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t1_iuc4z6y wrote

A guy working for the city of Phoenix a few years ago came up and asked to buy my cousins dog, she said no, next day it was missing. Had no idea how to find him to get it back.


t1_iuc5umv wrote

Over twenty years ago I was still a teenager at home, my mother ran a kennel (cockers and shih tzu). One day this woman and her boyfriend came out to see the puppies. They looked at them and said they would have to think about it. I went on with my stuff in the backyard. When my mom got home she noticed the puppies were all gone, all seven of them. Called the cops and of course they were completely useless. So my mom put out a full page ad for information in the newspaper, that cost a pretty penny, but she was real pissed.

One of the woman's friends came forward and snitched on her. Turns out the woman was the daughter of an owner of a chain of car part stores in town so she away with it only with some community service. The boyfriend got some time. They guy that came forward and had gotten the pups from them for us? Two years.


t1_iuc70kv wrote

Sorry what???? What did the guy that came forward get two years for???


t1_iuc9g8h wrote

He had the stolen property. Technically. And even though we made sure to not press charges against that guy he still got jail time.


t1_iucf1jc wrote

What- like he bought some dogs, realized they were stolen, reported it, and went to jail and was charged as a direct result of having been given stolen dogs, and without the actual owners pressing charges?

That makes so little sense that's there's got to be more to it behind the scenes (like the dude got caught with a drugs or something when the cops came by).


t1_iud4dae wrote

The guy came forward to us with the dogs, not the cops. There was no drugs or whatever. There was nothing more to it. This was a relatively small southern town. The good old boy system. Someone had to go to jail and the daughter of an important town figure wasn't it. The boyfriend got his token jail time.


t1_iue7b9i wrote

Why not just... say they were anonymously dropped? Or ig we know to now...


t1_iuh7glo wrote

I think it’s fair to assume someone returning your missing dogs won’t be seen as a criminal.

The problem is America isn’t fair.


t1_iucx1e6 wrote

>Turns out the woman was the daughter of an owner of a chain of car part stores in town so she away with it only with some community service.

Takes a certain amount of sociopathy when you do shit like this and you know you can just buy some dogs and not even feel the money