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ThatGuy98_ OP t1_iyd4dd3 wrote

Comment from previous thread

Just some further info for my (assumedly mostly American) friends.

Before working as VP for public policy at Twitter, she

  • Graduated as a Barrister
  • Worked for the Attorney General and the Department of Justice
  • Head of communications and media for Northern Ireland Police (PSNI)
  • Chief communications officer for the Gardai (our police force in Ireland)

Furthermore, she's also well respected by many in her area, both in Ireland and the EU.

Our legal system isn't perfect, but employment law is one area they don't fuck about with. Choosing to pick a fight with her, given the above info, and the fact that she is the de facto head of twitter EU, given its role with the EU over things like GPDR, DMA and DSA, he's picked one hell of a first fight.


niceoutside2022 t1_iye2oz1 wrote

You know, it's entirely possible that Elon knew little about her and didn't intentionally pick this specific fight, it was just that the whole situation was such a shit show and her name got added to a list.


2SP00KY4ME t1_iye49tf wrote

Guarantee you all the thought that went into it was he pulled up the names of all the different teams, spent five seconds thinking about each based on their name alone, and scratched off the ones that sounded unecessary to him. He knows he's a genius master business strategist, after all.


LordTegucigalpa t1_iyes595 wrote

He actually had the team write an app like Tinder that showed all the profile pics. He just swiped for a while to figure out who to keep.


Moneia t1_iyf5zpp wrote

And I don't know if that's better or worse


sudo_robyn t1_iyeslml wrote

He’s a billionaire, he didn’t need to go on a firing spree.