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ACosmicGumbo t1_ja09wea wrote

Not trying to downplay it or anything, but myself and most people in California literally don't feel 3s, let alone having it shake your bed. Maybe if you near the epicenter.


kaisertralfaz t1_ja0aynm wrote

The two ~4s that I can remember getting near Philly just felt like an 18 wheeler going by.


bloodmonarch t1_ja27tq2 wrote

Not distance. It typically depends on how "soft" the grounds are.

Cities build on solid rock foundation don't shake as much compared to those on looser soils.


5spd4wd t1_ja1vlgo wrote

No, we don't. The Sylmar CA quake of 6.5 is the my point of reference.


OceanCityBurrito t1_ja0g9bk wrote

yeah, anything less than 5 I don't even open my eyes for. Just a mild rumble.
