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rchart1010 t1_iuutyzj wrote

Kash Patel is the very worst of the worst and was involved in some of the shadiest shit. IIRC, he likely faked a presidential memo, tried to send it out and then denied having anything to do with it.

Like he is one of those opportunists who literally has zero morals. Such that he was a standout in the trump administration.

No one should believe a single word he says without first verifying it.


[deleted] t1_iuw1svs wrote



DevLARP t1_iuw8c2y wrote

More importantly, their comment implies that it’s possible to find a NON-greedy-conman-sociopath in team “grab em by the pussy”?


rchart1010 t1_iuwnuly wrote

Perhaps. I still would make sure to verify everything he had to say and I would assume he is sharing information with the other side and working to destroy evidence if he can.

He, IMO, is just as likely to make up information and publicly release it to "prove" that the justice department did something wrong and hope he can scare and bully them into not having him comply at all.

Even the logic that applies to shitty humans doesn't seem to apply to him.


Lucky-Load2637 t1_iuwpa2m wrote

Oh I absolutely see him trying that. But lying to the DoJ isn't like lying to the press. There are real consequences to it. And there's no way they'll ask him anything they don't already have the answer to.


rchart1010 t1_iuwxh9i wrote

He is the type who would just try to take down the DoJ if he got caught lying. There just aren't any scruples, any rules with him. I dont like to throw around diagnoses lightly but I think he is likely a sociopath.

And I'd bet good money that he is working behind the scenes on everything they ask him about to destroy or fabricate evidence. I'm sure the DOJ lawyers are savvy, I just think this guy is a special kind of evil.


AgreeableFeed9995 t1_iux6z4h wrote

Wouldn’t that violate the terms of his immunity? The only way he could do that is admitting to falsifying evidence and perjury after the fact. He’d be fucked


rchart1010 t1_iux7lyp wrote

>Wouldn’t that violate the terms of his immunity?

Probably and for an average, normal human you'd consider that jail or imprisonment would be a consequence. I dont think he is the type to think that way. Rather I think he is the type to try to fabricate or destroy evidence, publicly make false statements to undermine DOJ trust and activate the trump crazies to enact some violence in response to whatever lies he makes up..


FiveUpsideDown t1_iuzf3ce wrote

Unless Trump or DeSantis wins the presidency and then Kash Patel will be pardoned.


thewaldenpuddle t1_iuwf7qv wrote

I wonder if his immunity extends to perjury when he does testify….. ?


irkli t1_iuwp1hw wrote

No. He cannot lie. His assertions will all be verified. Standard procedure and I doubt shortcuts will be taken in this case.


thewaldenpuddle t1_iuwpgre wrote

Thanks. I assumed…… seems the logical thing…..

but the world is so fucking weird nowadays….. that I just can’t tell anymore….


Morchaint t1_iuwpmqk wrote

Immunity is always contingent on cooperation and honesty. If you fail to meet the terms of the immunity, the immunity is lost. In other words, if he is caught lying he loses his immunity deal.


ImSabbo t1_iuwofql wrote

Wouldn't that be the normal thing to extend immunity to? I admit I don't know a lot about law, but that at least feels right.


thewaldenpuddle t1_iuwoyav wrote

No…… my guess is that the immunity applies to not prosecuting him for admission of any crimes on his part during his testimony. But if he LIES under oath….. then I’m assuming he would still be liable for that.

In this case, he has far less incentive to lie, because he can’t be held accountable for anything he says when he tells the truth….

But for people circulating in the trump world….. lying/breathing…. Same, same….


ImSabbo t1_iuwptif wrote

Ah, I see. That makes sense.

I think I had misremembered the meaning of "perjury" anyway as "admitting to a crime while under oath (aside from the one/s being tried)" rather than "lying under oath". Hopefully I'll remember from here on.


iAmTheHYPE- t1_iuwbrb7 wrote

> Such that he was a standout in the trump administration.

Never heard of him until this year, in contrast to people like Bannon, Stephen Miller, A Shit Pie, Jeff Sessions, Barr, Kushner, etc.


wiseoldfox t1_iuwyaod wrote

This dipshit was almost made acting CIA director in the waning days. Worked for Nunes.


rchart1010 t1_iuwn4dm wrote

Yeah, I only heard about him in books about the end of the trump administration. He was brought in when trump wasn't even trying anymore and was just trying to install loyalists to keep him in power. Kash Patel is an absolute worm.


Zolome1977 t1_iuvs4de wrote

Unfortunately the truth. This might bite the prosecution in the ass. You can’t use a piece of crap as a witness.


katievspredator t1_iuvwsab wrote

I don't think you know how immunity works. He has to testify or he can get 5 years in jail. If he refuses to answer, he violates the agreement and he gets jail. I don't think he would take this deal if he was prepared to go to jail for the orange menace. I'll trust the DOJ on this one


previouslyonimgur t1_iuvx0f1 wrote

And if he lies and is caught, he goes to jail.


zappy487 t1_iuvy58b wrote

Gets caught j-walking. Believe it or not, also jail.


Praesentius t1_iuw6184 wrote

What if he overcooks fish while testifying?


Roasted_Butt t1_iuw92w3 wrote

also jail


LustThyNeighbor t1_iuwcw5w wrote

That's also a-paddlin' as far as I know but I'm not a lawyer, I only played one in a critically-panned performance at our local community theater.


thewaldenpuddle t1_iuwfhds wrote

Misuses an aerosol can? Cuts the label off his mattress?

Oh…. the jeopardy he is truly in….


Zolome1977 t1_iuvxdow wrote

I know how immunity works, he is a bad witness to testify. He is a known liar, conman, all which can be used by the defense to paint a picture he is not a trustworthy witness. It doesn’t matter if he is telling the truth, his character is detriment.


DocPsychosis t1_iuvybjz wrote

It's a grand jury, there is no defense representation, just the prosecutor presenting evidence.


EffyewMoney t1_iuw2brj wrote

The fact that you have to explain this is why I've written and deleted about 5 comments this morning without ever submitting them.


slater_san t1_iuw8xlk wrote

Everyone involved is a piece of crap though


Zolome1977 t1_iuwcthk wrote

Yes but not all are a brown man. Let us not pretend his skin color will not skew people’s belief in what he says. Yes I’ll get downvoted but meh.