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boringhistoryfan t1_jdz5ujw wrote

It's used to manufacture probable cause as I understand it. The officer needs to show that to justify searching a vehicle absent permission. So the dog is summoned and made to alert, and that allows them to override the owners denial of permission to search their vehicle.


cheap_walmart_art t1_jdzljqp wrote

Back in the day when i was 18 I got pulled over dead to rights leaving my dealers house. Needless to say I had definitely re-upped and was carrying. Enter stonecold Steve Austin sheriff who pulls me over. We do the song and dance and he feeds me this line about it being a routine traffic stop. I refuse a search. He brings the dog and gives me the whole spiel. However, the dog will not alert for some reason. He’s just happy and frolicking. Cop keeps yanking the poor thing over and it just won’t do whatever it is he wants it to do to my car. He just slings the dog forcibly back into the cruiser and tells me to leave and if he even sees me again on this side of town he will “arrest me on sight” no idea what luck was with me that day but I feel bad for the poor dog. Dude was PISSED at it.


Mythosaurus t1_je2wz80 wrote

So it’s the modern equivalent of animal divination!

Might as well use Roman sacred chickens to convince the judge…


Mend1cant t1_je34ig9 wrote

“99 problems but a bitch ain’t one”. Not about women.