TheChalbs t1_iu280zy wrote
I also grew up in Bucks County, as a matter of fact I lived a few doors away from the police station he worked out of in the 90's. I know various people who had been victims of him. People knew. Found out when this all finally unfolded, people I am still friends with after 30 years were victims. I believe he was protected by the police union. He was always too nice and it creeped me out.
scoop20906 t1_iu2bfoa wrote
I feel like the police unions are going to turn out to be the Catholic Church of our times.
mdsg5432 t1_iu2e8o0 wrote
As will the Catholic Church.
keyser-_-soze t1_iu2d1fy wrote
Oh interesting concept! Very apt.
SeaChart2 t1_iu4990x wrote
Police Unions promote LEO testilying and backing felon-cops. Unions resist all Reforms in training, pay disclosure, and truth-telling under oath. As 2 former Police Chiefs said, “Police Unions resist all reforms, innovation and integrity.
IKillZombies4Cash t1_iu2gamy wrote
The Venn Diagram of cops and Catholics would probably be interesting.
I’m not anti cop fwiw (also not pro-cop - im in the middle, where no one seems to be anymore), just staunchly anti catholic.
manbearcolt t1_iu2hhl6 wrote
>I’m not anti cop fwiw, just staunchly anti catholic
Both. Both is an option.
kingofpotatopeople92 t1_iu2kv6w wrote
Both is the only sane choice.
Most_Ruin_3005 t1_iu37f5f wrote
> I’m not anti cop fwiw
You should be.
IKillZombies4Cash t1_iu3vusk wrote
Well I’m not pro cop either…like we NEED law and order, but we don’t need oppression either.
We need police who live in and know the community, we need cities to not be crime ridden, and a lot of that is bringing back blue collar living wage jobs that out compete the street hustle for labor, it’s complicated and any reasonable person would agree with this on some level
ouchouch2233 t1_iu3z6cs wrote
I think everyone would agree with you on "needing law and order" the issue most people have is when (insert article) "Cop put on paid leave after 30 years on the force after accusation of sexual misconduct with 5 boys". Then people come out of the wood work "Oh yeah Officer touchboys everyone knew he touched boys! No one said anything due to harassment from other cops, and the union wouldn't fire him even after he killed that guy on the street for no reason". You can be for law and order. The US system needs serious reform and accountability for its enforcers otherwise the system remains broken
[deleted] t1_iu4048w wrote
aluminum_oxides t1_iu4o4og wrote
Why? Did you know that historically police are a recent invention?
IKillZombies4Cash t1_iu4qrq5 wrote
So is clean water and sewers.
But I'm all ears for your ideas, Again, I'm not 'pro police' but I'm not 'defund the police', neither is the answer, but in our hyper-partisan world, they are they only two choices, and both are wrong, and people get blasted by the extreme right or left when they don't pick one of the extreme right or left 'fixes'.
[deleted] t1_iu4m2ev wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3v0qe wrote
Zerole00 t1_iu4ne32 wrote
Isn't the Catholic Church still the Catholic Church of our times? I highly doubt the abuse has stopped.
PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iu7tkwo wrote
Colorado’s cops are as corrupt as can be.
[deleted] t1_iu3skzs wrote
[deleted] t1_iu5r01z wrote
TUGrad t1_iu2qg1a wrote
Paladoc t1_iu3vjqe wrote
"Some of these victims describe being sexually assaulted upwards of 200 times," said Assistant District Attorney Audrey Mark.
Rose's victims were sometimes 6, 7 or 8 years old, prosecutors said, and he raped the six victims in his West Roxbury home over the course of 30 years until 2020.
"By virtue of his position, he had their trust, and he violated it over and over. He violated their bodies. And these children, and these adult survivors will live with that trauma for the rest of their lives," Mark said after the court listened to victim impact statements.
Rose addressed the courtroom Monday.
"I am so sorry to each and every one of you. Please try to accept that I am solely responsible, and not let your hatred destroy who you are or each other," he said."
Ah, so he pled to it, should never be outside again j suspect.
"Rose was sentenced to 10 to 13 years in prison followed by 10 years of probation. Upon release, Rose cannot be unsupervised with children, must stay away from victims and must register as a sex offender."
Wait a fuckin' second, 10-13 years total?!?!?!? Not per kid? There's a chance this shit ball doesn't die in prison?????
[deleted] t1_iu51rp0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu4iqyi wrote
RoyRoger20 t1_iu221au wrote
Oh shit what district
igottagetoutofthis t1_iu22g6b wrote
I was in Centennial SD. But I think he spoke to many schools throughout Bucks Co.
TheFrogWife t1_iu2q5sg wrote
I don't quite remember his face it was so long a ago, but I do remember his name, I was in CB in the early 90s. I think I remember hearing rumors back then but I was young and didn't understand what others were talking about.
Also DARE didn't work, all my friends from back then are dead.
OrphanDextro t1_iu3jv02 wrote
We didn’t have D.A.R.E. at my school and all my friends are dead, so it’s really either way.
[deleted] t1_iu4n2ja wrote
igottagetoutofthis t1_iu3iwhe wrote
I remember stupid shit so I remember the first time he came to our 3rd grade class and introduced himself as officer Jim Carey, “like the actor but spelled different.” What a douche.
RoyRoger20 t1_iu22l2o wrote
No shit I was in CB but moved to WT for high school.
VovaGoFuckYourself t1_iu648ob wrote
Wow. My former D.A.R.E. officer from the 90s now works security at a recreational marijuana dispensory. I can't stop smiling at that irony. Very cool dude.
WirelessBCupSupport t1_iu4859b wrote
I lived near Tyler State Park, and every time I saw a black car or lowered Honda, you knew they had those DARE tags on the back. Drugs were so popular at that Council Rock (north) they had police stationed there all the time. DARE was a joke.
[deleted] t1_iu23k1x wrote
[deleted] t1_iu4witr wrote
AlbrechtSchoenheiser t1_iu22aqr wrote
A cop AND a pedo. He's going to have a bad time in prison.
karmeleeon t1_iu29uht wrote
Unfortunately he probably won’t. They are usually segregated
guyhabit t1_iu2askx wrote
Death finds a way.
HangryWolf t1_iu35ttp wrote
They were so preoccupied with whether they couldn't, they didn't stop to think if they shouldn't
Ratmole13 t1_iu3b8qa wrote
Which is total bullshit. Like anyone should even give a fuck, total waste of resources.
COVID-420- t1_iu34cni wrote
So hopeful of you to assume he’d go to prison. Let’s be real here. Paid vacation wait I mean “paid administrative leave”.
[deleted] t1_iu22shf wrote
[deleted] t1_iu22ww0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu29ahx wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2c2fw wrote
[deleted] t1_iu53ysh wrote
Fucknutssss t1_iu224lq wrote
Police thin blue line fucks
Aggravating_Head_60 t1_iu22gu2 wrote
Those "thin blue line fucks" arrested this guy for doing it instead of covering it up.
Dendad6972 t1_iu23e52 wrote
After 30 years. According to another poster from the area.
boundfortrees t1_iu23ht7 wrote
Only 20 years of abuse happened in the mean time!
Aggravating_Head_60 t1_iu23vcf wrote
Yeah! That never happens outside of law enforcement, right? Oh wait, it does, all the fucking time.
People grow up being sexually abused their whole life by people who aren't in law enforcement, and it happens for years, decades before they're caught. If they ever even are caught.
hamsterpookie t1_iu28drb wrote
Hold your law enforcement to higher standards, not lower standards.
By your standards they're just criminals.
KennyMoose32 t1_iu28cg9 wrote
I don’t understand your point tbh…..
He’s a cop whose a monster, not sure why you went to whataboutism.
Odd, almost feels like a boot licking
sexisfun1986 t1_iu28vyo wrote
You know that’s literally their supposed job right?
[deleted] t1_iu25dqv wrote
Donde_La_Carne t1_iu237bc wrote
When did the despicable acts happen and when did they do something about it? Seems the thin blue line likely bought him quite a bit of time.
SandboxOnRails t1_iu2gqgi wrote
Don't worry. Thanks to the police, he was only empowered by the police to sexually assault children for a few decades.
Donde_La_Carne t1_iu2hneg wrote
I get that investigations take time but to imply that the “thin blue line” doing their job decades later rather than covering it up as some sort of vindication is the absolute wrong take… unless you’re part of the “thin blue line”.
SandboxOnRails t1_iu2k9pf wrote
I was being sarcastic, but I can't blame you for thinking a real "thin blue line" supporter would be that stupid.
Donde_La_Carne t1_iu2kyxs wrote
I get your sarcasm, hard to take what you said as anything but. I was mostly referring back to the comment comment I originally commented on. My bad if it seems like I thought you were being serious!
thatfreshjive t1_iu2i6p6 wrote
You are given power as LE, power that no other citizen has.
Of course this power is going to be abused by certain individuals - the problem is your fraternal mafia organization.
thatfreshjive t1_iu2igch wrote
The Fraternal Order of Police, the fat blue line, is a goddamn disgrace to justice, and the USA
[deleted] t1_iu2323y wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2433b wrote
[deleted] t1_iu254y6 wrote
moxiejohnny t1_iu24vv3 wrote
A different thin blue line, not his thin blue line.
Aggravating_Head_60 t1_iu22c4j wrote
D.A.R.E. still exists???
SLCW718 t1_iu25dvv wrote
When I was a kid I had a D.A.R.E. bumper sticker on my car, but it said D.A.R.E to keep Cops off donuts!, and D.A.R.E. stood for Donut Abuse and Rotundity Elimination. The local cops were very irritated by it, and I got tickets on more than one occasion because of it.
roadcrew778 t1_iu28fwf wrote
Oh sure. Like you weren’t going 27 in a 25.
Sir_Loin_Cloth t1_iu38y73 wrote
That fuckin scofflaw!
BuzzCave t1_iu3i2fl wrote
My friend wore a shirt to school that said
D.A.R.E: Drugs Are Really Expensive
[deleted] t1_iu2hvcn wrote
Sugar_buddy t1_iu4c02f wrote
My good friends that I did drugs with.
IniMiney t1_iu88jml wrote
Yeah, just this past summer they had a booth setup outside of a Five Below lol
[deleted] t1_iu233xf wrote
Dare was always a crock of shit
Soren_Camus1905 t1_iu4gags wrote
I liked DARE day, didn’t really pay attention otherwise, started using drugs shortly thereafter.
IniMiney t1_iu88mzh wrote
I think my favorite thing is seeing people wearing DARE shirts at raves lol
going-for-gusto t1_iu34zz3 wrote
Is it still going?
mikya t1_iu29m0m wrote
Ever notice how when a cop gets busted for something their department can't cover up they always emphasize that they're an "ex-cop" in the statements to distance themselves from their disgraced brethren?
SnakeDoctur t1_iu330wu wrote
Despite the crimes being committed when he WAS a cop
[deleted] t1_iu4d66f wrote
[deleted] t1_iu23wg2 wrote
kingofpotatopeople92 t1_iu2l5nt wrote
...walk into a boys youth camp...
PuellaBona t1_iu2q9jn wrote
Haha I see what you did there
deadbeat95 t1_iu2sbay wrote
I'm looking through the article, where are you getting the info on his political and religious status?
[deleted] t1_iu2bur9 wrote
SLCW718 t1_iu24uom wrote
What a monster! I can't even imagine what those boys went through, and continue to go through. He basically destroyed the lives of those kids, and all the people who love them. Lock him in a box until he expires.
SnakeDoctur t1_iu32x2n wrote
And he was a cop meaning those kids had ZERO recourse. Back in the 90s and 2000s and half dozens kids could've made accusations and NOBODY would've believe them.
kingofpotatopeople92 t1_iu2m2py wrote
2'x2'x2' metal box placed under a large magnifying glass for 4 hours mid summer until crispy and golden brown... shit, now I want some fried chicken.
kalekayn t1_iu2u3ho wrote
Not bacon?
Manoso1 t1_iu27cdr wrote
I bet he goes to church every Sunday and votes Republican
[deleted] t1_iu3350q wrote
Thetimmybaby t1_iu20e74 wrote
Seems like it's been going on for quite some time. I'm glad finally somebody stopped him.
green_n_bean t1_iu28jse wrote
He's definitely not a RINO. That's real republican shit right there.
SorryMess4913 t1_iu2avbm wrote
Another D.A.R.E. Officer Patrick Haynie did it in Clarkdale, AZ. Gotta watch school resource officers closely.
zootsuited t1_iu2522r wrote
good ole bucks county
thumpngroove t1_iu4emhd wrote
Bucks is nuts. Politically, it’s the most divided I’ve ever seen.
Ok-Swordfish2723 t1_iu26aww wrote
But he kept the kids off drugs, right? That’s a good thing, right? /s
Lex_Innokenti t1_iu2a9ab wrote
"Despite his role in D.A.R.E., investigators found that Carey allowed children to drink, smoke and do drugs in his presence."
Yeah... not so much.
[deleted] t1_iu2acva wrote
Jazzy41 t1_iu2fvwa wrote
But please, ban more books Bucks County.
PodporuchikKJ t1_iu291v0 wrote
That's a surprise. Usually, D.A.R.E cops just sell drugs to the kids.
deadbeat95 t1_iu2rqxx wrote
Remember kids say no to drugs; but adults diddling your holes is just fine.
vs-1680 t1_iu3ys7r wrote
Every single officer in his precinct knew or suspected that this monster was raping children for decades...and chose not to do anything about it. They're either all incompetent or complicit. There are no good police in that precinct. It's all 'bad apples'.
tbass1965 t1_iu23yq9 wrote
Maybe the boys in the cell block will return the favor!
I type that with malice but, truth be told, I've know a few victims. Rape is such a heinous act, I wouldn't wish it on anyone!
fluffybunny87 t1_iu3pjgc wrote
For this type of news, what’s the reason they do not disclose the specific acts / details he committed? I feel like the language of “sexually assaulted” is a softball and makes it appear less harmful than it actually was. Be transparent about the monster these people are. I’d bet it get more people angry and upset (more new coverage) and drive more change in laws and how these cases are handled (faster and harsher punishment).
melouofs t1_iu27slg wrote
Another shitty cop…not news, they’re everywhere
[deleted] t1_iu2ds9i wrote
melouofs t1_iu2h0ii wrote
Different expression of their shittiness.
BlueCyann t1_iu40o18 wrote
They do both. The plethora of cops raping detained women is well known, not much of a leap for the same sort of mindset to do it to kids.
Gnd_flpd t1_iu50rhg wrote
Well, since it was boys, the homosexuality of it all offends many. Now if it were females, that's different!!!!!!!! /S
Jrecondite t1_iu2if7t wrote
A police officer you say? Why am I not surprised.
[deleted] t1_iu32zhd wrote
personofshadow t1_iu2zwim wrote
Is D.A.R.E. still a thing? I thought they gave up on that program a while ago
scotticusphd t1_iu49npm wrote
Now prosecute the people who protected him.
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_iu4kudx wrote
Well at least he didnt do drugs
Yappa_Pie t1_iu4ljr8 wrote
I worked at a Campground with him, always gave off creepy vibes and was overly friendly with the kids. Glad to see he got his.
[deleted] t1_iu1yvri wrote
[deleted] t1_iu1yz8r wrote
[deleted] t1_iu1zt82 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu23g7u wrote
[deleted] t1_iu24zdp wrote
[deleted] t1_iu286t5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu292px wrote
[deleted] t1_iu293pk wrote
[deleted] t1_iu29r2k wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2b79w wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2dg1j wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2fqb5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2huox wrote
FN1987 t1_iu2jgpd wrote
Looks like a kingpin variant who went in to an entirely different form of crime.
[deleted] t1_iu2l9j9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2ml6b wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2nme1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2nyl3 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu2rqh9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu30zot wrote
[deleted] t1_iu311ss wrote
[deleted] t1_iu35xg4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu37zta wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3nc94 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3pq9d wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3rgkx wrote
ODBCP t1_iu3tmup wrote
I’m sorry is nobody going to mention that this dude’s name is Jim Carey?
ExPatWharfRat t1_iu5bie5 wrote
Allllllllrighty then
[deleted] t1_iu3u6ke wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3zysa wrote
MacMac105 t1_iu4137b wrote
The guy who got the DARE award in my class went by the nickname "Heroin Tony" for a while so I'd say DARE is not great.
[deleted] t1_iu43gdy wrote
CDavis10717 t1_iu44ge3 wrote
There are monsters among us.
[deleted] t1_iu46fg0 wrote
[deleted] t1_iu4705a wrote
[deleted] t1_iu49vit wrote
[deleted] t1_iu49xjn wrote
dratsablive t1_iu4ajgs wrote
From Bucks County, and a Cop, definitely a Trumper.
Aliteracy t1_iu4lwux wrote
Fuck em. At least he will get some unwanted attention of his own.
SeaworthinessEast999 t1_iu4qghk wrote
That whole just say no rule in DARE just didn't make the cut I guess
CaptainMcAnus t1_iu4w3wd wrote
It'd be great if my county made national news for not awful things for once.
[deleted] t1_iu63trg wrote
shf500 t1_iu6w0ab wrote
You know that people were reading the headline hoping it was a drug charge.
[deleted] t1_iu73t0u wrote
yourcousinfromboston t1_iu78hmx wrote
But I was told we gotta worry about them transgenders and drag queens
[deleted] t1_iu7xdtl wrote
Impossible_Town984 t1_iu2hbqz wrote
But did he say no to drugs though?
[deleted] t1_iu3pthb wrote
muppethero80 t1_iu2kz0i wrote
I mean it was say no to drugs. Not say no to cops wanting to have sex with you
[deleted] t1_iu2qdga wrote
Mindthegaptooth t1_iu3sxjl wrote
That wasnt having sex. It was rape. Avoiding the word makes it seem less.
muppethero80 t1_iu3t1i2 wrote
Very true. But to be fair DARE is a war against something that has no need to be warred against. I feel like a dare officer would twist it just as much and it turns out he did
Thin_Pomegranate4461 t1_iu4ajmn wrote
He needs assaulted with a ball bat.
Moynamama t1_iu2tqw8 wrote
If he doesn’t go the way of his buddy, stick his ass in general population.
[deleted] t1_iu2ni2j wrote
IsThisKismet t1_iu2qxfx wrote
No one is saying that.
[deleted] t1_iu2sepq wrote
IsThisKismet t1_iu2xc4x wrote
Alright, that one person is saying that. No one of any consequence is saying that.
[deleted] t1_iu31o6y wrote
IsThisKismet t1_iu32cxi wrote
I mean, if we’re being honest, you were someone who said it. So maybe you’re the bad guy.
[deleted] t1_iu37b46 wrote
we_come_at_night t1_iu3njgf wrote
I agree, I would just add a tiny little thing that comes with such an identification: chemical castration
[deleted] t1_iu3tzzc wrote
igottagetoutofthis t1_iu1zvg1 wrote
I grew up in the 90s in Bucks Co and remember this guy. There were always rumors of him abusing other kids. Glad people finally spoke out.