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asdaaaaaaaa t1_itkw5lk wrote

> The family had not been heard from since October 16, and the couple and their sons were last seen on Monday at a gas station nearly five hours north of their home. Surveillance footage showed the family “purchasing fuel and food,” police said earlier.

>Fremont Police Chief Tim Rodwell said Friday that the family left Suzette’s mother in the home alone. She was later found by a neighbor and is now being looked after by other family members, Rodwell said.

>Fermont Police also received a call from the father, Anthony Cirigliano, that raised concern about the family’s welfare.

>In the recording of the 911 call obtained by CNN, made just after midnight on October 16, Cirigliano said he needed someone from the Fremont Police Department immediately.

>“I need some police protection immediately,” Cirigliano can be heard telling the 911 operator. “It is of vital national interest. It is related to September 11th, and people want to erase me from the face of the Earth.

Sounds like he had a mental break, split with his immediate family (and left his mother?) and hid somewhere for awhile.


FlashbackUniverse t1_itkxjjq wrote

>It is of vital national interest. It is related to September 11th, and people want to erase me from the face of the Earth.

The plot thins.


Outrageous_Bass_1328 t1_itkyy4j wrote

This might be legit

“It’s related to 9/11”

Now, now - let’s hear what the man has to say


Naturwissenschaftler t1_itl0x57 wrote

He’s not Ja Rule, what could he have to say?


startrektoheck t1_itl0558 wrote

Clear my calendar, hold my calls, and get Infowars on the phone STAT.


ethicsg t1_itl8klv wrote

Sorry the number you have called owes lizard people 1 billion dollars, if you'd like to make a donation please hang up and call...


Always_0421 t1_itld5ig wrote

Operation Northwoods ended up being real...Snowden revelations ended up verified...tonkin incident was proven fabricated....crazy shit happens

Edit: Funny to get this many down votes with no comments.


ExpatJundi t1_itnv5uv wrote

Operation Northwoods never actually happened, which is an inconvenient fact to the people that cite it all the time.


Always_0421 t1_itpw5qc wrote

Because one man didn't sign off on was still approved by federal agencies (chief of staff, director of CIA) with intent to completion upon executive approval... the executive that refused to sign it was later assasinated the following year.

It's crazy people act like it's a preposterous idea the government could or something like that when they have already ADMITTED to the Muskogee airman experiments, project MK Ultra, operation Bongo II, the gulf Tonkin incident, and the Snowden revelations....and then planned operation northwoods.


SableyeFan t1_itl4u73 wrote

I had this exact thing happen to me. Family friend shows up unexpectedly with kids in tow, drops some doomsday crap on me and hopes I could help by validating her thoughts. Immediately backpedles when I suggest we get some food and at least come up with a plan so she wasn't literally driving all over the state aimlessly with zero money, cellphone battery, and gas.

I stepped in immediately between her and the kids and she left without them. I contacted everyone who should be in the loop with her license plate number and set to work making sure the kids were comfortable and somewhat happy after watching their mother literally abandon them.

It worked out, but this stuff wasn't easy to deal with regardless.


LeftyLu07 t1_itl5nyj wrote

That would be so scary because I would be worried someone in the midst of break like that could armed and not realize what they're doing.


candysipper t1_itlbtm7 wrote

People like that are usually the victim of crime, not the perpetrator. They’re very vulnerable, not very organized and people take advantage of their fragile state. Of course it’s not impossible that someone could become suicidal/homicidal and paranoia and desperation are risk factors, but the reality is that they usually don’t become dangerous to others.


aalios t1_itl6ulx wrote

> his mother

Who according to the NYPost had dementia and she was found wandering the neighbourhood.

Also he apparently made claims about the FBI and CIA being after him.


BreakfastBeerz t1_itkyvp2 wrote

I find it weird though that the wife and kids went along with it. The kids were old enough to know better, between the 3 of them I'd think one of them would have done something.


IstgUsernamesSuck t1_itl3e4r wrote

Same thing happened to that family in Australia. Pretty sure theirs was a shared psychosis, which would make sense here too.


neo_sporin t1_itlgoi7 wrote

Yea…my brother had a break in February of 2002 and his decisions were related to sept 11. Terrorists had put a bomb in the car of this suburban 19 year old…ok to the hospital you go, this isn’t our first rodeo


marshmellowterrorist t1_itm3sc9 wrote

I’m sorry to hear your brother was having a hard time, I hope he’s doing better now, but I would like to gently ask how he feels about the whole thing now with some distance and perspective? It’s not often we get to hear the other side of these stories.


neo_sporin t1_itm6yia wrote

No idea. Havnt spoken to him in over 10 years aside from ‘forced’ FaceTimes at holidays. I know it took about 15 years from that date before he was on stable meds, there were several ‘incidents’ the years following

Since then I have found out our family has a fairly lengthy history of mental illness so it all started to make a bit more sense to me


TwistedCherry766 t1_itn2ktr wrote

My daughter has these ‘breaks’ and hardly remembers much from it.

She is bi-polar/schizophrenic affective .

Fortunately she is medicated and doing well now