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PaleontologistClear4 t1_j9ypb9r wrote

I hope they get power back soon. And I just have to say, every time I think I'm sick and tired of living in the Pacific Northwest, I read about all the natural disasters, power outages, etc that happen pretty much everywhere else in the country but here, and I feel just a bit more comfortable staying here.


510granle t1_j9zm151 wrote

Until the eruption of Mt Hood


PaleontologistClear4 t1_j9zmf9p wrote

Fuck, you're right. I was only four or five years old and living in California when Mount Saint Helens blew so it's a bit far back in my memory; but I know Rainier is potentially due to go at any time. I probably just totally jinxed the PNW. 😂 Can I do a take back? LOL


Dt2_0 t1_ja0lnqf wrote

Until the Big One hits.