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code_archeologist t1_jatckoo wrote

> What's next, depive people of contraceptive ads?

Yes. Banning contraceptives is the next target.


Takina_sOldPairTM t1_jatd48m wrote

Man wtf, these GOPs conservashits must be lowkey on CCP's payroll, then!


InappropriateTA t1_javn4ht wrote

I’m genuinely scared when I see this perspective about ‘outside actors’ being responsible for the GOP’s penchant for fascism. It’s a way to rationalize (self-delude) that there isn’t actually a faction of Americans who have these values.

It’s not Russia, it’s not the CCP. The rise of Christofascism is homegrown.


Coalmen t1_jau7zht wrote

Don't understand the downvote. Your words strike true.

Here is an updoot.


Blu-Falcon t1_javv2ox wrote

Not really? There is no source. Why do you think their words "strike true"? Because it "sounds" like something "China" would do? Do you have some credible piece of information to suggest that current day republicans, who usually are the ones spouting sinophobic propaganda, are actually Chinese plants?

The same republicans who call Coronavirus the "Wuhan Flu" are secretly working with the people they call racist terms? Idk, from my perspective it doesn't seem all that likely.


Coalmen t1_jawhfn5 wrote

Awfully defensive. This is reddit, not a political news cast. Find something more meaningful in life than writing paragraphs attacking 2 sentence comments.


MeatsimPD t1_jaukz2f wrote

They may get to same sex marriage first, can't be too sure which will happen next


wolfie379 t1_jauazva wrote

That’s why condom packaging used to say “for prevention of disease only”.