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reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwpo5fu wrote

Police have been on a work stoppage since 2020. Crimes like this are a result.

Cops are responsible for preventing crime, not politicians. Hold them accountable.

Edit ✍️:You’re downvotes are dumb. Read my response below, losers.


MGD109 t1_iwpt2zg wrote

>Police have been on a work stoppage since 2020. Crimes like this are a result.

Could you elaborate more? How have they stopped working? And how would they prevent this from occurring?


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwq8inn wrote

They have been refusing to investigate a huge number of nonviolent crimes. They’ve slow walked large and small cases. They’ve refused to any community policing. They’ve covered up major fuck ups including Uvalde, Surfside and Vegas Route 91 shooting(2016, but still.)

My solution is probably a little controversial, but I bet most cops would get onboard.

More funding, federal oversight of police internal affairs, completely purge top leadership at every department and promote the best and brightest from within while also recruiting military officers with West Point education.

Last but not least,

#pay cops and teachers (that’s an important part) significantly more, while also holding them to a higher standard. Also, enforce a requirement to live within the community you police.

Increase foot patrols and community policing, get cops out of their cars (most dangerous place for them anyway.) Utilize their interactions to increase recruiting from within the community.

I’m available to consult if anyones interested.


MGD109 t1_iwq90wr wrote

>They have been refusing to investigate a huge number of nonviolent crimes. They’ve slow walked large and small cases.

Well I've heard about cases, but I wasn't aware it was so widespread. I know you mean about attempting to cover up the fuckups though.

Honestly I think your solution is absolutely on the money. Those are probably the only solutions that would lead to some significant improvements.

I'd also be in favour of a national registry for all fired cops, and some restrictions upon Unions involvement in disciplinary matters.

If they implemented all those measures, I'm sure we'd see a noticeable improvement in the quality of the police and a sizable decrease in abuses.


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwq9y7n wrote

Thanks for the reasoned response and discussion. Totally agree and reminds me. I’m a union guy, but you gotta investigate and break up the police unions. I have a feeling they’re doing some illegal shit. But who investigates them?


MGD109 t1_iwqam87 wrote

Of course, we're both adults after all.

Yeah I have to agree, I'm pro-union myself, but I think your right its clear at this point the police unions have simply gotten to powerful and their is to much to corruption. Their needs to be accountability, otherwise it defies the whole point of their existence.

Any serious reform of the police force, should also apply to them as well. Of course any investigation would have to come from a federal level, their probably the only one's with the pull to actually make an headway.