HaloGuy381 t1_jea3cfx wrote
Reply to comment by Nonsenseinabag in Frank Rubio's first spaceflight will turn into the longest mission by a US astronaut by gordon22
I’m curious if my health would drastically improve, thanks to the sudden absence of pollen and other usual plant allergens that drag me down so hard.
On the other hand, living in such tight quarters with nonexistent privacy would drive me insane within days.
HaloGuy381 t1_jbpcgor wrote
Reply to comment by ToxicBanana69 in New York landlord becomes legal guardian of 93-year-old Holocaust survivor: 'She had no one else' by Imguran
If you’d like a reminder of how little time has passed: I’m 25. My father was the first of his line born in the US back in 1969 to someone who immigrated to the US after enduring the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
The Holocaust was not so long ago. That we seem to have so many eager to repeat that horrific atrocity, whether toward Jews or another minority scapegoat, is deeply disturbing.
HaloGuy381 t1_ja9dk3e wrote
Reply to And I still have no clue by DrGoosert
1 inch of picture equals 1 inch of plastic, essentially. A 1:1 model of a real life tank carved out of foam would be the actual size and shape of the tank, just in foam instead of steel and other expensive bits.
HaloGuy381 t1_ja90fqv wrote
Reply to comment by SpecialFX99 in A cougar was observed swimming 1.1 km (0.68 miles) to an uninhabited island in Pugent Sound. Researchers find other records implying mountain lions can swim even farther to hop between islands, likely >2 km. “We are redefining the mountain lion in our minds as an animal that can swim.” by TR_54
And both better than seeing one while lying in bed.
HaloGuy381 t1_j9yqakd wrote
Reply to comment by godamen in Poland has delivered tanks to Ukraine, government announces on war's first anniversary. by Rifletree
And more simply: “Fuck Russia” from Poland. Although sending your message at muzzle velocity from a tank cannon does make it a lot easier to hear.
HaloGuy381 t1_j9vibym wrote
Reply to comment by AnBearna in Ukraine protest: Russian tank parked outside embassy in Berlin by donutloop
The Putinite mining and smelting industry will help Ukraine get back on their feet a bit.
HaloGuy381 t1_j9dnecf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Russia's economy shrinks by less than expected by SnooPaintings5866
Gotta say: my father works cybersecurity consulting, been in the business for decades in some form or another. About a year ago, the number of incidents his firm responded to, and with it demand for prevention-oriented work, fell off massively. As in, company’s tightening the belt, laying people off, cutting bonuses, etc, because work has dried up so badly.
The suspicion is a mix of pre-war criminals in Ukraine busy being shot at, hackers in Russia being drafted, and both kinds not getting their checks from a certain mob boss masquerading as a head of state. Both countries previously had an outsize presence in significant breaches, and now it’s strangely quiet. You’re not wrong that organized crime and Russia are related problems, and dismantling one requires dealing with the other, or vice versa. Disarming them of income from criminal enterprise means fewer shells landing in Ukrainian homes.
HaloGuy381 t1_j94qfcw wrote
Reply to comment by samcrut in Amazing shot of a Blue Jay pestering a Bald Eagle by Smash_Factor
A profound demonstration of the utility of intelligence : both to calculate the bird’s approach thanks to the shadow, and for the bird to recognize being outmatched to avoid ever picking that fight again.
HaloGuy381 t1_j8491vz wrote
Reply to comment by GorgenShit in California city closes canyon to visitors to avert "poppy apocalypse" by pika_pie
Or a battle starting over Anchorage for several more decades, but I guess we’re speedrunning the Fallout timeline.
HaloGuy381 t1_j6o9fz6 wrote
Reply to comment by JennJayBee in Annie Wersching: The Last of Us video game and 24 actress dies at 45 by YaBoy_Iwan
Tbh, at least it was cancer. My first instinct seeing a death that young that was not an accident is to presume suicide. At least with cancer, you die wanting to live and surrounded by people who are sympathetic, instead of suffering until you can finally escape being alive.
HaloGuy381 t1_j2fsske wrote
Reply to comment by closetedpencil in North Korea ends year with ballistic missiles launch by following_the-_light
Should’ve told Russia to go take a hike when they came shopping for weapons, it’s the fault of the Russian invasion of a major breadbasket that food’s gonna be tighter globally.
HaloGuy381 t1_j1ryesx wrote
Reply to comment by Jellote in Conservatives in Western Canada Pass Law Rejecting Federal Sovereignty by Halvinz
As someone from Texas, that’s somewhat disturbing to hear.
HaloGuy381 t1_j1rnlty wrote
Reply to comment by jschubart in Conservatives in Western Canada Pass Law Rejecting Federal Sovereignty by Halvinz
Presumably a lot fewer heavily armed bigots chomping at the bit for a civil war, though.
HaloGuy381 t1_j1kex6a wrote
Reply to comment by lilrabbitfoofoo in Bethlehem sees Christmas tourism boost after two-year Covid hiatus by Sahar1224
That said, people don’t (to my knowledge) behead each other over which depiction of Mickey Mouse is correct.
HaloGuy381 t1_j19pmjk wrote
Reply to comment by chockedup in 17-year-old girl dies at treatment facility for troubled teens in Hurricane by ninjascotsman
You’d be surprised. More cunning abusers can readily have a therapist wrapped around their finger before the teen/kid/whoever figures out that abuse is the source of their issue. Then you have the very dangerous situation of a therapist reinforcing them, and simultaneously causing the victim to conclude that mental health professionals are not safe, even if they do eventually escape.
HaloGuy381 t1_j0v34iq wrote
Reply to comment by ohcanadada67 in Iguana causes power outage in Florida town for third time this year | CNN by GZAofTheMidwest
Sorry, we’re facing single digit temps in a couple days, we can’t have Abbott’s lackey freezing people to death again.
HaloGuy381 t1_iyed8m7 wrote
Reply to comment by iforgotmymittens in Rainbow flag pitch invader released but banned from rest of World Cup by 420ipblood
Hell, I’d not be shocked if he’d been contacted by his country’s embassy and strongly pushed to leave, to avoid having a diplomatic kerfuffle later if Qatar decides to arrest him again when the competition concludes. Would be an embarrassment to then have to face public pressure to get him released, rather than just bring him home asap.
HaloGuy381 t1_iy919qs wrote
Reply to comment by akatokuro in Twitter searches for China protests bombarded by spam and porn, raising alarms among researchers | CNN Business by irkli
Sounds like much of the next century will be the sequel to Grapes of Wrath, then.
HaloGuy381 t1_iwzs699 wrote
Reply to comment by doctorlongghost in The leap second’s time is up: world votes to stop pausing clocks by 1r0ut3
Or sunrises. Let’s just tidally lock the Earth! Infinite solar power!
HaloGuy381 t1_iw5pz1l wrote
Reply to comment by Bostonterrierpug in Volkswagen built a Star Trek captain’s chair that goes 12mph by Genevieves_bitch
Can I irradiate myself with the warp core?
HaloGuy381 t1_iugrcqo wrote
Reply to comment by kia75 in Richard Branson declines invitation to debate death penalty with Shanmugam, says TV format 'turns serious debate into spectacle' by chronoistriggered
I don’t expect to change his views. I just find it helpful to remind myself I’m not crazy, and at his core my father is kind of a bigoted, unempathetic monster, even if my mother is the more pressing concern in terms of being a shitty parent and person. When they at least feign politeness and decency so well, it’s easy to start wondering if you’re the one who’s nuts. Poking him with a simple argument that basically boils down to being willing to pay top dollar to make people suffer, even if it would involve a hit to our quality of life from the expense, is one way to do that. It’s funny he thinks I find the political BS rants from them uncomfortable for being political, when in reality I just have no desire to listen to regurgitated Fox propaganda all day. I’m decidedly political, it’s just that after finding out about the mocking behind my back after the 2016 election from them (correctly) presuming I voted Clinton, I voice my beliefs with caution.
I figured it out unambiguously with the whole incident involving the BLM protests in 2020. Hearing your own father claim Trump was being too lenient and should have firebombed them by the block, is deeply disturbing, especially after he got an AR-15 and handguns last year. (And that in spite of my chronic fight with suicidal tendencies; at least he has the sense to keep them in a safe,with the key being hard to locate being why I’m typing this and alive).
And now we’re in a town in Texas with a monument to the Confederates next to the county courthouse, where I’ve seen pro-Confederate demonstrators marching openly and with minimal opposition. Where random strangers openly discuss anti-vax conspiracy theories as if genuine fact. It’s nuts out here, and speaking freely feels hazardous.
HaloGuy381 t1_iugbnez wrote
Reply to comment by Most_Ruin_3005 in Richard Branson declines invitation to debate death penalty with Shanmugam, says TV format 'turns serious debate into spectacle' by chronoistriggered
My father this evening proposed while talking about death penalty at dinner, to execute people in a manner mimicking to their crimes. I pointed out that by that sort of logic, then, he should be willing to foot the tax bill. He said something like “of course, better use of my money than these programs”, I countered that, say, terrorists who helped those who crashed a plane into a building, being executed that way, would be absurdly expensive, and he called -me- ridiculous. Um… what?
If you have to execute someone, make it quick and clean. It’s more affordable for the taxpayers/voters, it’s easier on those doing the executing, and it leaves the body presentable for the family to have closure. Better yet, don’t rely on the death penalty when convictions can be incorrect and catch the wrong person.
HaloGuy381 t1_is8by5y wrote
Reply to comment by robotzor in Microsoft announces Adaptive Accessories will be available October 25, making PCs usable for anyone by MicroSofty88
Not quite the same, but this is also one reason I love Bungie. The amount of work into settings for the colorblind, quick hotfixes to work on excessive flash or other problematic effects, easy to read and customizable subtitles for almost every voice line in the game, etc. (I’m autistic myself, and struggle parsing spoken word at times, so the subtitles help a lot, but many games make them hard to read).
When I booted Halo Infinite (343 Industries, basically part of Microsoft) many months ago to check it out, I was pleasantly surprised by the attention to accessibility and customization. Some of it was a little buggy or awkward to puzzle out, but one can’t blame the devs for not trying to cater to everyone. It’s a positive trend in recent years, for sure.
HaloGuy381 t1_irkvtvv wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Moose38 in Miss. law enforcement investigating video of day care children being scared by adult in mask by no_stage_names
And some, because bullying their own offspring wasn’t enough.
HaloGuy381 t1_jebderl wrote
Reply to comment by curt15-club in MS-DOS ChatGPT Client Arrives for 1984 IBM PC by yourbasicgeek
Was gonna say, given the existence of sophisticated AIs and robots in Fallout juxtaposed with old school terminal design, it gives serious Fallout vibes.