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cjdugthy t1_isvuqsp wrote

War is typically a tense situation so I don't see how this is 'news'


Abortionofrights t1_isvvgp4 wrote

Losing is tense they should release the stress by giving up.


Avangelice t1_isvvsqt wrote

Tense is when a guy receives message from a girl she's pregnant. Tense is when you see 10 miss calls from mom at 4am.

Ukraine situation for the Russia borders on we fucked up majorly. If they don't realize it sooner they will be fertilisers for next year's crops


Sardine_Sandwich t1_isvy5c0 wrote

That comander has probably fallen out a window by now for making that statement..


[deleted] t1_isvynr2 wrote

Here's hoping it becomes untenable soon.


Available-Sandwich-3 t1_isvzzv2 wrote

He sent his superiors enough vodka gifts that they forgave him for indicating the situation is tense. Has not fallen out of window yet comrade. If he starts talking about rusted ak47s and no gear or medical equipment vodka might not be enough.


[deleted] t1_isw1ybf wrote

Republicans are Communist sympathizers!


CritaCorn t1_isw2m0c wrote

So to take the edge off they murder civilians….what lovely people Russians are…..not


Aikman8 t1_isw5pd8 wrote

As it should be for the boatloads of money the US has sent…..


sulris t1_isw66qn wrote

I hate how they use headlines of person says”x” as factual news because it is true they said it. It’s lazy. If they want to report news they should verify X and report X. Somebody said something is, usually, not news, it is merely one step in creating news and should not be the last step.


Chumy_Cho t1_iswcapl wrote

Situation have been tense for Ukraine for the last 10months


borkus t1_iswdr4o wrote

It’s unheard of a Russian military leader to say anything remotely negative about the “Special Operation.” It’s also being said by “General Armageddon.”

The fact that the new leader is admitting any difficulties means the tone of the behind-the-scenes conversations in Russia are changing dramatically.


TheManassaBaller t1_iswfrf7 wrote

For his forces in ukraine... what? For his forces in Ukraine don't want to be there?


HappyThumb55555 t1_iswjzw2 wrote

Good, hopefully they all die if they are in Ukraine.


M4d_Martigan t1_isx55lo wrote

It's not tense, it's catastrophic. Most soldiers have no food, no training, no orders beside dig here and wait for death, we've seen mobiks with effin Mosin Nagants FFS! They're loosing ground everyday, and the domestic situation isn't better with a tanking economy, hundreds of thousands fleeing the country, political and civil unrest and diplomatic isolation even from their allies. The emperor is naked and his empire is on fire.


Texish06 t1_isy9daa wrote

Every time I hear about a Russian official saying anything that's not 100% Putin's line I just expect to hear about a bad fall in their near future


DeathByGoldfish t1_isyjntx wrote

In other words, water is mildly humid. Not even close to adequately describing the situation.


Odd-Employment2517 t1_it0dahw wrote

The US spent more than 300 million per day during the GWOT for 20 years. We spent signifigantly more breaking our great enemy the USSR. We are breaking our current biggest threat to stability and still our longest enemy for pennies on the dollar comparatively every cent is well worth it. The 40 billion we have spent so far is just part of the trillion we spend every single year on the DoD. If u want the US to cut back demand our military make deep cuts to its budget.


Liesmith424 t1_it2rhhz wrote

"The Ukrainian forces are nettled. Super nettled."