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Areljak t1_jb29vt6 wrote

They are reservists who serve voluntarily.


Tersphinct t1_jb3w2ne wrote

Reserves are mostly mandatory in Israel, not voluntary.


LongGrift t1_jb57tzx wrote

They volunteer for more days than what is mandatory


Tersphinct t1_jb59bg5 wrote

Many are "volunteered" without their knowledge. My dad got caught up in one of those schemes, and they basically excused it with saying they didn't wanna bother him with the paperwork where he asks to volunteer, so they just filed it for him an told him to show up for more days than he was supposed to.

Very few actually volunteer on purpose.


ParaBrutus t1_jb2d0jd wrote

The entire US military is voluntary—that doesn’t give them the right to decide what drills they want to attend. They may have volunteered to be reservists but they are still required to follow orders while in the reserves. Maybe because they are pilots/officers they can voluntarily resign from the reserves.