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anadem t1_itsllzs wrote

That's how I used to think until the big one in '89 (was in SF at the time) .. that changed my view and since then I really do not like


Bloorajah t1_itst3fz wrote

I’m fine with smaller earthquakes, but the big ones definitely can get scary. The one in 89 knocked over all those freeways right?

The big one I was in started very gently, like a smaller earthquake, but instead of stopping after a few waves like you’d expect, it only got stronger and stronger until it was really hard to stand up. I was in a fairly safe building (newer construction) but some buildings nearby came down. The sound of the buildings collapsing, people screaming, car alarms, and the whole time the shaking is just getting worse and worse and it goes on and on.

They sorta build up like the frog in the pot of water, it doesn’t seem like you’re in the middle of a natural disaster and then it suddenly crosses that line and you realize there isn’t really anything you can do, just sorta hope you picked the right hiding spot.


Awkward_Bowler t1_itt5qbk wrote

Yea I lived through the '94 Northridge one. That shit was fucking crazy. There were aftershocks the entire night. I still take small earthquakes seriously because you never know if it'll turn into a big one.


haysu-christo t1_ittpi0k wrote

Yeah, I lived through the Northridge quake too and that was a nasty one. Big, long shakes and lots of aftershocks!


kiki4thewin t1_ituibse wrote

I’m traumatized to this day from the Northridge earthquake. I was young but they have been a fear of mine ever since!