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Has_hog t1_jc7twdl wrote

You should be able to die on your own terms. My grandmother was getting dementia, luckily she passed before it got too crazy and she stopped remembering everyone. But there’s so many other incredibly painful ailments people suffer from — you should have a choice.

Instead, medical institutions insist that you remain a vegetable and in pain, while they drain you of all your money. All that hard work over a lifetime gone, leaving nothing left to kin or family, it’s wrong, exploitive and not at all moral. A right to die with dignity is a human right, we need this nationally with federal protections.


dofffman t1_jc8hw27 wrote

OMG! My father had demetia for a long time. His hands shriveled up and his body was like doll relative to his head. He could not form any speech and not because of the brain damage but because of the nero degeneration (granted his brain damage was such that if he could speak it would make no sense because that was the way he was the last time he had the capacity). End of life on a bed eathing through straws I so hope that is not my end.