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quitofilms t1_ixgtpkl wrote

I would really like to know which "Well-regulated militia" this woman belonged to, was going to belong to, had belonged to that warranted her having a weapon.

/me settling back and getting ready for the following false arguments

  1. The 2A says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed - despite the fact that they are in fact legally infringed all the time

  2. "well-regulated" means in working order, not actual regulations

  3. a militia means "all the people"

  4. something equally stupid


SnooCats373 t1_ixh3w4t wrote

I have always thought ac "well-regulated" meant a militia that was well trained and commanded.


quitofilms t1_ixh48n4 wrote


The gun crowd has assuned it to mean "just works well together"


bandit69 t1_ixi8qpd wrote

as would any sane, reasoning person.


indoninja t1_ixhax43 wrote

All towns had a militia. Being a dude who owned land and could vote meant you were in. I don’t think they let hobo Jo have a gun back in the day. And the certainty wouldn’t have allowed anybody to own a gun that you could take down 10+ people with if you had 2 hrs of training.

/and gtfo with Girardoni rifle technically being able to shoot more than one person.


[deleted] t1_ixhp4cw wrote



indoninja t1_ixhpp4p wrote

Being part of the militia.

And the bigger part is that you void t kill a bunch of people with a musket.