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ekanite t1_jawetxs wrote

And what would punishment accomplish exactly? Do you expect someone this far gone to "learn their lesson" and atone in some way inside an expensive tax-funded prison cell? Or is this just a way for you to satisfy your craving for further human suffering, or is it just a justice boner?

Either way, comments like this serve no purpose. Let the bitch die and move on.


hiimsubclavian t1_jayggrv wrote

No such thing as too far gone. Bible tells you god is patient and does not wish anyone to perish. Buddhism tell you the only thing you have to do is to put down the butcher knife.

Even the vilest of murderers can find redemption if they're willing to change. No one is beyond saving.


ekanite t1_jazaz3s wrote

I would love to believe this too. And that we're all born equal and have good inside of us. But no, some humans are broken beyond repair. Just not meant for this world.


Big_D_Cyrus t1_jawxwp9 wrote

I expect punishment for murderers.


ekanite t1_jax5rld wrote

And this solves what exactly?

Remove the problem, save tax dollars, move on with life. If you want some sadistic revenge fulfilment do it on your own time.


Big_D_Cyrus t1_jax8eso wrote

Life in prison is the punishment. Not cruel not unusual. You give sympathy to the murderer but not the victims. That is sick and perverted


Coomb t1_jaxe1xz wrote

Hey dude, by definition murder victims can't suffer or take some kind of perverse glee in watching their killers suffer. The only people who benefit from watching killers suffer are people like you who like to watch people suffer as long as you think they deserve it.


Holmesee t1_jaxeflm wrote

I don’t want to pay for a punishment system I want to pay for a reform system. Otherwise what’s the point. A system based on revenge would be so problematic.


AnAutisticGuy t1_jax3rvf wrote

That’s not supposed to be the point of the justice system. Also. Just because you want something, that doesn’t mean you get it.


Big_D_Cyrus t1_jax89ak wrote

It is part of it. That's how victims and society heal


AnAutisticGuy t1_jaxcs7h wrote

No seriously it really isn’t a part of the justice system and it doesn’t help victims heal. Sometimes the perpetrator isn’t alive after the event and yet the victim heals anyway.


cdotterhamilton t1_jaymv2o wrote

People in Hell want ice water. Doesn’t mean they get it.

Despite belief, languishing in a jail cell does not bring a single person back. If they’re sick and want out, let them the fuck out.

It’s no skin off your teeth.