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Zacho37 t1_itu7ki2 wrote


Soren_Camus1905 t1_itval4g wrote

Nah I enjoy my life thank you


cenmosahd t1_itwpwkv wrote

Start with yourself if you feel that strongly.


2s3lf4war3 t1_ituiu5x wrote

that's weird, aren't you a human?


[deleted] t1_itv3xj3 wrote



2s3lf4war3 t1_itwxxk1 wrote

guys the world isn't black and white.

you can be self-loathing, fat redditors in your basement if you want to, that doesn't make your blanket statement that the entire species sucks and is destroying everything factual or correct. doesn't make any of your pathetic downvotes matter a whit either.

like seriously - the young generation downvoting me? y'all self-loathing shit, woe is me bullshit needs to fucking go away. nobody has it perfect, grow the fuck up and stop acting like everyone and everything is bad when things get tough

fucking bunch of wimps. but keep acting like i'm wrong for defending the species you yourself are a part of.


thatcoldrevenge t1_iu5w1fz wrote

Please tell us more about how you don't care about downvotes yet do nothing but insult your audience when they downvote you.


Ayzmo t1_itvlfjv wrote

The world would be better off without humans.


Jeahn2 t1_itwt361 wrote

Too bad, since we're here to stay.


Ayzmo t1_itx3noa wrote

At the rate we're destroying the environment, unlikely. Unless something major changes, we're kinda fucked. Global seafood stocks are down across the board and 70% of seafood species are on the brink of crashing due to overfishing.


Jeahn2 t1_itx4c4l wrote

>Global seafood stocks are down across the board and 70% of seafood species are on the brink of crashing due to overfishing.

We're not going to die off just because of that.


Ayzmo t1_itx80a1 wrote

You're correct. But fish species collapsing will impact the entire world's ecosystems. So many depend on the ocean and on fish. Not to mention fish is the primary form of protein for 20-30% of the world's population.