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natedoggcata t1_jdx6mon wrote

Pretty sure there was an episode of Law and Order SVU with that same plot.


[deleted] t1_jdxkk7g wrote



wart_on_satans_dick t1_jdy7h5f wrote

Christy Mack (Mackinday) has a difficult read Wikipedia page:

>In August 2014, Mackinday and her boyfriend Corey Thomas were assaulted by Koppenhaver in her Las Vegas home.[13][14] Mackinday sustained eighteen broken bones, a broken nose, missing teeth, a fractured rib, a ruptured liver, and a thigh bruise so deep she was unable to walk for at least a week.[15] Mackinday says Koppenhaver also attempted to rape her, but was unable to maintain an erection.

Jesus Christ


AnotherBoojum t1_jdze5ps wrote

I remeber when that happened, and they were circulating photos of her in hospital. It wasn't pretty.


ObeyCoffeeDrinkSatan t1_jdzp7h3 wrote

Damn, it's been a long time since I've heard his name. I had to Google him to see what sentence he got, hoping it wasn't a few years.

He's eligible for parole in 2053.