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dak4f2 t1_jdwnw0h wrote

I suggested this after Roe v Wade and women, women!, were furious at me for suggesting a strike.

Copying my comment from above

>All I hear from other Americans when I suggest a general strike, such as after Roe v Wade was overturned, is anger at me for being so entitled so as to 'be able' to not work. They have to make ends meet, they say it's a ridiculous idea and a general strike is only for the privileged who can afford it. They can't think long term to see past their nose, they're in survival and are not in unions that will back them up.

>It's infuriating. The apathy and settling and acceptance is baffling.


tkp14 t1_jdyfmxc wrote

What you need to understand is that we Americans are raised in a tsunami of propaganda. It’s pounded into us from birth onwards. And you can see it when people who should know better start parroting the words of their overlords. That’s what was driving the anger of people who responded to you. Realizing that you’ve been lied to and manipulated your entire life is a bitter pill to swallow. “We’re the greatest country on earth!” “Our health care system is the best!” “We are so lucky to be Americans!” “Anyone can achieve the American dream!” It’s all bullshit and we really, really need to face that.


dak4f2 t1_jdyjvhn wrote

I was born and raised in the rural midwest with a crap ton of that propaganda, and live on the west coast now. Am American too fwiw.