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y3llowhulk t1_j7xz9sy wrote

I like how people here never question anything the American government tells the public when it comes to rival nations but they simultaneously refuse to trust the U.S. government on every other topic.

It’s definitely possible there are spy capabilities in the balloon but the government could also just easily escalate it and claim they found an unexploded nuke inside and the entire country would call for war without ever seeing the contents.


Succulentmeditator t1_j86l4nt wrote

You must not have been in the US around the time of the Iraq invasion ramp up - we had the largest nationwide protests since the late 60’s/early 70’s. But you sure seem like a person eager to grind on Winnie the Poo’s lap.


ISmokeDatGreen t1_j7z27nv wrote

So many people are raised on and blinded by propaganda that they can’t even see it and it’s ridiculous. They focus so hard on other countries so you they have to deal with our country and it’s many problems, that’s what Americans best that.
