Submitted by Icewear_Daddy t3_112xefx in news
dougms t1_j8moge5 wrote
Tracking populations is difficult.
Even in the US, our census is only as accurate as the people reporting their households.
There will always be people missed or under reported. Either ignoring the census, off grid or intentionally ignoring it.
We probably do pretty good, but who knows the actual number.
[deleted] t1_j8mosmr wrote
YuviManBro t1_j8mqedn wrote
Census was postponed due to covid, will take place shortly. Let’s not sensationalize
[deleted] t1_j8mr3e8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mr8kz wrote
Maxcr1 t1_j8mrqb0 wrote
People, especially westerners, don't realize just how diverse and complex India is. Officials aren't even sure how many languages and ethnic groups exist within India. The complexity is incredible.
Try getting people to fill out a census form and mail it back to you when they speak a language that you don't even know exists, and there's only an ~80% chance they know how to write (India has a tragic, major literacy problem which is being worsened by the objectively terrible Modi government)
Runaround46 t1_j8mtdc1 wrote
Wait you're saying there are people that are speaking languages in India that no one has ever heard of before?
wwishie t1_j8mv8g4 wrote
Officially it's 4 metric shittons.
DepartmentOk5431 t1_j8mwp04 wrote
They already are the most populous. As of January this year.
VintageJane t1_j8mwqjp wrote
From my understanding it’s less that and more that when does a dialect become so distinct that it’s it’s own language? In English we have some dialects that are so distinct that if you don’t speak English, you would never be able to tell the root language. Think that really deep English/French/Southern Louisiana creole accent. Now imagine you are a government official who speaks Arabic and a little bit of English and goes to a village with that dialect. Can you communicate?
CanadianDiver t1_j8mxv2z wrote
Based on youtube videos, they lose a significant population due to dumbassery almost daily.
xerafin t1_j8mxvvk wrote
But we needses clickses, precious…
Runaround46 t1_j8myft3 wrote
Oh wow so they can't read and any official coming to record on their behalf can't communicate. Wow just wow, that is a mess.
ranhalt t1_j8n0jfq wrote
> no one has ever heard of
Except the people that speak it.
[deleted] t1_j8n0zhc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n1oss wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n2a1j wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n2ogm wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n2r30 wrote
Cormetz t1_j8n4vtk wrote
One Problem with your example is Arabic not spoken as a primary language in India at all. The Muslim population speaks the local languages of their area but might speak Arabic for religious reasons at times.
therealdannyking t1_j8n4xeh wrote
I remember my linguistics professor telling us that a language is just a dialect with a military.
[deleted] t1_j8n5i5t wrote
jaxinpdx t1_j8n5jzy wrote
There are some creepy measures that the US takes to try and track/count the homeless population. Teams will go into forests with night vision goggles to find people. Others will follow homeless folks back to their encampment.
jaxinpdx t1_j8n5tf6 wrote
Kind of like Rio de Plata Spanish in Uruguay. Totally different than other Spanish. A tricky hybrid of Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, and French. It really should be considered a stand alone language.
[deleted] t1_j8n6wao wrote
[deleted] t1_j8n73ww wrote
nhomewarrior t1_j8n7d2q wrote
Uhh, considering they don't know how many people there are, we don't know either..
[deleted] t1_j8n8rpf wrote
itsallthesamejames t1_j8nai8z wrote
Let's not sensationalize, it's not that malicious. But yes, many cities typically do a count of the homeless. New York City just did theirs in January. While I realize that pretty much nowhere is doing enough for the unhoused, this count does give the municipalities an idea of where the unhoused are congregating and how many people are in each area, which helps the city and nonprofits determine where to best use the resources they *do* have to distribute.
There are no paramilitary teams just secretly sweeping forests and encampments, forcing people out of hiding. I imagine it's more so to get a count without actually disturbing people who do not want to be bothered at a time when they are likely to be stationary and congregated so as to get the most accurate information.
dba1990 t1_j8narhl wrote
The frightening thing is that China, the nation India surpassed/will surpass as the world’s most populous, is projecting a population decline after decades of ‘One Child’ and their middle-class improving. India meanwhile will still be seeing explosive population numbers with no signs of decline anytime soon.
[deleted] t1_j8naxwk wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nbcne wrote
Sqantoo t1_j8ndz5b wrote
Don’t give this dog tier article clicks.
mansnothot69420 t1_j8ne0q2 wrote
Of all the problems that you can blame our current govt for, seriously? Education? How are they objectively worsening the literacy rate?
What's wrong with NEP? Are you pissed that more courses will be also be taught in Hindi?
If anything, blame them for waiting so long conduct a census. It's been over a year after COVID had subsided in our country. If we can conduct all kinds of rallies around the country throughout the year, we damn well can conduct a census.
edingerc t1_j8ner6z wrote
India: We have the most populous nation on earth! Also India: Wait, we have the most populous nation on earth…
stickyWithWhiskey t1_j8nfwwy wrote
Don't worry, this is Reddit. Nobody is clicking on the article link.
[deleted] t1_j8nhhmw wrote
_ALPHAMALE_ t1_j8nj6yy wrote
I am thinking government is avoiding it until atleast 2024 elections. Considering it's 2023 and they haven't taken any significant measures in direction of conducting it.
[deleted] t1_j8nkqwl wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nl8vh wrote
TheMoogster t1_j8nm88f wrote
A country based on census does not know how many people it has (cough US cough)
McRedditz t1_j8nmbqk wrote
Easy, do a count off … 1!
[deleted] t1_j8nprvd wrote
[deleted] t1_j8nqrw2 wrote
Ghost273552 t1_j8nseaw wrote
The issue is really that they don’t know how to appropriately distribute funds.
americanadiandrew t1_j8nvybm wrote
NarrMaster t1_j8nxt9s wrote
How many lahks and crores is that?
wallygator88 t1_j8nyhx3 wrote
India desperately needs something along the lines of a one child policy tied into social benefits/ration card/taxes. It's gone past the point where womens education and sex education can help.
Of course, no government will end up doing this because of votes.
schloopschloopmcgoop t1_j8nz8r2 wrote
They're all in Canada now
[deleted] t1_j8nzvhw wrote
Curious_Planeswalker t1_j8o3392 wrote
>India meanwhile will still be seeing explosive population numbers with no signs of decline anytime soon.
India is already at the replacement rate
[deleted] t1_j8o5u2m wrote
JohnGillnitz t1_j8o8tgv wrote
That's why we have the KISS Army to protect the language of Rock 'n Roll.
onioning t1_j8o9a2i wrote
Well, not "no one." That's impossible. The speaker has definitely heard it.
Tangential but fun fact: something like 20% of the world's languages come from Papua New Guinea. The geography is such there that it's largely made up of isolated valleys which has allowed the languages to remain distinct.
[deleted] t1_j8o9pcc wrote
onioning t1_j8o9prb wrote
The facts do not support this position. The facts demonstrate that the population in India is plateauing. Were they to take steps to limit growth they would likely go into decline (and also that's evil).
HardlyDecent t1_j8o9yoj wrote
"We beat China! No need to keep counting boys--we did it!"
wallygator88 t1_j8obqel wrote
Mind linking me to the data you've looked at?
Totally happy to change my opinion, if true.
WolfThick t1_j8ocqsf wrote
Indian official commented you try counting that many people.
onioning t1_j8ocs3g wrote
Median estimate is peaking at 1.7 billion by the mid 2060s. High estimate is 2 billion. Low estimate is that it falls to 1 billion.
[deleted] t1_j8odvac wrote
GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8ofjk9 wrote
I ignore the census people
mhornberger t1_j8ofqzq wrote
Some countries are more rough groupings than cohesive units. The westphalian nation-state isn't always a perfect fit for how the world works. I've visited a number of places where what people identify as starts with caste, religion, region, and maybe nationality is somewhere down that list.
[deleted] t1_j8oibgm wrote
VanDenBroeck t1_j8ojt15 wrote
I’m not sure how many countries know the real number of people it has, especially any one of the more heavily populated ones.
[deleted] t1_j8ok54d wrote
VanDenBroeck t1_j8ok969 wrote
And that’s fine if you don’t care if your state gets credit for its population and does not have the proper number of representatives and electoral votes.
[deleted] t1_j8okq3u wrote
General_Promotion347 t1_j8olcz7 wrote
And lots and lots of birth control.
[deleted] t1_j8oliye wrote
GrizzyLizz t1_j8om8b7 wrote
What a stupid and blatant lie. India's population growth has come down to replacement level and should ideally stay there so as to not have too few working people in the next generation.
GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8omjb3 wrote
You’re right I don’t care. We don’t need more shitty politicians
[deleted] t1_j8oqfyk wrote
OiVeyM8 t1_j8osjdt wrote
Try sending those to the Sentinelese.
humanbot69420 t1_j8otquj wrote
you're on a US centered news subreddit, move along, don't expect nuance here, especially for India lol
Pallasite t1_j8ouhx2 wrote
Yeah but this isn't really what India is like. It has this long English history and unity as a country. Lots of people speak English to do business within the country and because of lingering colonial heritage.
urkldajrkl t1_j8ow237 wrote
I’m going with “too many”
VintageJane t1_j8oxrxv wrote
My example wasn’t for India. I went for Arabic as a language in my example that has nothing more than some words in common with English (the “technical” language being spoken in Louisiana Creole) as opposed to being a root language (German or Latin) or language with shared root (French or Italian).
The point being that in India, the government official may speak two of the common languages of the country (one natively and the other regional language functionally) and if the person they are attempting to communicate with is speaking a weird bastardized version of the latter language (sorry Louisianans) which has very little in common with the language you speak fluently then it can be very difficult to decipher.
veerKg_CSS_Geologist t1_j8oylws wrote
Actually, the scale of the delay in conducting the census is quite important and well worth noting. The last census was 2011 and given the government hasn't even begun the process of starting the new one, it's likely to be late 2024 before one happens and 2025 or even 2026 before the results.
[deleted] t1_j8p3pdw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8p4bja wrote
wallygator88 t1_j8p4oii wrote
Go on, enlighten me - I'm all ears.
Keylime29 t1_j8p9ggy wrote
So they could already be the most populous nation, and not know it
VanDenBroeck t1_j8pa667 wrote
Then don’t vote for republicans.
HurricaneAlpha t1_j8pbomv wrote
Aaron earns an iron urn. Except times 10.
GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8pgif5 wrote
Both sides are pretty shitty if you haven’t realized yet
VintageJane t1_j8phcak wrote
Arryn compre un iron urn
Sometimes_Stutters t1_j8psv4i wrote
Find out how many piano tuners are in India, and you’ll probably be able to get a good estimate on the total population.
[deleted] t1_j8ptdet wrote
deeptimeswimmer t1_j8pwjhg wrote
Why is wanting the worlds most overpopulated countries population to go down, evil?! When you have an environment stressed by too many people, (which is, in fact, a thing), it’s only moral to want to have less people around.
People are starving for fucks sake. Any attempt to develop an infrastructure (to improve the citizens quality of life) gets instantly crushed under the sheer numbers of poor, hapless people who try to use it.
India (and indeed, Earth in general) needs to have one-tenth of its current population. And I am not talking about causing deaths. I’m talking about family planning and birth control.
Euripidoze t1_j8pz996 wrote
I dunno. With over a billion people, by the time you finish counting it’s probably changed by a half million anyway
onioning t1_j8q0418 wrote
> When you have an environment stressed by too many people, (which is, in fact, a thing)
No. This is untrue. Not only is it not true, it is a billion miles from being true.
It is true that current consumption habits are grossly unsustainable. But it's the consumption habits that are the problem, not people's desire to exist. We are absolutely capable of ensuring the prosperity of all people on Earth and many many many many more while being fully sustainable.
For real though. No one with relevant expertise disagrees with those statements. The idea that we just can't support everyone is capitalist garbage. It blames those with the least capital and offers them up as sacrifice so that we all get our own cars.
>People are starving for fucks sake.
Not because we can't make enough food. Because we can't extract sufficient wealth from them to justify giving them food. There is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone. It is fundamentally not an issue of production. It's an issue of economic exploitation.
>’m talking about family planning and birth control.
You're taking about removing people's right to control their own reproduction. That's powerfully wrong. It's also completely unnecessary and won't in any way achieve the goal you want, but regardless it's very, very wrong. It's just fundamentally untrue that we have an overpopulation problem, and pretty much every qualified expert agrees that there will never come a time when overpopulation becomes an issue.
SerenaYasha t1_j8q3y4a wrote
Bad joke: ask the Chinese to count them.
[deleted] t1_j8q56xy wrote
Revolutionary_Eye887 t1_j8q6add wrote
I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
Delightful_Debutant t1_j8q82xc wrote
Both sides bad is a lazy position. Can you articulate why?
[deleted] t1_j8qawjo wrote
GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8qbsbr wrote
They’re all corporate puppets
Professional_Show918 t1_j8qc3et wrote
And we trust them with making our pharmaceuticals.
[deleted] t1_j8qj1o5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8qm6hj wrote
[deleted] t1_j8qma8l wrote
[deleted] t1_j8qtxdm wrote
[deleted] t1_j8qzx9h wrote
[deleted] t1_j8r00zv wrote
jyper t1_j8r0ot7 wrote
Ethnic identity is complex and political is group A a subgroup of group B or a different group altogether? What if different members disagree? Similarly whether something is a language or a dialect is also fairly political.
[deleted] t1_j8r62xh wrote
Vagabondsoul_ t1_j8r6r0v wrote
Real healthcare reform ... free condoms and pills for EVERYONE!
[deleted] t1_j8rmlj0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8vs04f wrote
[deleted] t1_j8wshw0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8mnezu wrote