larrthemarr t1_iujpv6k wrote
Reply to "Two-Finger Test To Confirm Rape Patriarchal, Sexist": Indian Supreme Court by dynamicEntr0py
For those interested in a bit of history, the "two-finger test" became institutionalized in India thanks to, you know it, the British.
Employees of British embassies in India would regularly stick their fingers in Indian women looking to emigrate to be with their British husbands. The practice was still in place well into the 1970s. The last known official incident in the UK was in 1979 when an immigration officer at Heathrow airport performed the test on an arriving Indian woman.
The practice ended in the UK only after Asian and African women organizations protested and blocked Heathrow airport and London main streets, forcing Home Office to yield to public pressure and stop the practice.
larrthemarr t1_iujqcy6 wrote
Reply to Human burial grounds and bullets from Spanish guns uncovered at site of last Mayan stronghold in Guatemala by getBusyChild
They were probably celebratory shots as the Spaniards and Mayans celebrated together around bonfire, sharing their common love for Western values of civility, morality, freedom, and harmony.