just making a broader, more snide joke about how terrible working retail can be.


GeraldBWilsonJr t1_j88t7h9 wrote

Just the other day at Dollar General:

Cashier: "Oop- That guy just walked out without paying!"

Manager: "Well you best get after him!"

Cashier: "Yeah we're not supposed to do that"

Was kind of funny but also pissed me off that she tried to make the guy run after the shoplifter


[deleted] t1_j85c11u wrote



AwesomeBrainPowers t1_j85dr2g wrote

  1. Retail workers aren't law enforcement and shouldn't be deputized into stopping property crime: Their physical safety is more important than the company's profit margin.

  2. Atlanta is a TV show, and that shouldn't be treated as empirical data to support any argument other than "Atlanta is some good TV".


Mumof3gbb t1_j85gk42 wrote

Ya honestly looking back at it i actually really appreciate how adamant he was that you NEVER chase someone. I thought I was being conscientious with my answer but he shut that down quickly. So I see now that place saw employees as more important than merchandise which is nice.


thefrankyg t1_j88r5qf wrote

I am not going to be injured or killed for products that the company I am working for has insurance on.

I wouldn't even stop stone from stealing money from a place Inworked in college. If they want money in the till, have at it, i.will help pack the bag for you. Again, they have insurance to replace what is stolen.