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MeatsimPD t1_jdid1ft wrote

India tries to stand apart from all the major powers/blocs: US, Russia, EU, and especially China. It doesn't want to be best friends with any of them nor enemies, even regarding it's territorial disputes with China is pretty passive.

"Non-alignment" has been India's foreign policy strategy for decades


ogipogo t1_jdijxln wrote

They're playing both sides so they always come out on top. 🙄


SuperstitiousPigeon5 t1_jdipr18 wrote

In some cases the victor remembers those who ride the fence.

Azrael : No, I was an ARTIST, STUPID! I WAS INSPIRATION! A muse has no place in battle!

Serendipity : So after the fallen were banished to hell, God turned on those who wouldn't fight, and Azrael was sent down with the demons.


Serendipity : Something he considers a GRAVE injustice!

Azrael : Ah, come on! Don't tell me you NEVER questioned the judgement, Serendipity.

Serendipity : No. It never bothered me. So you were an artist! Big deal! Elvis was an artist. But that didn't stop him from joining the service in time of war. And that's why he's The King, and you're a schmuck.


howsyourdayoff t1_jdiegq0 wrote

Is that why they still have a caste system?


Rayden-Darkus t1_jdiie7l wrote

What the fuck does caste system has to do with anything ?

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