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larrthemarr t1_iujqcy6 wrote

They were probably celebratory shots as the Spaniards and Mayans celebrated together around bonfire, sharing their common love for Western values of civility, morality, freedom, and harmony.


MGD109 t1_iujxi4o wrote

>sharing their common love for Western values of civility, morality, freedom, and harmony.

This was the 16th century. People were quite honest they were here for land, slaves and gold in those days. It was exactly the same thing they had been doing at home for the last 1000 years.

They didn't try to find moral justifications until the 18th century.


Zolome1977 t1_iuk0zq9 wrote

Sarcasm flew right over your head


MGD109 t1_iuk1di2 wrote

Oh no, I know what there going for.

I'm just saying its an anachronism mockery. The Spanish Conquistadors were pretty open about the fact they were doing this for no higher purpose than they wanted to get rich, quite a lot of them stated off quite poor after all.

Cortez was basically declared a traitor by the Spanish Crown, refused orders to return home, attacked the army that was sent to bring him home in chains, and then bribed the officials with all the gold he'd stolen.