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Elbynerual t1_iy8g91v wrote

I guess they realize executing him would be way too noticeable and possibly be the final straw


TintedApostle t1_iy8ki80 wrote

If I was him I would get out of town before the WQC ends.


iforgotmymittens t1_iy9tk4z wrote

If he’s not on a plane right now he probably should be.


HaloGuy381 t1_iyed8m7 wrote

Hell, I’d not be shocked if he’d been contacted by his country’s embassy and strongly pushed to leave, to avoid having a diplomatic kerfuffle later if Qatar decides to arrest him again when the competition concludes. Would be an embarrassment to then have to face public pressure to get him released, rather than just bring him home asap.


No___ImRight t1_iy8mvpf wrote

"Fun" fact.

Shari'a law typically says you can only execute Muslims for being gay in countries that have Shari'a law.

If you're a minority non-Muslim and you're gay, you only get sent to prison for like 35 years.


Slightly_Smaug t1_iy8rxfp wrote

Y... Yay?


Beagle_Knight t1_iy9gy76 wrote

Qatar: Oh don’t worry, we aren’t going to behead you or anything like that, we are a civilized society.

Minorities: wow that’s great to hear, I was very worried for a moment.

Qatar: instead, we are going to throw your ass in jail for 35 consecutive years, no reduced sentence or anything of the sort.


willstr1 t1_iy8hxmy wrote

Still surprised they didn't put him in jail or deport him (just to be clear I am glad he isn't serving time, just surprised at the lack of cruelty from the regime)


Splycr t1_iyadkfb wrote

Well it wasn't for MBS but I guess that's what happens when your land is oil-rich


Fuckface_Whisperer t1_iy9puhl wrote

Can you point out an example of a Westerner executed in Qatar? Since you seem to think it happens all the time.

Lol just downvotes and zero answer.

Qatar is a piece of shit regressive hellhole but they don't execute Westerners. They send them home.
