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code_archeologist t1_jasv37d wrote

Ha! Now let's watch as those states start trampling the first amendment because potential humans are more important to them than actual living women.


sickofthisshit t1_jaswfcd wrote

They don't care about the potential humans, really, they just want to oppress, subjugate, and punish women and girls.


zombiepete t1_jatk2lh wrote

The poor, really. Women who have access to money and power will get whatever kind of care they need or want regardless of the law.


sickofthisshit t1_jatrxh7 wrote

They also want to subjugate and control rich women, but the rich women are better suited to evade their control.


bilbo_swagginz_boi t1_jat4mit wrote

You can tell that by the fact they don’t care that China has aborted hundreds of millions of babies yet don’t put it on the same pedestal as killing live humans.

They clearly don’t view fetuses as people


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_jaswt9v wrote

The opinion you expressed is something I see quite often. A lot of people share this view. My question to you is, why do 'they' want to punish, oppress, etc women? What do they gain from that?

It's never made sense to me but then again I haven't looked into it.


sickofthisshit t1_jasyori wrote

For some reason, conservatives are generally dedicated to a power structure which puts some people over others: this usually includes patriarchy. A woman or girl in this view exists only to obey rules subjugating them to men, and their reproductive rights are limited to what men want from them.

A woman or girl who gets pregnant, in their mind, is now bound to incubate and raise the child in service of the patriarchy. If she was raped? Well, doesn't matter, a man was taking what belongs to him, the woman doesn't have the right to refuse.

The pregnancy is ectopic? Who cares, she's barely human, some other woman or girl will have to take her place after she dies in agony. As she is dying, she can take some pleasure in thinking of the children she bore and will leave behind, which will make her slightly more memorable to her widower.

Women have been dying in childbirth for millions of years; in a conservative's mind, that is how God ordered the world. Giving them modern medical care is a luxury, better spent giving the patriarch treatment for ED or whatever else he needs to keep himself alive and fertilizing brood mares.


DankyMcDankface420 t1_jat6m7d wrote

To add, they're often hypocritical. If it's their own loved ones or a member of their in-group the abortion is acceptable/moral. Ya know, The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion. Even worse, the hypocrisy is pretty much a feature due to in-group loyalty (and purity/sanctity to a lesser extent) being a significant moral foundation. They will see themselves (or their in-group) as good righteous people who need an abortion while others/out-groups are bad people who use abortion as "birth control".


CloudsOntheBrain t1_jat03h7 wrote

Well, I asked my aunt, who is religious and staunchly anti-abortion (despite having gotten one herself in her younger years), if she felt that women with unwanted pregnancies should be "punished" by being refused abortions.

She said yes. It's a consequence for having sex. If you didn't want to be pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex (or been raped, apparently). So there are people out there who really do feel this way, even if all they get out of it is a sense of "justice" for punishing a perceived sin.

In my aunt's defense, she also believes the unborn fetus is the same as a child, and I think she feels guilt over aborting her own pregnancy in the past. So her beliefs are at least nuanced in that way. But I couldn't get her to understand that saddling a child with the weight of being unwanted, and a punishment to their parents of all things, is unbelievably cruel. And she didn't care to hear about how high the abuse rate is in homes with unwanted children, or in foster homes. Or how overburdened the adoption system is.


Standard_Gauge t1_jat2e96 wrote

> if she felt that women with unwanted pregnancies should be "punished" by being refused abortions.

> She said yes. It's a consequence for having sex. If you didn't want to be pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex.

Your aunt, like many anti-choice zealots, seems to believe that the only women who seek abortions are "loose" single women who have casual sex with multiple men. I wish someone would bonk these people over the head with the FACT that a very large percentage of women seeking pregnancy termination are in long term monogamous relationships, many in fact married, and most have children at home. Do these people really believe that married couples should stop having sex after the two (or whatever) children that they can afford are born???


Blighted_Smile t1_jat9q9q wrote

Your aunt wants to deprive women of a right that she had and used. Her guilt does not excuse that. She wants women punished for the exact thing she did. True "the only moral abortion is my abortion." Sorry, but at least in this she's an awful person.


CloudsOntheBrain t1_jata8bh wrote

Oh, she's for sure a hypocrite, and I agree entirely. I just think there's some cognitive dissonance between what she thinks she's advocating for and the reality of her stance.


nevertoomuchthought t1_jat18ft wrote

I don't know your aunt but I'd bet dollars to donuts she's an unfuckable hag who nobody worth a damn would ever want to impregnate intentionally.


Bovolt t1_jaujccc wrote

Psh. And they say only conservatives hate women!


pinetreesgreen t1_jasxddo wrote

Makes them feel powerful. Same reason why anyone wants power over anyone else. If they are in change of what women are doing they can make them do what they want, like stay home, be indebted to husbands, stay under their control. See "keep sweet" movement.


mrm00r3 t1_jat3y88 wrote

There’s two groups in modern conservatism, one is motivated by money and the other is motivated by money and religious extremism. To these ends, maintaining a large enough unemployed population that is reinforced by low-income births helps suppress the cost of labor, and if they have to let the religious people marry a middle schooler here and there to guarantee the vote, so be it.

In the end, the thing that they presume to gain from the heinous shit they do is money 90% of the time, stupidity, error, and religious fervor account for the rest.

Fascists aren’t obliged to make sense to an outside observer.


Sovrin1 t1_jaxfq1s wrote

They like how it makes their emotions feel.


[deleted] t1_jat740y wrote



sickofthisshit t1_jatssdw wrote

The problem is that people can inform themselves in many ways other than posting comments on Reddit threads. It's a basic civic responsibility to inform yourself, not just lazily ask Redditors to do it for you.

It's borderline trolling, because lots of disingenuous trolls do the "just asking questions" routine over and over without any interest in actually learning or forming an opinion.


Mundane-Ad-3142 t1_jat8ply wrote

This is the Reddit way! I'd say give my post more time before seeing the upvote increase. Thanks for being the first!


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_jaszz2v wrote

> Now let's watch as those states start trampling the first amendment

that’s exactly what they’re going to do and they don’t care that they’re being hypocritical. They’ve already banning books and school courses, so this isn’t going to slow them down at all.


wolfie379 t1_jau7mel wrote

I’ve read about Texas introducing legislation requiring ISPs to block access to sites that provide information about getting an abortion.


fffirey t1_javp9mw wrote

What the FUCK. Like, it'll be easy to get around that, and they can't block everything, but thats still so dystopian. Jfc.


underpants-gnome t1_jaw9t4t wrote

Also sounds eerily similar to state internet censorship policies you hear about out of naughty countries that republicans describe as socialist or fascist or both. I'm sure their collective senses of hypocrisy and shame will kick in any day now...


wolfie379 t1_jawco1v wrote

Haven’t kicked in over another hypocrisy - American law prohibits companies from participating in the boycott of Israel (Arabs want to buy equipment but insist on no Israeli content, American company is required to report this to the government and reject the deal) but requires them to boycott Cuba.

Corrupt dictator (Batista) is overthrown, America is pissed that the new government voids contracts he signed. Corrupt dictator (Saran Hussein) is overthrown, American government demands that the new government void contracts he signed.


teenagesadist t1_jaus4fy wrote

They want another civil war.

First it was, you can't stop us from owning slaves, and you have to follow our rules about returning them! The north were protecting their rights under the constitution. Didn't matter to the south.

Now that toothpaste is out of the tube, but they've still got abortion. No abortion in this state! And none anywhere because God!


Spicy_Lobster_Roll t1_jauym2x wrote

They think they want another civil war but I’d wager they’d regret one as soon as the local Walmarts run out of stock and all their bank cards become useless plastic.


T-Wrex_13 t1_jav4r56 wrote

Yeah... also the prospect of losing another entire generation again puts a damper on it as well


GlacierWolf8Bit t1_jav0a8p wrote

It's always Christian nationalists that seem so keen on killing and oppressing as many people as possible, isn't it?


SmashBusters t1_jaxv1qn wrote

>They want another civil war.

No they don't. No one does.

They're just bitter because they thought the world was timeless because they live in Bumblefuck towns that are timeless.

However, we all get access to new movies and TV shows when they come out. Those are not timeless. There are too many browns and too many gays for the Bumblefolk of Bumblefuck.

Their incoherent anger over that leads them to want revenge against liberals for...being part of the free market and thus voting with their wallets on what TV shows and movies should be like.

Pay them no more heed than you would a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Just make sure they don't get their hands on anything that could cause damage.



rikki-tikki-deadly t1_jasyacm wrote

Can't wait for the libertarians to meekly express their disapproval of such a policy while continuing to vote for the Republican politicans that enact such policies.


sickofthisshit t1_jasyuul wrote

Libertarians generally don't care about the liberty of women and girls.


mrm00r3 t1_jat49z8 wrote

Yeah but they’ll come out of the woodwork to tell you how age of consent laws abridge their freedom.


code_archeologist t1_jaszazh wrote

> Yeah, sure, maybe tens of thousands of women lost their liberty by being forced to carry unwanted children to term, had their health damaged by dangerous pregnancies, or lost their lives... But at least my taxes have gone down.

  • Typical libertarian

VerticalYea t1_jav5xns wrote

Wait a minute... these children now require food stamps, child care, schooling, medical services, housing benefits... why are my taxes suddenly going up?!?!


Friar_Monke t1_jatm2l1 wrote

My state has a law against boycotting Israel. The corrupt bastards in charge give zero concern over 1A.


[deleted] t1_jatna3q wrote



Friar_Monke t1_jatziw8 wrote

Yes, but in 2020 the Missouri government signed an anti-BDS law. Both the state and federal laws are unconstitutional and immoral given the Israeli government's activities in Palestinian territories.


wolfie379 t1_jaua8d4 wrote

State owned oil company in Jihadistan contracts to buy drilling equipment. One line in the contract specifies the equipment is F.O.B. City of Mohammed, Jihadistan.

“F.O.B.” is a term meaning that supplier is responsible for shipping and customs duties to the specified point, customer is responsible for shipping and customs duties from that point onward. Jihadistan law requires that any entity importing goods must provide a certificate stating that none of the material, equipment, or labour used to produce the goods was obtained from the jews illegally occupying Palestine (term in Jihadistan law for what the rest of the world calls “Israel”). Pretty hard for an American company to sell the equipment while being in compliance with the law prohibiting boycott of Israel.

Also, a ban on boycotting Israel is hypocritical considering the mandatory boycott of Cuba. I believe it was in the 1980s that Ford of Canada had signed a deal to sell trucks to Cuba when Washington leaned on head office in Detroit to order Ford of Canada to tear up the deal.


InappropriateTA t1_javm5ib wrote

You’ve been duped into believing the bullshit that Republican politics/‘values’ are actually meant to benefit “potential humans.” It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic.

They don’t want people to have bodily autonomy. Women are the easy target for the GOP because there are already biases against women politically, socially, and culturally.


Vermillion_Crescent t1_jawfo6e wrote

they dont care about the potential humans, they care about their potential free ticket upstairs


-RadarRanger- t1_jb0jxyh wrote

Didja see what's going on in Florida?

>A bill proposed this week by a Republican state senator in Florida would require bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), his Cabinet officers and members of the Florida legislature to register with the state.


furbylicious t1_jatrtpm wrote

I've found that even in states where it is legal, a lot of people are woefully uninformed about what abortion is and how to get one. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, an abortion can be done safely, easily and securely, with pills, at home with no need for a clinician (although a prescription is needed to get the pills by mail). At 12 weeks, a visit to a clinic is recommended.

As a matter of public service, I'll leave these two links here. The first is an informational guide about abortion.

The second is a website on how to get abortion pills.

EDIT: ALSO, Plan B is available OTC, and online on Amazon, and is good for 72 hours after a sexual encounter. It has been wildly effective in lowering both unexpected pregnancies and abortion rates. A pill expires in 1.5 years so don't hoard them, but it's good to keep some on hand for yourself or people you love.


Isord t1_jau84jh wrote

> EDIT: ALSO, Plan B is available OTC, and online on Amazon, and is good for 72 hours after a sexual encounter. It has been wildly effective in lowering both unexpected pregnancies and abortion rates. A pill expires in 1.5 years so don't hoard them, but it's good to keep some on hand for yourself or people you love.

I think it is important to note as well for anybody who has personal reservations about abortion that Plan B IS NOT an abortion. It prevents a pregnancy from ever occurring. It is an emergency contraceptive, NOT an abortion.


DeificClusterfuck t1_jaui1k7 wrote

Also keep in mind EC has to be dosed accurately by the weight of the person using it. Many brands of EC aren't formulated for people over 165lb and may not work as well.

One brand, Ella, is made for people up to 195lb.


TyNyeTheTransGuy t1_jax3p9s wrote

If you or a partner are capable of getting pregnant, familiarize yourself with where to get Plan B near you before you need it, especially if you’ll want to find the most discreet place without the time pressure. For instance, my university’s student union has a medicine vending machine that has plan B in it.

Edit: and be aware that above a certain weight/BMI cutoff it will be less effective. I believe I’ve heard that some brands work better for bigger folks, but that is 100% hearsay so please fact check me and have a plan for what med you should look out for before you ever need to.


furbylicious t1_jax64g8 wrote

Another thing I want to point out is to spread this information! A lot of the dangers and heartache of unexpected pregnancy can be avoided with preparation and timely action. Many people simply don't know emergency contraception like Plan B is an option, and they don't know how to talk about pregnancy or abortion. And that often falls on families.

Parents, your kids should be *comfortable* telling you if they are worried they might be pregnant. Whatever your house rules on sexuality may be, your kid should prioritize getting help from you over worrying about having fucked up. Talk to your kids about this stuff, it will keep them safer.


scruffles360 t1_jaud41b wrote

It won’t be too long before we have pirate radio broadcasting from off the coast of Texas and Florida reading banned books. Every 6 hours they read the news that gets filtered by state ISP firewalls.


[deleted] t1_jatdant wrote



wolfie379 t1_jauava5 wrote

Couple caveats about Plan B:

Although it’s listed as being effective if taken up to 72 hours after intercourse, the further along you are in that window when you take it the less effective it is. That’s because it has inhibits ovulation - if the egg has already been released, it won’t work. That’s why it’s important to have it on hand.

It also has a weight limit. For women over that limit, it is significantly less effective. Given America’s obesity epidemic, that’s something worth knowing.


Brothernod t1_jatt4rc wrote

What’s the shelf life?


DragoniteChamp t1_jatze5i wrote

IIRC Plan B at least is about a year and a half, so take that as an estimate. If it helps at all. Edit: updated


Amelaclya1 t1_jaufkh7 wrote

Five years for mifeprostone and two years for misoprostol.


thought_first t1_jasykj1 wrote

Good. Education is always warranted. Give the information away, don't hoard it.

As sad as reality is, these states have the right to manage their own laws. Voting and elections have consequences and we're living with them because Americans didn't want a woman president. Instead it elected a serial sex offending, fraudster with the worst possible attributes a human could have.

50% of you are about to make the same mistake again in 18 months, electing the same crook or worse, a book burning fascist from Florida.


Takina_sOldPairTM t1_jat1oh8 wrote

This is literally r/censorship, man.

What's next, depive people of contraceptive ads? 🙃


code_archeologist t1_jatckoo wrote

> What's next, depive people of contraceptive ads?

Yes. Banning contraceptives is the next target.


Takina_sOldPairTM t1_jatd48m wrote

Man wtf, these GOPs conservashits must be lowkey on CCP's payroll, then!


InappropriateTA t1_javn4ht wrote

I’m genuinely scared when I see this perspective about ‘outside actors’ being responsible for the GOP’s penchant for fascism. It’s a way to rationalize (self-delude) that there isn’t actually a faction of Americans who have these values.

It’s not Russia, it’s not the CCP. The rise of Christofascism is homegrown.


Coalmen t1_jau7zht wrote

Don't understand the downvote. Your words strike true.

Here is an updoot.


Blu-Falcon t1_javv2ox wrote

Not really? There is no source. Why do you think their words "strike true"? Because it "sounds" like something "China" would do? Do you have some credible piece of information to suggest that current day republicans, who usually are the ones spouting sinophobic propaganda, are actually Chinese plants?

The same republicans who call Coronavirus the "Wuhan Flu" are secretly working with the people they call racist terms? Idk, from my perspective it doesn't seem all that likely.


Coalmen t1_jawhfn5 wrote

Awfully defensive. This is reddit, not a political news cast. Find something more meaningful in life than writing paragraphs attacking 2 sentence comments.


MeatsimPD t1_jaukz2f wrote

They may get to same sex marriage first, can't be too sure which will happen next


wolfie379 t1_jauazva wrote

That’s why condom packaging used to say “for prevention of disease only”.


charavaka t1_jaumwrc wrote

>This week a 33-year-old woman was arrested by police in Greenville, South Carolina, and charged with performing or soliciting an abortion after she told hospital staff she had taken an abortion pill.

It's good that non profits like this one are trying to find immediate solutions, by there's a need for a more lasting fix. Biden and the Democrats need to get their act together and expand the supreme court.


thep1x t1_jaujoy8 wrote

would rather see that then all the Jesus crap


JenMacAllister t1_jasxc7h wrote

All those with drug running skills here's your chance.


BigClitMcphee OP t1_jau2970 wrote

Anyone with a car and free time can make a dishonest living ferrying women to and from abortion clinics really. Where's the HBO show called "The Ferrywoman" about a poor woman who does this for a job, all under the nose of her cop brother?


toomuchtodotoday t1_jauw9mp wrote

If you’re in a state that doesn’t respect reproductive rights and you’re confident you don’t want children in the future, is an available resource.

Medicaid covers permanent birth control if you’re 21 and older with a 30 day waiting period. Any ACA compliant private health insurance plan will cover a tubal or bisalp (their pick) at 100% as preventative care as young as 18.


Plastic_Situation_15 t1_jat2oj1 wrote

Stop calling them abortion pills.


yhwhx t1_jat50yi wrote

Mifepristone and misoprostol do indeed both have uses other than ending early pregnancies.


heidismiles t1_jatlwoh wrote

This isn't Plan B; it's in fact for abortions.


notcaffeinefree t1_jatta6a wrote

>Mifepristone is used for the medical treatment of high blood sugar caused by high cortisol levels in the blood (hypercortisolism) in adults with endogenous Cushing's syndrome who also have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or cannot have surgery...Mifepristone has also been used to treat symptomatic leiomyoma (uterine fibroids) and endometriosis.


>Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin medication used to prevent and treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, induce labor, cause an abortion, and treat postpartum bleeding due to poor contraction of the uterus.

Yes, both can be taken for abortions. But they have other medical uses as well.


heidismiles t1_jatv8b3 wrote

In this article, it was used for an abortion.

We don't complain about aspirin being called a "pain reliever" or birth control being called "birth control."


Ruffmouse t1_jatv03g wrote

Women must conceive says what, some old fuck wrote it in script claiming God told him to pass on my latest edict....


gmes78 t1_jau0clt wrote

The funny thing is that the Bible has instructions on how to perform an abortion.


cornbred37 t1_jatqxpz wrote

If hims sells dick pills, then the abortion pill should be called hearse.


jailfortrump t1_javrzpp wrote

This is clear evidence of religion being a bad thing. So that the church lady can feel good in her own skin, I have to be denied sensible healthcare and personal rights. It didn't work before, it won't work now. But we have to have the fight.


CobraPony67 t1_jav0wu3 wrote

They should advertise on social media like TikTok.


SerenaYasha t1_javrkhk wrote

Watch in a few decades, we have a bunch of serial killers like the 70s & 80 s


pcb4u2 t1_jaw56ve wrote

Here is the logic. Force the woman to have the baby and when it turns 18 selective service with republican grooming along the way. And the kid had better not be gay. I say put up the billboard in front of the Supreme court and their houses. Nothing worse than a born-again hypocrite.


JustinMagill t1_javvxjf wrote

Should have billboards explaining how to get condoms and birth control. You won't need so many abortion pills if you prevent pregnancy in the first place.


baguak4life t1_jaw8qvb wrote

I’m sorry Mr rapist. Can you please run down the street to Walgreens and grab a condom before you force yourself inside me and psychologically scar me for life. If not that’s ok and I will carry your baby and maybe even disease for the rest of my life.

Please, absolutely fuck if with your nonsense.


[deleted] t1_jawtokm wrote



baguak4life t1_jax3ku5 wrote

I refuse to argue with someone that doesn’t possess even a modicum of intelligence. I’m out.


Gretchenmeows t1_jayb2wd wrote

You are aware that birth control can and does fail right? That you can do everything to prevent pregnancy and it still happens. Why do you think a women should be forced to suffer through a pregnancy she does not want and is not prepared for?


[deleted] t1_jayfvrv wrote



Gretchenmeows t1_jaypktz wrote

Oh I totally agree, sex education is important but I am just pointing out that birth control can and does fail. Sex education should include information about how to safely acess an abortion. It failed me twice and I had to have two abortions because the Pill did not work. Thankfully my Wife got sterilised so that it will never ever ever happen again.


JustinMagill t1_jazah7d wrote

Thats quite the statistical anomaly, sorry for your loss. But yes abortions should be available for thouse who really need them and where I live at least they are. But if people where both better educated and actually used that knowledge the number of abortions would be quite dramatically reduced. I think would be a good thing.


sickofthisshit t1_jdh709f wrote

>abortions should be available for thouse who really need them

Well, this article is about taking away those abortions.


brostrider t1_jaxe8ef wrote

How does that help people who conceived on purpose and now need an abortion? Or people who had an IUD, which has a failure rate the same as or better than tubal ligation, and are now pregnant?


HandMeMyThinkingPipe t1_jbgz3io wrote

The same psychos that want to ban abortion want to ban birth control as well.


JustinMagill t1_jbh7o99 wrote

Most people on Reddit seem to be anti birth control. Anytime I bring it up birth control or sex education it's nothing but downvotes.


[deleted] t1_jatg4ue wrote



hate_tank t1_jatgjfu wrote

r/neckbeard moment


Croce11 t1_jdgeaga wrote

You don't just accidentally fall on a dick and get knocked up. It's sort of an involved process. With several....SEVERAL... (optional) steps that can prevent said pregnancy from ever starting in the first place. This isn't like getting some random illness you never saw coming.

Abortions in a case that would save a mothers life from potential certain death during an abnormal pregnancy? Sure have one. Get raped by some scumbag? Abort away. Be an irresponsible adult and skip the dozens of optional steps to avoid getting pregnant in the first place? That's your problem. A self created problem. How the fuck does this make me a "neckbeard" for telling people to take responsibility for their own actions? Being a fucking adult is the antithesis of being some whiny (wo)manchild begging the government to save them from their own stupidity.

The issue is also not black and white despite constantly being argued in such a manner. I'm not some republican "lololol save their lives in the womb let them die outside the womb lololol keep healthcare shit". Yeah we need better healthcare too. Because I actually do care about people living and getting a chance to experience life to the fullest. Such a shocking, selfish, and brutal opinion to have I guess. Absolute neckbeard moment to have basic human empathy and to want people to grow the fuck up and be responsible enough so they aren't ruining more lives than just their own.


sickofthisshit t1_jdh4z6n wrote

You still don't understand that pregnancy itself can be the danger, with all your "responsibility" bullshit. Responsible women who want to be pregnant and have a baby can get ectopic pregnancies---there is nothing they can do to be "responsible" for that. The only treatment is abortion. Fetuses can develop anomalies and not be compatible with life outside the womb---today, there are women with those fetuses who cannot get an abortion they need because of laws you people passed.

You aren't showing "human empathy", you are showing the opposite: an inability to understand what kind of health care women and girls need. I don't know why you care about some women getting abortions, but it is not your business.

Abortion is health care for women and girls.


NicNicNicHS t1_jatlm1h wrote

Gamer dude online gives shitty opinion not even his own mother would care to hear


sickofthisshit t1_jdh64xt wrote

They work at Subway making sandwiches, but we are supposed to look to them for moral approval.


Croce11 t1_jdgdnud wrote

Actually my own mother agrees. Continue to be wrong more please. All I see is someone projecting their bullshit onto me, since my "opinion" was more or less based in facts.

People would be breaking the law, and you don't just accidentally fall on a dick and get knocked up. It's sort of an involved process. With several....SEVERAL... (optional) steps that can prevent said pregnancy from ever starting in the first place. This isn't like getting some random illness you never saw coming.

Also I'm very reasonable if you ever bothered to ask instead of skipping to some shitty baseless insult. Abortions in a case that would save a mothers life from potential certain death during an abnormal pregnancy? Sure have one. Get raped by some scumbag? Abort away. Be an irresponsible adult and skip the dozens of optional steps to avoid getting pregnant in the first place? That's your problem. A self created problem.

The issue is not black and white. And I'm not some republican "lololol save their lives in the womb let them die outside the womb lololol keep healthcare shit". Yeah we need better healthcare too. Because I actually do care about people living and getting a chance to experience life to the fullest. Such a shocking, selfish, and brutal opinion to have I guess.


sickofthisshit t1_jdh5iun wrote

No woman or girl should need your approval for an abortion. It is none of your business what health care they need and receive. And you fucking work at Subway making sandwiches---what kind of qualification is that?

>Because I actually do care about people living and getting a chance to experience life to the fullest.

No you don't. You and your laws are going to kill women and girls. You are going to kill mothers who leave living children behind. All because you have a twisted idea about whether they met your incel idea of responsibility.

Killing women and girls because of your own theoretical beliefs is indeed "shocking, selfish, and brutal". That is the result of your belief, even if your mom tells you otherwise.


sickofthisshit t1_jatsb9f wrote

Tell me you know nothing about women and girls who need abortions without telling me.

Many women with pregnancies they wanted to have and wanted to carry to term need abortions to save their life. Girls who had no choice need abortions, too.

Their blood is on your hands, with your incel "abortion is for dumb sluts, huh huh huh" attitude.


Croce11 t1_jdgc5fu wrote

Point out the part where I was pro banning abortions that saved lives? Obviously exceptions exist. Project your own incel baggage on someone else.


sickofthisshit t1_jdh49ur wrote

I am the opposite of incel, I have a wife and daughter who need health care.

"Exceptions" in these laws do not work. Doctors cannot be sure that a prosecutor and jury will agree that a woman's life was actually in danger. Because these laws make abortion a crime by default. A doctor who uses the exception can still be put on trial and risk his or her license to practice and jail if someone disagrees about the risk in a court room a year later.

The only reason they put these "exceptions" in the law is to allow people like you to pretend they exist. Doctors stop performing abortions. Women with dead babies inside don't get abortions any more, because they aren't in the emergency room, and by the time they are, it is probably too late. Women with ectopic pregnancies die because the medicines aren't available in their state, or now they need a fallopian tube removed (possibly making them sterile) because the pill they could take is illegal to prescribe or dispense.

Abortion is health care for women and girls. I want them to get that care and you don't. Mine is the moral position, because I care about the women and girls who need it. Yours is the immoral position that they aren't allowed the health care they need.


sirbootiez t1_jatjdh4 wrote

Is "news" really just telling us publicly displayed information now?


Vermillion_Crescent t1_jawfxh8 wrote

well if tmr there were billboards displaying "black people should be in chains", i would definitely want people to report on it so it receives the attention and hatred it deserves.