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reclusive_ent t1_iwnt537 wrote

They keep saying it was a targeted attack, and there's no active threat to the community. So, um, a quadruple murderer walking around somehow isn't a threat, and they have no idea who it even is? Fucking police are useless.


[deleted] t1_iwnvkqr wrote

If they don't have a suspect then its speculation that it was a targeted attack instead of a random thing.

This is just to calm people down.


crestonfunk t1_iwor9l7 wrote

They could have a body that they can’t say is a suspect yet. Even though they may suspect that the body is that of the killer.


WexfordHo t1_iwnv5mj wrote

Or you know, they’re giving limited information because it relates to an ongoing investigation, and what they suspect isn’t going to be broadcast.


MayoGhul t1_iwo5muu wrote

They admitted today that they “can’t rule out threats to the community” paraphrasing. But anyway they walked the “no threat” line from the other day


NomadFire t1_iwogfs2 wrote

I thought that pointed to murder suicide. But that doesn't appear to be true any more.


remorse667 t1_iwp3ytz wrote

Wouldn't surprise me if they already know who did it.


pacific_beach t1_iwo4k3m wrote

Unless you are privy to what actually happened and the evidence collected, you might want to just STFU.


ionhorsemtb t1_iwpp6p7 wrote

This is reddit. Speculation is their thing. Don't you remember the boston bombing fiasco?


spamattacker t1_iwnv6md wrote

Can someone offer insight on why the article doesn't say the other two roomates were there but rather says investigators "believe" the other two roomates were there during the attack and when the police arrived?

Is it because the police aren't ready to offer more information? If so, why might such information need to be withheld right now? To protect them? From the killer? From the media? From further traumatization?


PatrickMorris t1_iwnvlb5 wrote

Police withhold specific information as a general rule so if someone confesses or offer details they will know if they are telling the truth.


VariationNo5960 t1_iwpj8iw wrote

Assuming cops in Idaho are super sleuths.

tldr: cops in Idaho are not super sleuths.


onarainyafternoon t1_iwq99di wrote

I mean, that's basic police procedure. You mainly here about it when they fuck it up, not when they pull the technique off successfully.


Pretend_Age_2832 t1_iwrs0a0 wrote

Yes when a family member was murdered the police lied to the press about how many times he was shot. Which led me to believe crimes are probablyalways worse than you think. It's not nearly as easy to kill people as it looks on television (I went to a support group for families of victims and that's my takeaway.)


Eldergoth t1_iwnvzmz wrote

Most likely to protect the roommates especially if the perpetrator believes that they are witnesses.


totally_tiredx3 t1_iwogpjq wrote

I read it as, at some point the other roommates came home, but police aren't sure if they had already been killed by then or not.


bananafobe t1_iwnyuop wrote

It could just be that the police haven't officially commented and the journalist hasn't independently confirmed the information.


DefinitelyNotAliens t1_iwqaf6i wrote

Totally spitballing:

The house had a basement. The basement has a separate entrance, or immediately off the front. X and Y live in the basement. X and Y were out drinking on Friday night and stumbled home. The 4 upstairs had not been seen since Friday night. One went shopping for late night snacks at 10pm. They logged phone/ laptop activity until 11PM. X and Y got home around midnight and nothing seemed off.

They immediately go to their basement rooms, and don't talk to anyone or know if anyone was alive. They thought everyone was sleeping and went to bed.

They wake up, get food and take off for work/ classes and don't talk to anyone upstairs and go about their day.

Police believe they were home, but due to the time of death being estimated anywhere from 11-1AM the roommates might've gotten home after the murders and just not seen any blood based on how they enter/ exit the house.

There are reasons they may not fully know who was home, and the roommates may not have seen any blood after the murders.

^ Above are not specific details, just how someone might believe a person to be home and not have actually heard or seen a thing.


89141 t1_iwqapzj wrote

> "believe" the other two roomates were there during

Probably because they don't know exactly when the attack occurred and the roommates got home late. There's lots of reasons to be vague if they are not 100% certain. Also, it's possible they cannot verify, with certainty, that the roommates were home. I think you're looking into the verbiage to much for clues when this type of information is normal during an investigation.


sktgamerdudejr t1_iwo4pei wrote

For those questioning about the roommates, I’ve read that the house has a basement where they were sleeping and that everyone had been drinking, which helps explain why they didn’t hear anything or report till later. Little chilling that they didn’t release who called 911 atm, but understandable with the “ongoing investigation.”

Still kind of terrifying that this happened and that there’s not much info. Hope by the time students return from break that there’s more info, unless that means the killer is going home too.


AskingAndQuestioning t1_iwopip9 wrote

This reminds me exactly of a criminal minds episode, like spot the fuck on. Hopefully this is figured out soon and these people can get some peace..


ohineedascreenname t1_iwppwjd wrote

Well if it's like criminal minds, they've already given the unsub's description ...

by finishing ...

each other's ...



PackerBacked t1_iwnscwz wrote

It will be interesting/tragic when all the details come out of this one.


HouseOfAplesaus t1_iwpqduk wrote

Now that we find out vaguely there was 2 other living roommates the air is now thick with wtf. Purely speculative but I’d say one of those people could be involved if not both. Police Decline to mention who called 911, they “believe” the room mates were there. Sounds like maybe was told initially they were not home at time and are left with “believing” what the facts showed. Said definitely at first no threat, now they can’t promise no threat. Possibly trying to make living mates comfortable enough to think not suspects. Again speculative.


sweetpeapickle t1_iwrsij0 wrote

They ruled the two out though. They very well could have been drunk, high, both & that's why they had no clue.


HouseOfAplesaus t1_iwrt6iu wrote

Currently have not seen that news update they have been cleared ok


sweetpeapickle t1_iwryi0m wrote

It was during the press conference, that they said they were not looking at them as suspects & someone asked why. He then said they could not divulge anything else. Then this morning they had the DA who said the two were not being looked at. That's why some are speculating they were passed out, and were not in the same area of the house as the others. I read somewhere as well that when the call came in they're was an unconcious person...not dead. So that could be one of the two. You know take a little, drink a lot-your out for a good period of time.


Scoutster13 t1_iwnv16h wrote

What a horrible story - I hope they can get some leads quick.


scollaysquare t1_iwnzl1s wrote

This is just so bizarre. Now, days later, they say "watch out!"


Embarrassed_Ant45 t1_iwo1vds wrote

The bloke at the podium said the cops/authorities came to a joint agreement that--based on their experience--the crime scene didn't suggest on ongoing threat to the community.

Which I suspect is PR talk for "we didn't want people to panic, so we crossed our fingers and hoped the knife-wielding maniac wouldn't kill anyone else".


pacific_beach t1_iwo43a0 wrote

Maaaaaaybe they know things that you don't.


TyroneSwoopes t1_iwoomix wrote

Yeah maybe the killer left an anonymous manifesto where he pinky promises not to kill any more ppl. We just don’t know!


AskingAndQuestioning t1_iwops4h wrote

One murder? Sure. Two murders? Ok, maybe? Four murders? Yeah fuck it, it was a simple misunderstanding, everyone go home - make sure your doors are unlocked and windows open!


kciuq1 t1_iwow3so wrote

Maybe they also don't know anything more and are just hoping for the best.


JohnCavil01 t1_iwpufe8 wrote

It’s absurd that anyone is downvoting you for saying this let alone in these numbers while simultaneously anyone who is speculating wildly gets upvotes because “hyuck hyuck police dumb, amirite?”.


ThreAAAt t1_iwo2r71 wrote

>Fry said other people were home during the killings and at the time police arrived on scene.

What the fuck... Were the victims asleep when they were killed?

Then again, Travis Alexander's body wasn't discovered until it was putrefying. Even then his roommates didn't call, a concerned friend called the police and they broke down his door.


MayoGhul t1_iwo5q3l wrote

I’m wondering if that is the case. Wonder if they were murdered in their sleep and the other 2 woke up to it


[deleted] t1_iwoqnb5 wrote



MayoGhul t1_iwpujf8 wrote

I thought that they looked like they had been drinking as well when I saw the video. I was just hesitant to make the assumption, but I’ve seen enough drunk people to make that assumption


Off-With-Her-Head t1_iwo5rs6 wrote

I'm curious how the building was constructed. You'd think there would have been a tremendous amount of noise. Horrifying tragedy.


ThreAAAt t1_iwoc6ld wrote

The poor roommates... how scary. I wonder why they were spared... I'm grateful for it, but it just makes everything even weirder. I hope they're doing okay, though. This can't be good for their mental health--survivor's guilt and all that.


litzer t1_iwoar7o wrote

3 floors. 2 bed / 1 bath per floor.


ThreAAAt t1_iwobt9z wrote

That makes more sense. It's an absolutely massive house. I was imagining a decent-sized apartment.


Thin_Math5501 t1_iwpmysz wrote

The roommates need therapy. They’re never going to be the same again.


WTF_goes_here t1_iwp0g7d wrote

IIRC his roommates thought he was on a work trip.


ThreAAAt t1_iws8tle wrote

I was more trying to highlight you can have a foul odor from a decaying body and still, depending on how the house is built, be completely oblivious. I don't want to come across like I'm blaming the roommates for anything, quite the opposite.


WTF_goes_here t1_iwsz3pu wrote

Oh I see. Yeah I didn’t even think of the Oder. But if he was behind a few doors I could see it taking an awhile. Or if his roommates were smokers.


thefractalcosmos t1_iwnwuu6 wrote

My condolences go out to Moscow and the Vandal family. We went to UIdaho and lived in Moscow for seven years :(


HordeMaster-50_12 t1_iwoirqv wrote

>Police also said they could no longer say there was no threat to the community.

We are officially in the world of doublespeak.


ionhorsemtb t1_iwpp0t8 wrote

Retracting an original comment is double speak now?


urielteranas t1_iwpm07a wrote

My money is on one or both of the uninjured roomates


Badfiish t1_iwq996l wrote

It would just be so strange to kill 4 people, 2 of them sleeping together, with a melee weapon,

And have no offensive/defensive wounds, other evidence like bloody clothes etc.

If one of the roommates did it, I feel they would already be in custody.

This is purely my opinion


Darqologist t1_iwqt24s wrote

I believe the non-injured roommates were female. They have been fully cooperative. Stranger things have happened. This is definitely a very odd case. No break-in, nothing was stolen, the door was left open all night. No defense wounds.

As for the noise or lack thereof: Maybe. If people had been out drinking all night (speculation). If the roommates had ear plugs and a sound machine going (speculation).

Autopsy will show where the puncture/lacerations are and can learn a lot from there, depending on where the lethal wounds were it can take a lot of strength and force to puncture through and do it four times in quick succession. A person would be winded and likely covered in blood.


PastTense1 t1_iwtcas5 wrote


Darqologist t1_iwtcw66 wrote

So it’s not completely implausible that:

Known party house.

Roommates may have heard something or commotion, thought it was people coming in and out or another “party.”

Locked their bedroom door and went to sleep. Put earplugs in or noise machine or whatever to drown out the “commotion”.

Woke up next morning to what was found.


HordeMaster-50_12 t1_iwoiwux wrote

Great journalism. WTH is an "uncurious person?"


ProneZebra t1_iwoqck3 wrote

Well, based on the presser it certainly looks and feels like they are completely in the dark. No motive, no suspect. Both of them looked nervous and anxious. Nothing about it gave me any confidence they are in control. This a disturbing situation.

Any news on when the autopsy reports will drop?


remorse667 t1_iwp4b01 wrote

You know, I look at this case and think 3 people were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.


weareallgonnadye t1_iwobqco wrote

So many unanswered questions, were they tied up? Were they stabbed in the separate bedrooms while sleeping? I’d have to imagine one of those having to be true, can’t imagine 4 people being stabbed to death in front of each other and one person not able to escape, let alone the screaming.


yuiwerty t1_iwpsw1t wrote

I'm curious also about the unconscious person that they first received the call about. Was someone else, unrelated to what happened, passed out near the house and the police then just happened to see the house door was open?


Vista36 t1_iwork2t wrote

They worked at a local Diner right? Maybe a Customer stalking them. Not just random then.


Coloradohusky t1_iwp1x0l wrote

It’s so weird being so close to a major crime like this - currently in Pullman on the WSU campus, have a couple of friends who go to U of I - super weird, super confusing, not very reassuring messaging from the cops (both Moscow PD and Pullman PD).


AzulMage2020 t1_iwra97k wrote

Just a guess, but this is starting to seem like someone wealthy may be involved . Things sure seem to become challenging and sometimes down right unsolvable as soon as that happens!!


scprotz t1_iwqd2hp wrote

(I posted on another thread), but a little Occam's Razor:

So here is my theory on this: The 4 are all out overnight at bars. One of the single girls gets hit-up by a niceguy neckbeard. She spurns him. He does not take the rejection well and feels humiliated. Moscow is a small place and he has some identifying info on her and friends or knows them from around town (Sorority, maybe other data) and tracks/stalks them that night. He goes in the super-early morning to reason/plead with her for her affection after said humiliation and brings his trusty katana/tsai with him because he his an Alpha. When he gets there, they didn't lock the door (again, smalltown Moscow), so he lets himself in. He finds the girl and either after an argument or they are just all asleep (living room maybe?) he kills them and to prevent any witnesses, kills all 4. Doesn't realize there are 2 passed-out roommates in the other room or they would be dead too. Roommates wake up at noon after partying all night and find the carnage and report it.
We live in weird times, but this is my guess how it'll all play out. Let's see if my prediction ages like milk and this is a rando or drug deal, but I think it is spurned dude.


Madmandocv1 t1_iwputfz wrote

Well I can think of two suspects right now.


biezwax t1_iworq0a wrote

My guess is that it's a fledgling serial killer.


MGD109 t1_iwp8qex wrote

Serial killers traditionally don't kill multiple people in the same location, that would be a mass murderer.

And thankfully Serial mass murder is extremely rare.


apple_kicks t1_iwpj0rm wrote

Richard Speck murdered 8 student nurses in their dorm in one night. It’s rare but it’s happened. They were Gloria Davy, Patricia Matusek, Nina Jo Schmale, Pamela Wilkening, Suzanne Farris, Mary Ann Jordan, Merlita Gargullo, and Valentina Pasion.


MGD109 t1_iwpj8vq wrote

Oh yeah he's one of the most notorious mass murderer. But he never committed another mass killing.

Granted he was quickly apprehended afterwards.


Hackedup_forbbq t1_iwppzff wrote

Bundy also


MGD109 t1_iwpr5j0 wrote

Really? Could you elaborate some more, I've know he abducted and killed a few pairs, but I don't recall him killing that many people in one sitting.

When did it happen?

Edit: Never mind I found it, it was the attack on FSU Sorority House, that left two dead and three injured.


Hackedup_forbbq t1_iwpr89e wrote

It was toward the end of his career as a killer, it was a group of sorority girls


MGD109 t1_iwprsjd wrote

Ah yes, I just read about it. Five attacks, two deaths and three serious injuries. Utterly nightmarish.

Well I hope this turns out not to be anything along the same lines.


Hackedup_forbbq t1_iwps5ho wrote

Couldn't quit remember if it was Florida or not. I think of all his kills, that was the hardest to read about; he snuck in and just went into berserker mode


MGD109 t1_iwpss03 wrote

Looking it up, yeah it was Florida.

I had the same response, I mean damn none of its nice reading but it sounds like something out a horror movie. Him just going maniac on all those poor women whilst they slept.

Thank goodness it was also the end.


biezwax t1_iwp9y0w wrote

You should look up the BTK killers' first murders. This situation is pretty similar.


MGD109 t1_iwpacen wrote

Oh yeah, I'm not saying it has never happened or it can't happen. Just that its extremely rare.

So hopefully their won't be more attacks, even if they don't catch whoever did this.


collectorofsouls5a7d t1_iwpw22o wrote

It was a cop somehow or some politically connected individual. This REEKS of a cover-up!

Edit: I see by the downvotes that we all know this to probably be true. 1312!


GiraffePolka t1_iwq77td wrote

It doesn't need to be a cover up, the Delphi murders weren't a cover up it just took over 5 yrs for them to solve.


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwphxpe wrote

Cops need to do their jobs and catch this person.

That simple.

Edit: Morons downvoting someone saying the cops need to catch this killer. Guess we know who the knife fans are…


keano97 t1_iwplzoz wrote

Oh my god, some should tell them. They probably don't realise that's what their job is. /S

Seriously people. I know US police are highly flawed, but these are the sort of crimes they throw everything they have at.


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwpo5fu wrote

Police have been on a work stoppage since 2020. Crimes like this are a result.

Cops are responsible for preventing crime, not politicians. Hold them accountable.

Edit ✍️:You’re downvotes are dumb. Read my response below, losers.


MGD109 t1_iwpt2zg wrote

>Police have been on a work stoppage since 2020. Crimes like this are a result.

Could you elaborate more? How have they stopped working? And how would they prevent this from occurring?


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwq8inn wrote

They have been refusing to investigate a huge number of nonviolent crimes. They’ve slow walked large and small cases. They’ve refused to any community policing. They’ve covered up major fuck ups including Uvalde, Surfside and Vegas Route 91 shooting(2016, but still.)

My solution is probably a little controversial, but I bet most cops would get onboard.

More funding, federal oversight of police internal affairs, completely purge top leadership at every department and promote the best and brightest from within while also recruiting military officers with West Point education.

Last but not least,

#pay cops and teachers (that’s an important part) significantly more, while also holding them to a higher standard. Also, enforce a requirement to live within the community you police.

Increase foot patrols and community policing, get cops out of their cars (most dangerous place for them anyway.) Utilize their interactions to increase recruiting from within the community.

I’m available to consult if anyones interested.


MGD109 t1_iwq90wr wrote

>They have been refusing to investigate a huge number of nonviolent crimes. They’ve slow walked large and small cases.

Well I've heard about cases, but I wasn't aware it was so widespread. I know you mean about attempting to cover up the fuckups though.

Honestly I think your solution is absolutely on the money. Those are probably the only solutions that would lead to some significant improvements.

I'd also be in favour of a national registry for all fired cops, and some restrictions upon Unions involvement in disciplinary matters.

If they implemented all those measures, I'm sure we'd see a noticeable improvement in the quality of the police and a sizable decrease in abuses.


reddit-sucks-ass_ t1_iwq9y7n wrote

Thanks for the reasoned response and discussion. Totally agree and reminds me. I’m a union guy, but you gotta investigate and break up the police unions. I have a feeling they’re doing some illegal shit. But who investigates them?


MGD109 t1_iwqam87 wrote

Of course, we're both adults after all.

Yeah I have to agree, I'm pro-union myself, but I think your right its clear at this point the police unions have simply gotten to powerful and their is to much to corruption. Their needs to be accountability, otherwise it defies the whole point of their existence.

Any serious reform of the police force, should also apply to them as well. Of course any investigation would have to come from a federal level, their probably the only one's with the pull to actually make an headway.


[deleted] t1_iwnuz55 wrote



bananafobe t1_iwnzt6x wrote

Last I saw, police were saying none of the four victims were suspected of being the perpetrator.


ComedianFlaky9316 t1_iwo2pqo wrote

There was no murder weapon at the scene so highly unlikely a murder suicide


ThreAAAt t1_iwo2l84 wrote

"But he stressed that they still haven’t found the murder weapon and don’t have a suspect."

So it's very likely, especially without a weapon, that this was a quadruple homicide, not a murder/suicide.


unevolved_panda t1_iwo2we9 wrote

More like, the victims were killed for a reason (which may not be a good reason, but they were specific targets, not random ones) and/or the police think the victims knew their attacker. So there's no active threat unless you, y'know, accidentally piss off the guy who killed 4 people the other day.


edgarapplepoe t1_iwokh9b wrote

This is what bothers me. Barring some insane twist of them being mules who owed the cartels (or lesser twist of it being one of the 2 roommates), targeted attack doesnt mean much. Targeted because they flashed money/jewelry? Targeted because they left their doors unlocked? Targeted because the killer had an obsession with one of them? Targeted because of a gang initiation? Targeted because they insulted some psycho?

Great, I guess everyone is safe, as you said, until they piss off a serial killer.