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t1_jdiw4je wrote

So we should be stealing Syrian oil because if we dope a hypothetical situation exists where another country would do what we are doing? We have no business being there l


t1_jdkijxi wrote

No, it's not hypothetical. As I said, Russia was already in these countries trying to garner complete control. Nothing hypothetical about it. Read up and have true opinions. There is no point in having half baked opinions on very serious history. You can't claim to be informed when even the small information I linked even discredits what you said. Also it's well known that one of, if not the main reason, that we went to the middle east was to fight a proxy war with Russia. Not an imaginary war. A proxy war. Look at Russia's involvement in Afghanistan, too.


t1_jdklbmf wrote

Imagine being pro proxy war


t1_jdkn28x wrote

You're not replying with anything meaningful. I'll assume you're a troll if you don't respond with some sort of formed opinion based on history and geopolitics. I'm more than willing to debate these things, but "America bad" is not an opinion.


t1_jdkn8iq wrote

Wars are bad. Fighting proxy wars so the military industrial complex can make quarterly profits is bad. America is falling apart at the seems because we spend all our money on endless wars