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thecaninfrance t1_iu28yhv wrote

Police stations across America make tons of money off of school shootings. The constant threat guarantees their budgets will increase.


17times2 t1_iu2yx6e wrote

Supply children with guns -> Wait for fireworks -> Job security ensured


ThunderPigGaming t1_iu32fl5 wrote

Our Sheriff's Office budget was almost doubled after Sandy Hook and they put officers in every school. They also got all-new cruisers, bulletproof vests, and high-powered rifles. The sheriff tried to get a helicopter, but the commissioners told him he could rent a Cessna from the local airport in emergencies. LOL (they did rent one during the 2017 solar eclipse so they could watch the traffic jams). LOL


illy-chan t1_iu37psk wrote

Not to be pedantic but Philadelphia's sheriff's office is a separate entity than the police department.

Not surprised to hear they're dirty though. The head sheriff we had prior was a complete scumbag.


InflamedLiver t1_iu283vd wrote

Who needs a high paying job that brings respect when you can lose it all for a few thousand bucks?


CritaCorn t1_iu3fjpe wrote

Police sell more than just guns to young people.


5xad0w t1_iu2m2f4 wrote

If the founding fathers didn't want people selling high-powered, high-capacity semi-automatic rifles to strangers in a Wal Mart parking lot at 3 AM for well above their retail value then they would have said so in the constitution!


psychicsword t1_iu34jfr wrote

When the constitution was written private companies and individuals had fucking canons. It isn't like they didn't have powerful weapons of war.


Wazula42 t1_iu401jm wrote

Personally I support civilians having canons. It's the AR-15s I have a problem with.


5xad0w t1_iu36vj7 wrote


It is a shame all these people sneaking canons into public schools, theaters, clubs and malls.


myrddyna t1_iucc6c1 wrote

Stealth cannons, baby.

/pats invisible canon


cremaster_shake t1_iu3plu0 wrote

2nd Amendment was meant to stop the federal government from grabbing state militias to use in a federal army, anyway, because the slave states were worried about slave uprisings if their militias got depleted that way.

There are no private well-regulated militias in the US. Closest thing to what the Founders were arguing about is the National Guard. We're at least not enough of a joke so the National Guard is committing school shootings, but . . . .


myrddyna t1_iucc2me wrote

The FFs needed those ARs to corral their workforce.


nishagunazad t1_iu28fgl wrote

How'd the gun get from the CI to the shooter?


notaredditer13 t1_iu35vsx wrote

Wrong question. The shooting happened on September 27. The sale happened on October 13. The former cop got the gun *after* the shooting. So the question is: how did he get it?

Yes, yes, the article/media seems to be trying to imply the former cop supplied the gun for the shooting. He did not.


nishagunazad t1_iu3bkbu wrote

Well then that cop is just dumb. If you're going to disappear a gun from the evidence room, why would you disappear one from a school shooting and not one from some schmo with a drug arrest or whatever?


NatalieEatsPoop t1_iu2iss5 wrote

The first paragraph explains exactly what happened.


nishagunazad t1_iu2poxc wrote

It explains that the cop sold the guns to the CI. Unless the CI was the school shooter, the gun was then transferred at least one more time.

If the cops know enough about the initial buy to know what was said, how/why was that gun allowed to be transferred further?


Deathray88 t1_iu2rz71 wrote

The shooting was in September, the guns were sold to the CI in October. They didn't sell the CI guns, that were then used in a crime, they sold crime guns to the CI.


PlankOfWoood t1_iu2hr36 wrote

Why are you asking the question when already know what the answer is?


AlbrechtSchoenheiser t1_iu2aayd wrote

If only the GOP would impeach Larry krasner this sheriff's deputy would never have sold these guns /s