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NicNicNicHS t1_jatlm1h wrote

Gamer dude online gives shitty opinion not even his own mother would care to hear


sickofthisshit t1_jdh64xt wrote

They work at Subway making sandwiches, but we are supposed to look to them for moral approval.


Croce11 t1_jdgdnud wrote

Actually my own mother agrees. Continue to be wrong more please. All I see is someone projecting their bullshit onto me, since my "opinion" was more or less based in facts.

People would be breaking the law, and you don't just accidentally fall on a dick and get knocked up. It's sort of an involved process. With several....SEVERAL... (optional) steps that can prevent said pregnancy from ever starting in the first place. This isn't like getting some random illness you never saw coming.

Also I'm very reasonable if you ever bothered to ask instead of skipping to some shitty baseless insult. Abortions in a case that would save a mothers life from potential certain death during an abnormal pregnancy? Sure have one. Get raped by some scumbag? Abort away. Be an irresponsible adult and skip the dozens of optional steps to avoid getting pregnant in the first place? That's your problem. A self created problem.

The issue is not black and white. And I'm not some republican "lololol save their lives in the womb let them die outside the womb lololol keep healthcare shit". Yeah we need better healthcare too. Because I actually do care about people living and getting a chance to experience life to the fullest. Such a shocking, selfish, and brutal opinion to have I guess.


sickofthisshit t1_jdh5iun wrote

No woman or girl should need your approval for an abortion. It is none of your business what health care they need and receive. And you fucking work at Subway making sandwiches---what kind of qualification is that?

>Because I actually do care about people living and getting a chance to experience life to the fullest.

No you don't. You and your laws are going to kill women and girls. You are going to kill mothers who leave living children behind. All because you have a twisted idea about whether they met your incel idea of responsibility.

Killing women and girls because of your own theoretical beliefs is indeed "shocking, selfish, and brutal". That is the result of your belief, even if your mom tells you otherwise.