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dabarisaxman t1_je0yijd wrote

Step 1: Live in a country where the capitol is within a couple hours travel for the entire population.

Step 2:...

But seriously, I don't think Europeans understand how much bigger the US is than their countries. I went to college in the Bay Area of California, and there were a couple foreign students from England. One day they came by and asked us if we wanted to go to Disneyland with them. They were crushed when we told them that Disneyland was a 9 hour drive away; they had assumed that since is was the same state, it couldn't be more than a couple hours.

That's the issue, and why European protests shouldn't be a model for American activism. America is far far far too spread out for the French model of protests. For example, I'm in the Midwest and priced out a trip to DC for a big planned protest. Would have cost me over $2k between flights, pet sitting, and accommodations. And that's not even counting the issue of lost wages and potentially lost jobs.