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1776cookies t1_itpxgw6 wrote

Gives new meaning to the phrase "dead air."


pegothejerk t1_itpxr0s wrote

Literally. Also literally died doing what he loved.


Divio42 t1_itpzuga wrote

I'm not familiar with the guy but the article doesn't mention any major health issues leading up to this.

He died fairly young. It's sad and tragic. But many of us would be so lucky. I've seen enough people deteriorate for years before finally losing their fight. That's so much harder on themselves and everyone around them.


code_archeologist t1_itq7vm1 wrote

> article doesn't mention any major health issues leading up to this.

A disturbing number of people have a heart condition slowly killing them and they don't even know it. Things like bad cholesterol, hyper tension, sleep apnea, or an arrhythmia can exist undiagnosed for a decade or more and then suddenly your heart gives up and you die.


Divio42 t1_itq8afx wrote

> A disturbing number of people have a heart condition slowly killing them and they don't even know it.

No doubt. But, if they don't even know it, they can't be suffering too much at least. A quick death with minimal suffering is better than one full of years of pain, like a cancer slowly eating you away while the treatment you are receiving for it eats you away even more.


code_archeologist t1_itq8wbf wrote

I can understand that. As for me I would just rather not die, or get old (ageing sucks, one star, do not recommend) and just live forever to avoid the existential fear of missing out of what is going to come tomorrow.


Divio42 t1_itqar8j wrote

Totally understand that, too. Though another part of me is just curious enough about what, if anything, comes next to where I'd probably accept it when it happens. And, if nothing comes next, then I won't be around to lodge a complaint with life's supervisor.


lordreed t1_itqougq wrote

Afterlife Karen says she wants to speak to the Afterlife's manager, her accommodations are a bit too toasty.


GreedyNovel t1_itsfhry wrote

I lost both parents very suddenly like this four years apart, and I agree. Although it was shocking it is also much easier than spending years taking care of someone you know will never get better.


lurkerlady71 t1_itqux2j wrote

My sister (35F) has an arrhythmia and was told by her doctor that she is too young to need treatment. Sometimes even when you know it can be a crapshoot.


cbessette t1_itrssyq wrote

A good friend of mine had a heart attack last year (age 49) he lived despite the local hospital telling him it was probably just indigestion. Luckily he sought out another opinion at a different hospital an hour away. Had to get a stent in an artery.


Redtwooo t1_itr9qga wrote

Go to the doctor. Get a check up. Every year. Even if you always feel fine. Get the tests they recommend done, cancer screenings, blood glucose, etc.

Everyone's fine until they're not. The earlier you identify a problem, the better your chance of surviving or avoiding it.


Gerryislandgirl t1_its435a wrote

Can’t cholesterol be checked every year?


code_archeologist t1_ituqumk wrote

Yes, but not everybody gets it checked, because the test may not be covered by their insurance or they just skip their annual check ups.


WanderingKing t1_ituqi7s wrote

That first one is part of what caused my stroke. I was 30. Don’t take these things likely people. Please work on them.


Big_Dog____ t1_itzia37 wrote

It was probably covid shots climate change that did it.