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who519 t1_jdw000m wrote

Yet another person who has watched too many movies. The elite love you guys, they feed you bullshit all day long and you can't get enough. Look at Russia, they have done much worse than bunker bombs on their neighbors and send their own citizenry into the meat grinder without training or weapons. A tyrannical government will do whatever they hell it wants and your peashooter isn't going to stop them. And though I repeat this line ad nauseam on Reddit, your gun is far more likely to hurt you or someone in our family than to save you. Every study has shown this. let go of the fantasy.

The real weakness of any government is economic production. If nobody goes to work and people stop buying specific goods, the government literally grinds to an immediate halt. Sad to say but a general strike combined with boycotts are your greatest weapon, not as cool as a John Wick movie, but far more realistic.


robexib t1_jdw12iy wrote

Who the fuck expects the flair of a John Wick movie!


who519 t1_jdw1lvx wrote

John Wick, Rambo, Red Dawn take your pick, all fantasies just like fighting against the greatest military ever equipped and assembled with your AR-15. Have an upvote for the sense of humor though!


Epicbaconsir t1_jdwibz0 wrote

And how are these strikers going to defend themselves when the government sends the jackboots in? The reality is if we really wanted to overthrow the government we’d need a combination of both. The problem is we’re nowhere near the level of organization necessary for either one to happen.


who519 t1_jdwkks0 wrote

Are they going to send Jackboots to every single person's house? The beauty of a general strike is you just stay home, you don't even have to gather in the streets. Sure they may send a few groups to make people leave their houses, but they can't do that for the entire country. If you tried to fight them with peashooters, you are going to get massacred. They have cruise missiles, Apache gunships, tanks, chemical weapons, etc...etc...if they are truly a tyrannical government like Russia, they will just kill everybody whether they have a gun or not. But if they have no one to run the factories or feed the army, or keep trade afloat, they are literally powerless. It renders military aggression completely impotent.

Edit: Look what Russia has done to the very well armed citizenry of the cities of Ukraine, they have blown them to shit. The cities are rubble. The military of Ukraine and the equipment being donated to them by the West is what is keeping them in the war, not a bunch of their citizens taking pot shots with AKs.