dofffman t1_jddpqqy wrote
Reply to comment by Nodiggity1213 in Alameda passes delivery fee cap even as Uber threatens exit by Xanthn
this. can also do a forever soup and then have a rice cooker and make the rice in the broth with some veggies and lentils (which will cook just fine with the rice due to the size)
dofffman t1_jddpdfo wrote
Reply to comment by FriendOfDirutti in Alameda passes delivery fee cap even as Uber threatens exit by Xanthn
is the user in the US that apartment sounds like a london special.
dofffman t1_jc8hw27 wrote
Reply to comment by Has_hog in Conn. woman 1st non-Vermonter granted assisted suicide right by getBusyChild
OMG! My father had demetia for a long time. His hands shriveled up and his body was like doll relative to his head. He could not form any speech and not because of the brain damage but because of the nero degeneration (granted his brain damage was such that if he could speak it would make no sense because that was the way he was the last time he had the capacity). End of life on a bed eathing through straws I so hope that is not my end.
dofffman t1_jc8gpkw wrote
Reply to comment by Grocklette in Conn. woman 1st non-Vermonter granted assisted suicide right by getBusyChild
You get that glorifying with "so brave". Well thats great and maybe I want to "be brave" but maybe I don't. The only one who can judge their lifes pain and well being is themselves.
dofffman t1_jbelz9u wrote
Reply to comment by Lexx4 in Japan's H3 rocket self-destructs after launch by Party-Ring445
I do worry for spaceX and his other companies. Many folks want to say he was always an asshole but I side with the theory he got addicted to drugs.
dofffman t1_japoza9 wrote
Reply to comment by cuddly_carcass in A man set himself on fire on UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza by DrTreeMan
I can see many reasons for self harm. Hunger strikes are self harm, standing in front of a tank risks great self harm. I would never want to have to do it but I would love to be able to and have the courage to like the monk did way back when if I was in a similar situation.
dofffman t1_jan6pnw wrote
Reply to comment by cuddly_carcass in A man set himself on fire on UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza by DrTreeMan
it has been done for protest.
dofffman t1_ja7ml4x wrote
Reply to comment by unique_passive in Shipments of contaminated waste to resume from Ohio train derailment site by WhoIsJolyonWest
this is true and one of the reasons the soviets have had trouble both now and historically.
dofffman t1_j9jsml1 wrote
Reply to comment by CompleteAd1256 in Pride flag set on fire outside NYC restaurant by QuicklyThisWay
Don't forget Hard Island.
dofffman t1_j9glq4s wrote
Reply to comment by FrodoBagHodler in World to face wars over food and water without climate action, EU green deal chief says by YoanB
Its oftentimes happenstance. If I had went a different career path that had gained traction quickly enough I might have had kids in the late 90's before I realized how messed up things were. Late 90's me thought recycling was being recycled and we had a handle on things and would only work harder to do more as a society for the environment.
dofffman t1_j9glk8r wrote
Reply to comment by funwithtentacles in World to face wars over food and water without climate action, EU green deal chief says by YoanB
yeah. my one brothers kids are super young too.
dofffman t1_j8j926q wrote
I don't get it. Why would he fire the guy that laid out how washington DC federal buildings and made blueprints for them. I honestly did not think he was still alive much less working.
dofffman t1_j5n19nz wrote
Reply to comment by LimitedSwimmer in FDA wants to simplify the use and updating of Covid-19 vaccines by joshemerson
heck, a certain faction in congress had a provision added to allow military personelle to be except from this one of the many vaccine requirements in a popular stimulus bill.
dofffman t1_j2a69cq wrote
Reply to comment by SD99FRC in Russians kidnapped 30 mayors, 7 of them went missing – Kyiv Mayor by PandaMuffin1
in their defense many of those mayors weren't kids!
dofffman t1_j10k4jl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mother facing charges after allegedly cyberbullying her own daughter by Hour_Doughnut2155
Um he was not saying forced abortions. OP used the term "option"
dofffman t1_j10js9k wrote
Reply to Affidavit: Man armed with AR-15-style rifle shoots 2 at Orlando resorts overnight by TupperwareConspiracy
just watching coverage on the wisconsin active shooter. they are literally overlapping now.
dofffman t1_iy9pbbn wrote
Reply to comment by irkli in Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
omg yes. I never thought of that despite the fact I keep on wishing you could get an email from the post office that you would be assured of not losing. allow one for free with limited storage per citizen and then sell additional addresses and storage.
dofffman t1_ivr1nxg wrote
Reply to comment by DownTooParty in Dog seen carrying severed human arm leads police to decapitated body | US News by __masterbaiter__
grred grrum
dofffman t1_iv3mzr2 wrote
Reply to Ukraine suffered a comms outage when 1,300 SpaceX satellite units went offline over funding issues by thatoneguy889
Holy shit I thought about using it someday but man that does not sound reliable.
dofffman t1_iu6na90 wrote
Reply to comment by fuck_the_fuckin_mods in Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years by Superbuddhapunk
nope because the painting itself never existed in reality. I especially like the one with the guy being beckoned on into a lake with nymphs.
dofffman t1_iu5ncc3 wrote
Reply to comment by spqrnbb in Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years by Superbuddhapunk
Hi crazy im dad. Seriously though I agree. My favorite is Hyperrealism.
dofffman t1_itcht88 wrote
Reply to comment by big_nothing_burger in Maine doctor's license suspended over COVID-19 claims by HubrisAndScandals
I was thinking it must be a living situation but I could not figure it out. I was thinking maybe like an efficiency.
dofffman t1_itcbjch wrote
Reply to comment by big_nothing_burger in Maine doctor's license suspended over COVID-19 claims by HubrisAndScandals
what the heck is a portable? a laptop?
dofffman t1_jddq56a wrote
Reply to comment by VoiceofReasonability in Alameda passes delivery fee cap even as Uber threatens exit by Xanthn
Yeah I mean I think I could make it work but I am not walking in those shoes. Many of these would be nicer if it was more like, hey man if you want to save a bit try this. Rather than, you sound lazy do this.