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jakeandcupcakes t1_ixfiuvf wrote

Yep. Happens all the time. Fuck me for caring, right? I hope someone benifits from it, because I'm tired of trying to help. If you read a bit futher up in that comment chain, before I tried to engage him reasonably, you can probably envision exactly what this person looks like in your head. I saw a dimwitted face with dull eyes, the kind of egregiously stupid and vapid look you see in the eyes of people like Honey Boo Boo's mom.

If you've ever worked retail then you know exactly the kind of person this is; The Blanks. Only hint of life in their eyes is when their primal instincts are engaged with food, violence, or spending money on lotto tickets. I use to think they were just uneducated, and could use reason if only they knew what was going on, but some people really just don't give even a single fuck towards anything outside of their own self-serving actions and shortsighted immediate pleasures.


raidenbckbckfwd t1_ixhz0ab wrote

The whole "you're dumb and/or are a loser for caring!" mentality is incredibly common, I think it's sort of a self defense mechanism against actually having to think about anything beyond where the next dopamine fix is coming from.


AlsoElSpazzz t1_ixitmx3 wrote

Its the same anti-intillectual bent you see all over. They dont want to think, and they view people who do as some out group that looks down on them. Polticians know that and exploit it by renforcing their viewpoint and stoking more anger about it.

I try not to think about it because frankly, its too depressing.