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Stalked_Like_Corn t1_ixpnfrn wrote

Yeah. What's the point of this? There are two options here:

A.) You didn't know this was going on the whole time which means you are WAY out of touch and have no clue what is going on in your own house

B.) You knew about this the whole time and did nothing about it

Choose one but neither looks good for Adidas.


zykezero t1_ixpste0 wrote

The Vice article says that the employees sent their letter to VPs and directors.


CincyCivilRightsAct t1_ixpvk1m wrote

If you do something about it and lose the deal with Kanye, you lose hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue - which means you need to fire a bunch of people because their jobs aren't sustainable anymore. If you aren't selling the shoes, you don't needs as many people in the company that makes the shoes and does the marketing.

Try firing people, and let me know if you want to make that trade-off.


ScienceLivesInsideMe t1_ixqrq4w wrote

And this is why corporations are broken. You are perfectly ok with abuse because it's making you money and people would lose their job if not for so much money. Monkey brain.

First of all bullshit. That fucking company has so much money it could get rid of kanye and give all their workers a 20% raise and still be crushing it. But they don't because crony capitalism. Unions would be a start to fixing these insane workplaces but Republicans wouldn't go for that.

If people do lose their job because a compamy did an ethical thing like taking action against a whatever kanye is due to sexual abuse or whatever it is...ok there are other jobs, isn't that how this is supposed to work? The whole capitalism thing?


mgraunk t1_ixpyabj wrote

As a business owner who has fired people, I would.