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neo_sporin t1_itlgoi7 wrote

Yea…my brother had a break in February of 2002 and his decisions were related to sept 11. Terrorists had put a bomb in the car of this suburban 19 year old…ok to the hospital you go, this isn’t our first rodeo


marshmellowterrorist t1_itm3sc9 wrote

I’m sorry to hear your brother was having a hard time, I hope he’s doing better now, but I would like to gently ask how he feels about the whole thing now with some distance and perspective? It’s not often we get to hear the other side of these stories.


neo_sporin t1_itm6yia wrote

No idea. Havnt spoken to him in over 10 years aside from ‘forced’ FaceTimes at holidays. I know it took about 15 years from that date before he was on stable meds, there were several ‘incidents’ the years following

Since then I have found out our family has a fairly lengthy history of mental illness so it all started to make a bit more sense to me


TwistedCherry766 t1_itn2ktr wrote

My daughter has these ‘breaks’ and hardly remembers much from it.

She is bi-polar/schizophrenic affective .

Fortunately she is medicated and doing well now