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illy-chan t1_j7ztr8h wrote

To be honest, while it makes sense, part of me is more surprised to hear of it being icey/snowy.

Usually, I hear "Death Valley" and think "boiling hot."


boxer_dogs_dance OP t1_j7zvcok wrote

In California, mountains get snow, even in Death Valley. But I understand your perspective. January really is a good time to visit Death Valley if you aren't stupid about how you do it.


twoeightnine t1_j805zfm wrote

Telescope Peak is twice as high as Denver. Dante's View is 200' above Denver.


NoahtheRed t1_j816hze wrote

It's really only that lower SE section below and to the west of 190 that's significantly below sea level, too. Honestly, most of Death Valley National Park is mountainous AF.


89141 t1_j80p0rk wrote

Telescope peak is on the west side of the valley which gets more snow and precipitation than the east side. It’s also over 11,000 feet.