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weareallgonnadye t1_ixp0ewk wrote

So nobody knew about this before, the company and CEO’s had no idea what was happening until now?


Caymonki t1_ixp964b wrote

PR, it’s all about looking like they give a shit, while not actually giving any shits.

If they can find loopholes in the contract to gain more revenue while looking like they give a shit?! Oof, big win for them.


natphotog t1_ixqay3x wrote

Remember folks, HR is there to protect the company, not you. They do not purposefully act in your best interest. They act in their own best interest, which is typically whatever’s best for their bottom line.


Caymonki t1_ixr26sm wrote

HR are my favorite people. They feign so much interest for employees while telling management exactly what is coming down the pipe.

Fix it and make people like it here? [_] Fuck them over because we can [X]

Easiest decision of the day.

Hey, there’s a worker shortage and no one wants to work here?!?!


Cetun t1_ixrzp3g wrote

Not necessarily true. I've seen cases where HR purposefully fucks up things that can be resolved fairly easily. HRs job is to create small fires and then put them out, justifying their importance in the company and maintaining steady employment.


Wompawompa1 t1_ixp8dk6 wrote

Weird how that always happens. Nobody knew a thing until the moment he wasn’t bringing in the moola. Same goes for those pieces of shit who never said a word about his hitler rants until they could use it for benefit.


shariewayne t1_ixpf2d8 wrote

To be honest, if i wouldn't read news / worldnews, i would have never known that Kanye West has changed his name.


Derole t1_ixq3eqq wrote

I don't think you read worldnews on Reddit. Because that sub is not about worldnews anymore.


Chucknastical t1_ixqakn5 wrote

I can tell you don't read worldnews since it's been 24/7 Ukraine war during the Ye drama.


Derole t1_ixqfsth wrote

The worldnews subreddit is a porn subreddit. That's what I was trying to say


-LazerFace69- t1_ixqj7p6 wrote

Could've fooled me. /r/worldnews


Derole t1_ixqpd3k wrote

Wait, now I'm really confused. I was at a subreddit which is similarly called as world news and it was just porn. fml I'm sorry


Stalked_Like_Corn t1_ixpnfrn wrote

Yeah. What's the point of this? There are two options here:

A.) You didn't know this was going on the whole time which means you are WAY out of touch and have no clue what is going on in your own house

B.) You knew about this the whole time and did nothing about it

Choose one but neither looks good for Adidas.


zykezero t1_ixpste0 wrote

The Vice article says that the employees sent their letter to VPs and directors.


CincyCivilRightsAct t1_ixpvk1m wrote

If you do something about it and lose the deal with Kanye, you lose hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue - which means you need to fire a bunch of people because their jobs aren't sustainable anymore. If you aren't selling the shoes, you don't needs as many people in the company that makes the shoes and does the marketing.

Try firing people, and let me know if you want to make that trade-off.


ScienceLivesInsideMe t1_ixqrq4w wrote

And this is why corporations are broken. You are perfectly ok with abuse because it's making you money and people would lose their job if not for so much money. Monkey brain.

First of all bullshit. That fucking company has so much money it could get rid of kanye and give all their workers a 20% raise and still be crushing it. But they don't because crony capitalism. Unions would be a start to fixing these insane workplaces but Republicans wouldn't go for that.

If people do lose their job because a compamy did an ethical thing like taking action against a whatever kanye is due to sexual abuse or whatever it is...ok there are other jobs, isn't that how this is supposed to work? The whole capitalism thing?


mgraunk t1_ixpyabj wrote

As a business owner who has fired people, I would.


iamnotexactlywhite t1_ixpdjsl wrote

he was fired like a month ago, this is just the rest of his issues coming forth


RabidGuineaPig007 t1_ixqcn65 wrote

Not as long as shoe$ was coming in. WTF America, you see some idiot musician wear a pair of shoes and rush out and buy billions of dollars worth.

Adidas and Nike are sitting on a shit ton of unsold stock right now, the 20-21 show bubble has popped.

Now, it's about Adidas the morally conscious company to resonate on GenZ social media.


Jedwardvincent t1_ixugjys wrote

HR acts as a barrier to the CEOs and upper management to provide opportunities for plausible deniability, the same way upper management and c-level provide buffers to each other and ultimately the CEO. Anything unbecoming of the company gets trickled down the chain of command to provide protection to the CEO because, "I had heard something about something maybe happening, but I'm not involved in the day to day."

While this is ultimately true, it leads to awful situations where people are being put in compromising positions where they're a mid-level HR person and are having to navigate what to do about Kanye showing porn to their staff. In the same way as with Weinstein, it's more likely that you'll be fired for bringing it up since Kanye is brining the company $8B a year and you're costing the company $75k a year to act as a patsy. Even if you do your job and ring the alarm, they'll acknowledge it and then brush it over, then pin it to you when it surfaces – there's no winning.

All the while, the CEO and c-levels are having dinners with Kanye and probably are fully aware of his behavior since he's likely doing the same at dinner with them - showing inappropriate photos and such – but it's good for business so they laugh it off.

The corporate systems of "accountability" are engineered to protect those at the top by removing them from the typical functions and adding buffers to ensure that they're not immediately responsible for anything and can point a finger anytime something doesn't go well.