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ItIsYourPersonality t1_ixnd0ur wrote

If you don’t understand that giving someone you don’t know all of your money in exchange for pixels on a webpage is stupid, then no you don’t understand my “genius” (I’d call it common knowledge personally, but it’s apparently not common to you).


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_ixnid1h wrote

Most my money exists digitally in a ledger. 30 years on still have it. Turns out you can safely store your savings digitally if you just know who to give it to take care of it(in my case a regulated federally insured bank)


t-poke t1_ixqo8b7 wrote

I have no problem giving my bank all my money in exchange for pixels on a webpage because they’re highly regulated and the government insures it if something does go wrong.