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55855585 t1_j94462w wrote

Maybe they feel unable to provide enough security to guarantee his safety and the safety of other attendees. "Ban" is the word he used, which I think overplays it a bit. Usually a ban is for poor behavior (see: Will Smith) and that is not the case here.

>He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that they had tickets to the event, but the invite was withdrawn based on advice from UK police.

>Mr Grozev added, however, that in recent weeks he has received "numerous alerts from different law enforcement agencies around Europe that there is credible evidence that my life is in danger".


OcotilloWells t1_j96eg2s wrote

That makes sense, with the police in the article stating that they don't have the authority to ban anyone from the event. They could definitely say that the existing security isn't enough if certain people were attending though.