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2ndtryagain t1_is3x9zq wrote

The way the LDS Church keeps acting, I predict /r/exmormon will continue to grow.


Anonuser123abc t1_is45pbv wrote

Wasn't it like the 70's when they decided black people were real people?


CMDR_Squashface t1_is8letd wrote

Ex Mormons on tiktok are some of the most interesting pages. Honestly, anyone doing religious deconstruction, but the ex Mormons are also usually the funniest too, followed closely by exjws


sjfiuauqadfj t1_is4d0e8 wrote

not to mention more ex mormon men and women for everyone to date


Zealousideal_Bid118 t1_is3gaxk wrote

It's awesome that they are doing this, but this university is run by the Morman church right? So there is basically no chance of anything changing?


BridgetheDivide t1_is3k6mr wrote

Hey. Mormons eventually decided Black people were actually people. Things can change. You just need to hit them in the money.


Hickspy t1_is3q579 wrote

"I belieeeeeve that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!"

-Book of Mormon (the musical, not the book)


DavidMalony t1_is3llbu wrote

If only we could get Republicans onboard with that.


dq9 t1_is3ugta wrote

Bigger money but you still have to hit them in the money.


Chino_Blanco OP t1_is3ho30 wrote

Valid skepticism about the chances for reform at BYU, but this particular protest was part of a broader national effort to draw attention to institutions with religious exemptions from Title IX. In this instance, the focus was not on the unique structural barriers to reform at BYU so much as the effect of the religious exemptions our government grants to schools like BYU.


badillustrations t1_is4gyz4 wrote

They used to kick people out of the church when they publicly said they were gay. They now have openly gay leadership as long as they don't have gay sex, so things do change. As the article mentions though, it's not changing the church's actual stance--just how things are run. Polygamy, for example, is no longer practiced, but a Mormon man can still be sealed to multiple women (not the other way around), so it's not really gone from their beliefs.


Zealousideal_Bid118 t1_is4heoq wrote

That's awesome! So I can be openly gay as long as I promise to never ever ever have sex? Sounds like Mormonism is perfect for me.

In all seriousness, I wonder how many suicides the Morman church has under their belt. We probably wont ever know, they control the universities, the police, and the government in their regions, what a fucked up state of affairs. Thanks for telling me about their tolerance of gayness though, I hope it doesn't get you in trouble.


Chippopotanuse t1_is51le2 wrote

You’d think they’d naturally embrace gay guys.

If one man is gonna marry ten women…by my maths that means there’s nine guys without a girl. And who are they supposed to fuck?


zelphwithbrokenshelf t1_is3dwul wrote

Any employees of the university or church owned business (many!) Or church itself, risk their jobs if they participate in any way.


apathyontheeast t1_is3vhej wrote

They'd quit giving the university - and the Mormon church - their money and attendance if they truly wanted to make a change.


Chino_Blanco OP t1_is3zrqf wrote

Most of these students will eventually leave Mormonism behind. Many of them were raised in families that applied pressure and incentives to push them into going to BYU. I was one of them. It’s a lot to ask an 18-year-old to take that kind of stand against family expectations. Props to these students for lifting where they stand, which happens to be BYU, for now.


Codeboy3423 t1_is45duw wrote

Dude. I grew up going to a LDS Church and the fucking pressure to go to BYU and serve a mission for 2 or more Years is FUCKING INSANE!! Mostly the latter part.

To sum it up, you turn 18, 19, or 20 (Women get their Mission call ups much later in mid 20s) Must be Graduated from High school, then You and a Partner of same gender get flown to WHEREVER the hell they tell you to go in US or Internationally, to knock on doors and spread their Religion. With hardly ANY Funds and usually no Vehicles for your area and in a bare bones necessities residence.. with only a Bike. And dont get me started the Horror stories I heard from some of them about almost getting killed or almost shot at..

Its like a really slow psychological torture, because you're also extremely restricted on what activities your allowed to do in your spare time

I didnt serve a mission, but THAT was the main common topics that keep coming up from people and ex-mormons who did serve.

Once you come back, THEN you are pressured to go to BYU and STILL expect to pay for a chunk of it (your not allowed to work or receive additional money during your mission time). Which by this time all valid scholarship offers become Null and Void for other schools (except women who dont need to serve until later, so they have that opportunity).

Hell, I was told the church is supposed to pay for your tuition (a free ride), but that was false.

Even worse, I was told that the church itself is supposed to help pay in times of tragedy like a sudden death in the family.. for instance My mother passed when I was 16 and then my father passed a month later and were buried the way Mormons bury their dead which was expensive.

... The Church did JACK SHIT! My older sister in College was left with those bills and had to work a extra job to pay off that debt. She immediately left that church, and me pissed off after finally hearing at what they did leaving her high and dry a couple years later after I graduated... Basically Its a Scam and exploitation. The people you meet are nice, but after putting on a filter on what they say, its about 50/50 are tolerable and not complete Sheeple nor fully Red either and pretty lax if you catch my drift.


Gone213 t1_is5km9s wrote

You mean to tell me a church that has $100 billion doesn't actually help their members out, color me shocked. /s


templenameis_beyonce t1_is4lnj6 wrote

BYU tuition is ridiculously affordable—especially for active mormons. so some students may want to leave, but literally can’t afford to.

see r/exmormon for personal stories


ADarwinAward t1_is8lbr8 wrote

From every account I have read and heard, most of the students that protest against their rules wish they could go elsewhere. They are there because it’s very cheap for Mormons or because they’re D1 athletes who didn’t get other offers. It’s only $3100 a semester for Mormons. That’s only a little higher than in-state tuition for community colleges in my state.


cyrixlord t1_is411xv wrote

ok, now do it in your temples, and stop throwing your money at the University, even if it risks being excommunicated. could save you lots of money in tithings


Astro4545 t1_is47cce wrote

Bravo to them, sucks that the turnout showed there wasn't much support.


greenman5252 t1_isak7de wrote

Must be hard to try to educate and religion at the same time


ResponsibleAd2541 t1_is6628k wrote

Didn’t that story about a racist fan turn out to be fake news?


[deleted] t1_is3qamd wrote



Chino_Blanco OP t1_is3qs6k wrote

From the link:

>The walkout was organized by the Black Menaces and the Religious Exemption Accountability Project, a group that is working to ensure equality for LGBTQ+ students at religious schools.

Meet the Black Menaces:

In answer to your query, I’m guessing not the same.