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[deleted] t1_ja69b1p wrote



bronet t1_ja7c75s wrote

I'm not getting the feeling this was a planned or intentional attack though?


DJ_Moore_2 t1_ja8hxvl wrote

It wasn’t, redditors just have major hard-ons for “justice” even when something was far from intentional.


psychicsword t1_ja80as2 wrote

Some jurisdictions use the word manslaughter for the crime we often call second degree murder. They can be interchangeable.

I am not sure about this specific charge but it is possible that is what is happening.


[deleted] t1_ja6d17j wrote



TzarKazm t1_ja6fy7d wrote

Wrong guy. This incident happened yesterday.


aShittierShitTier4u t1_ja6h00j wrote

It's a pattern that lots of people engage in.


VerticalYea t1_ja6sxuf wrote

What, time travel?


ZZZ-Top t1_ja6cvrn wrote

This is literally why I ride with a gun, it's definitely saved my ass on two occasions.


FloofBagel t1_ja6pmmp wrote

Lmaoooooo big man over here thinks he will have time to pull out his gun as he is getting run over by a car


venerablevegetable t1_ja6qcfp wrote

They don't want to meet the grim reaper unarmed.


FloofBagel t1_ja6qher wrote

The grim reaper is already dead the fuck is a gun gonna help lmao


Abrahamlinkenssphere t1_ja6rgvi wrote

Maybe he will say “hey, that’s a cool gun!” And let you live another five minutes while you explain it to him.


FloofBagel t1_ja6rxx8 wrote

The grim reaper likes scythes though


CrazyLlama71 t1_ja6l64r wrote

Gun isn’t going to help you at all in a situation like this. You likely won’t even see the dude coming until it’s far too late.


Arb3395 t1_ja772nx wrote

Nah they will to a flip off the hood of the car and while performing the flip fire two shots into the engine block to stop the car. Of course they barely stick the landing though cause nobody is perfect and flips are hard


[deleted] t1_ja7isa3 wrote



venerablevegetable t1_ja7n9jk wrote

From the url it seems like if your comment was in response to a post about that incident it would have been less invalid.


[deleted] t1_ja7is27 wrote



CrazyLlama71 t1_ja83q44 wrote

Thanks for proving my point. Driver hits cyclist and in retaliation another cyclist shoots driver. Didn’t stop the cyclist from getting hit.


[deleted] t1_ja857ud wrote



17times2 t1_ja86ito wrote

> Driver hits cyclist and in retaliation another cyclist shoots driver. Didn’t stop the cyclist from getting hit.

Nothing about this changed in the 2nd article.

> Downvote away



[deleted] t1_ja87p9i wrote



17times2 t1_ja88dz6 wrote

> He stopped himself... from being hit when the driver returned.

Demonstrably false, according to the article. The driver not hitting him was why he was able to shoot in the first place.

> He stopped... others from being hit when the driver returned.

Demonstrably false, according to the article. There were no others with them.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ja6t8qn wrote

Bro, bullets do not have enough momentum to stop a vehicle. You generally can’t shoot a crash away.


reaqtion t1_ja7frh7 wrote

No, he's carrying the ridiculous gun from the Joker except it's a railgun powered by fairy dust and he's not just stopping the car but launching himself and his bicycle into low earth orbit.


[deleted] t1_ja7islv wrote



17times2 t1_ja86sly wrote

You're just going to paste this useless article over and over, regardless of the context of who you're responding to?


MBThree t1_ja7ds43 wrote

.45 ACP stopping power bro


FlowRiderBob t1_ja6tizd wrote

There are situations in which having a gun can help you. This isn't one of those situations.


Substantial-Pass-992 t1_ja6yspi wrote

It'd be a very effective (albeit expensive) skid plate I guess. I mean, if you happen to slide in the right spot.


code_archeologist t1_ja6ebba wrote

I feel like I need to carry just when crossing the street in the cross walk as a pedestrian. Some of these motherfuckers drive like they have a license to kill.


Nopes_alot_ t1_ja6hjb8 wrote

They do. Happens all the time, usually no charges at all.


YWGguy t1_ja7le2v wrote

Lmao one hand on the trigger, one on your handlebars. Whatta way to ride !


DJ_Moore_2 t1_ja8i37v wrote

Omg you’re such a cool badass motherfucker


asdaaaaaaaa t1_ja83fa2 wrote

Yeah, your gun will really stop a car. You do realize if you start shooting/threatening at someone, I'd be betting they'd want to run you down irregardless for their own safety. I wouldn't blame them either, there's not many scenarios where introducing a gun actually helps your safety. Especially when you're so sure of yourself, you seem like the type of person to flash a gun because someone cut you off.


GeekFurious t1_ja75524 wrote

Based on what I'm reading, this doesn't seem like a targeted attack. More like careless driving. That's why he's being charged with manslaughter.


doitroygsbre t1_ja7jt5m wrote

He's also being charged with three counts of aggrivated assault (basically intentionally attacking a person with a weapon , most likely the truck in this instance).

Charging him with assault should require intention. Of course police file the charges, and the prosecutor can amend them as more details come to light. There isn't exactly a lot to go on in the reporting I've seen.

I hope this isn't a case of road rage or intentionally targeting a large group of cyclists. I don't like losing my faith in humanity, but I can't just write this off as a tragic accident either.


GeekFurious t1_ja7r0f7 wrote

> He's also being charged with three counts of aggrivated assault

If he said he was fucking around and meant to "scare" someone and accidentally lost control this would be a reasonable charge without him intentionally meaning to hit anyone.


psychicsword t1_ja80koe wrote

Just attempting to scare someone us by itself assault. The act of carrying out that threat is battery.


NetworkLlama t1_ja8ow9f wrote

Depends on the state. Assault covers both in some states.


Panzerdrek t1_jabj1c4 wrote

That's the common law tort definition. For various reasons lots of states call what would be a battery as a tort an assault under criminal statutes.


doitroygsbre t1_ja7xowc wrote

I'm not sure which is worse: doing it out of anger or out of complete disregard


GeekFurious t1_ja7xvyz wrote

For the law, it is always worse when you do it intentionally/plan it out.

For the victims & their loved ones... not sure. Maybe it doesn't matter.


commandrix t1_ja900s1 wrote

Either way, it ended with two people getting killed and eleven people getting hurt. That's the result, regardless of whether it was intentional or not.


pm_me_ur_pharah t1_ja859oc wrote

how can it be anything but a targeted rage attack? You don't just "oh whoopsie" into 13+ people.


doitroygsbre t1_ja86y35 wrote

I've been driving for a number of years. I've seen people doing their makeup, eating, trimming their fingernails, shaving, and reading (all before self driving cars were a possibility). And of course, drunk, drugged, driving while exhausted, or texting are all a possibility.

It is unlikely that the truck driver drove into the cyclists without at least knowing that they were there, but there is a possibility that he was just unfit to operate a motor vehicle.

Edit: just to add ... as a cyclist, I've been pushed off the road by drivers, and I've had a tanker truck blow their horn at me while passing mere inches from my handlebars at 60mph ... fuck cars, but I'd like to hope that most drivers aren't out to kill us for not driving.


cwmoo740 t1_ja92xrr wrote

People absolutely do that. A few weeks ago I was almost taken off my bike when someone ran a red light because she leaned all the way over into the passenger footwell space to retrieve her phone from her purse while she was still moving towards the intersection. She was still going ~10mph and took her foot off the brake entirely and put her head below the dash. People take their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel for like ~10 sec to fiddle with their phones, which is a lifetime while traveling at 100km/h.


[deleted] t1_ja8v2bo wrote



GeekFurious t1_ja8vmt5 wrote

All I said was that it didn't seem like a "targeted attack" which would be a different charge. Meaning, he didn't get in his car that day to drive over a bunch of people on bikes. Something happened at the moment and he acted recklessly and caused deaths.


durgadurgadurg t1_ja7lein wrote

What ever happened to the teen who tried rolling coal on a group of cyclists but ended up hitting them instead? Did he get afluenzaed out of his charges? Well Connected teen finally charged after mowing down cyclists


Riff_Ralph t1_ja7x0km wrote

And that article is almost 18 months old. I haven’t been able to find out if there has been any further action regarding prosecuting that idiot. I have a funny feeling that charges will be swept under the rug eventually.


[deleted] t1_ja7y32e wrote



PazDak t1_ja8hy2r wrote

Charged and went to court and guilty are very different topics... Probably easy for a well connected kid to be told ... "Hey we have to charge you because of this, but your under 18 so your name won't be in it... but we are going to make an accident in the paperwork and you will walk away"


TheKerpowski t1_ja9z8cx wrote

Idk if you’ve ever met triathletes before, but I’m guessing there was at least one lawyer in that group. These are highly driven people who spend their free time exercising like maniacs. If the kid isn’t charged, he’ll be sued into the poor house along with his parents.


Ed_Durr t1_jaa0rmv wrote

I am a triathlete, this is accurate. Go to any triathlon and check out the parking. An awful lot of BMWs, Audis, and Teslas in attendance.


PazDak t1_jacatjy wrote

Yeah it is kind of weird... Probably the same mindset that tells a person they need to do an IronMan is probably the same mindset to get to high paying jobs.


maralagosinkhole t1_ja802r1 wrote

I really hope we don't know anything because he was a minor when he injured six cyclists, but I have no faith in the system when it comes to wealthy, well connected criminals.


PazDak t1_ja8i4j7 wrote

The problem with the US Legal System is that you are both a Minor and not a Minor in cases like this... Just comes down to a few small details...


robodestructor444 t1_ja6r7s1 wrote

Fucking car drivers always getting away killing people, especially cyclists.


stew9703 t1_ja7g6tn wrote

Its a giant machine that you are nearly forced by societial pressures, such of needing a job and house prices around that job, to use. Not only that he stayed at the scene after the collision he was at fault of, and he is bei g charged with manslaughter. 2 charges of it most likely. There is no way he is just getting away with it and theres no way driving a car is like the blessed faction you're making it out to be.


thoughtsofmadness t1_ja8u3it wrote

>There is no way he is just getting away with it and theres no way driving a car is like the blessed faction you're making it out to be.

I agree with you on the first part, but not the second. Plenty of times drivers get away with seriously hurting or maiming people in "accidents"


rolsskk t1_jaaam3s wrote

Unfortunately, more likely than not, he’ll get away with it. A careless driver drove over two cyclists in Miami and the cops just shrugged and called it all a “tragic accident.”


Brainmouth t1_jacvb09 wrote

You are not forced to drive, nor are you forced to drive an SUV. You can choose to live closer to work, near public transit, etc. The $500 you’re saving on rent or mortgage living further from work is just funding your death machine anyway.


stew9703 t1_jacwhah wrote

Considering the car bill is 126 a month and gas is about 50 every two weeks? The extra 500 I save going toward my own mortgage rather than going 100% into the pocket of a landlord is going much further than you think.


Brainmouth t1_jadk3a5 wrote

Why not buy near work rather than rent?


stew9703 t1_jadzdt6 wrote

House prices are nearly doubled at biking distances.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_ja838zr wrote

Freakonimics did a podcast episode about your point. It is called The Perfect Crime.

Definitely worth listening to. Bottom line, if you are a pedestrian or cyclist and get killed by a driver, in most cases, don't expect them to serve any jail time.


GroundbreakingDot961 t1_ja7mjwl wrote

I’m a pool guy I drive on this road almost everyday. This is a road I have always said something like this is going to happen. The drivers that are on this road go at least 15 over at a minimum speed limit is 45 and everyone does at least 60. The bridge is also located at the bottom of a twisty desert road. The saddest thing about this is that about 70% of the people driving and speeding on this road are law enforcement officers. The homes they live in are at the top of the hill.


tronaldmcdump t1_ja7p707 wrote

>I’m a pool guy

Was kind of expecting this to be relevant lol.


islet_deficiency t1_ja7ve6p wrote

It's a job that likely entails a lot of driving around their community, so it's a little relevant. They may be driving this road at different times of day as well. That probably makes a good sample of experiences from which to draw their conclusions.


FSDLAXATL t1_ja9qni5 wrote

Can confirm. Was a pool guy in the 1980s, I knew the LA/Orange county grid like the back of my hand when I was done 2 years later. Drove all over the place at least 4 hours per day from pool to pool. Thomas Guides for the win.


poofynamanama2 t1_jadsoi5 wrote

If he knew shit I was interested in, he wouldn't be a fucking pool guy!


thisonesforthetoys t1_ja7qsk6 wrote

>The bridge is also located at the bottom of a twisty desert road. The saddest thing about this is that about 70% of the people driving and speeding on this road are law enforcement officers. The homes they live in are at the top of the hill.

As a guy who lives right behind where this accident occurred(and hiked the hill to look down on it Saturday), I call BS on almost everything you say except the 'everyone does 60'. There's 1 'twist/shift' before the bridge heading northbound(incident occurred on SB side, right about along the halfway point of it). Loosely according to your stats 70% of EMR residents are LEO. Umm, no.


Destinlegends t1_ja7hotk wrote

It’s always the pickup drivers.


ThatSpecialAgent t1_ja86ccp wrote

Shit like this really drives home the fact that we need to take some serious looks at our drivers license laws and requirements.

Specifically in AZ where this took place, the standard license doesnt expire for what feels like forever. My drivers license, as an example, is good through 2060. I have friends who have licenses that dont expire until 2065.

While cars are generally getting safer, many are also getting substantially heavier, especially as electric vehicles push into the market. It is batshit crazy to me that you dont need a commercial license (or a special license of some sort) to drive something like the new electric hummer, which has a curb weight of 9,063 lbs (a ford f150 weighs about 5,000 lbs by comparison). You can make any standard car as safe as you want, but if you get hit by someone texting in a 10k lb vehicle going 50 mph, you are probably fucked.

Living in Phoenix, the amount of careless driving I see every day is terrifying. People text and drive, run reds, brake check, etc and pay no mind to the fact that they are literally operating heavy machinery.

Glad there are charges being pressed, but damn it would be nice if there was a serious push to make people safer, not just vehicles. Eye-tracking in cars to detect when a driver is texting, more stringent license requirements and more specific categories based on vehicle weight, not just application, are some examples of things that could seriously reduce the amount of incidents that happen as a result of carelessness.


NGC3992 t1_ja8iini wrote

I’ve actually seen an AZ license with the expiration year of 3019. I thought it was just a typo on the card, but that’s how it also appeared in the AZDMV database.


SteelPaladin1997 t1_ja96lhl wrote

The default AZ license (not the RealID compliant one) expires when the holder turns 65, so that's still a screw up unless that person hasn't been born yet.


NGC3992 t1_ja9cvtd wrote

Or AZDMV has decided the license holder is immortal for some reason and expects them back to renew in 3019. /s


An-Angel-Named-Billy t1_ja9gz0d wrote

Yes cars are getting heavier, wider and taller. Heavier vehicles that sit higher are far more likely to kill pedestrians or even other drivers of non raised up flat front pickup trucks. Trucks and SUVs now make up the majority of personal vehicles sold every year. Roadways are designed for psychopathic speeds, even within towns and cities. Driver's license are seen as a natural right of our citizenry and are as easy to get as ever. Even if they were not, enforcement of driving infractions has plummeted and in many cities is non existent now.

Are we really surprised that road deaths have spiked in the past few years and pedestrian deaths have been rising for over a decade and are at the worst point they have been in over 30 years?


Riff_Ralph t1_ja9p6q4 wrote

Dollars to donuts the driver is uninsured.


BrownEggs93 t1_ja9b6x7 wrote

"Group of cyclists". The bridge looks wide enough. Were they in single file? Two abreast? Behind the barrier?


An-Angel-Named-Billy t1_ja9hagy wrote

intelligent comment. That bridge has multiple lanes and an absolutely absurdly wide median. Cyclists can legally take an entire lane. Cars have plenty of room to make it around. People are dead. Try again.


[deleted] t1_ja7gz72 wrote



[deleted] t1_ja7ez6t wrote



nbjersey t1_ja7g7eh wrote

Yeah they really need to do something before we see more news stories of cyclists killing 2 people and seriously injuring a dozen more…


needlessdefiance t1_ja7ga42 wrote

Don’t worry, it seems like they still have a ways to go before they catch up with you.


ZZZ-Top t1_ja62hp9 wrote

Certainly took long enough


vpi6 t1_ja6g15l wrote

Didn’t this crash happen yesterday? A one day delay on a weekend isn’t that bad actually


TzarKazm t1_ja6cl6o wrote

What do you mean?


ZZZ-Top t1_ja6crm4 wrote

He should've been arrested and charged the same day


TzarKazm t1_ja6djjs wrote

It doesn't say when he was arrested, I'm guessing he was arrested at the scene. Charges are filed by a district attorney, arraignment is done by a judge. It's not at all uncommon for those people to only work weekdays.


StuBeck t1_ja771om wrote

Sunday isn’t a weekday, but they aren’t going to do an emergency arraignment on Saturday night either.


[deleted] t1_ja6erxz wrote



TzarKazm t1_ja6eymr wrote

Is there a different article? This one says 11 people and he stayed at the scene.


laabeja t1_ja7h5qd wrote

This isn’t the rich white kid who mowed down cyclists