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t1_jd4c9vc wrote

No, read the article.

Its the other workers.


t1_jd4ey8y wrote



t1_jd4j53k wrote

60k is not for 12 months of work.

School year is 180 days, 36 weeks. We work about 37 weeks a year.


t1_jd54zt0 wrote

Teachers and support staff deserve to be paid less because they have the "summers off"?

With that bullshit, I hope you aren't a teacher.


t1_jd55sxb wrote

We do have summer off.

My contract literally ends a day after finals and I don’t have to do anything till next school year.

If I teach over the summer it is for extra pay.

Idk how support staff is paid but my pay and work are not for a full year.


t1_jd57c6m wrote

You have summers unemployed.

And those 2 to 2.5 months are spent by most of us taking coursework, working off-contract to prepare for the school year, and working part-time, seasonal jobs because our regular salary is shit.

If you are lucky enough that your regular salary allows you to truly "take the summer off" . . . you do not represent most teachers, or definitely support staff.


t1_jd5nznl wrote

I teach over the summer.


t1_jd5rb7a wrote


If that is a part of your regular contract, then you are a full-year teacher and don't get what most of us deal with.

If your summer teaching is a separate contract, then like I said, some of us work seasonally over the summers because our regular salaries suck.

Of course, that summer job can be awesome and rewarding beyond the pay, and some folks who don't really need the pay boost will work anyway . . . but again, that doesn't represent most teachers.


t1_jd67yvd wrote


My contract ends at summer.

Some years I choose to sign a contract and make some extra money over summer.

It’s my choice.

The point is the pay I receive for my salary does not reflect a full year of work.


t1_jd5096t wrote

No one reads the articles. I bet 4/5 people think this is teachers pay.
