Submitted by Society-Practical t3_z7dcqa in news
SamShephardsMustache t1_iy6029n wrote
Lad musta been stoned.
[deleted] t1_iy60guu wrote
[deleted] t1_iy60scg wrote
OneManFreakShow t1_iy60uqn wrote
The stoning hasn’t started yet.
Any-Environment-17 t1_iy613ua wrote
Look at his shirt too. Man wanted to get all his activism out there in one go. Very efficient protesting.
ursus_americanus_ t1_iy624pk wrote
I don’t believe that’s a pride flag. From what I’ve seen elsewhere its a peace flag.
Sidthelid66 t1_iy627ux wrote
Does the shirt mean he's superman or that superman is supposed to save Ukraine. I don't get why superman always has to do everything hard, let the guy rest every now and then.
Sidthelid66 t1_iy62bk3 wrote
Everybody must get stoned
jorsiem t1_iy62p87 wrote
It didn't bring the game to a standstill, in my opinion that implies that the game stopped for a long time. It paused for about 30 seconds until he got tackled and removed. Most people didn't even realize what was happening as they cut away from him as they usually do because this is a common occurrence.
Nerdlinger t1_iy63qdk wrote
> brings World Cup game to a standstill
For about 90 seconds. I've seen longer delays with teams setting up free kicks.
MinnyRawks t1_iy646a7 wrote
I don’t want to be alone
[deleted] t1_iy64ktb wrote
orus t1_iy64zm7 wrote
Stoning will continue until islamism improves
Jerrymoviefan3 t1_iy69it1 wrote
He is far better that the pussy teams and players during the tournament.
[deleted] t1_iy69tjo wrote
lokoston t1_iy6a4lp wrote
Well, I hope his life was worth it. He's never coming out of there alive.
lokoston t1_iy6a7g4 wrote
What makes you think he's still alive.
AllNightPony t1_iy6ao5t wrote
Before or after?
Mirieste t1_iy6cpu0 wrote
Yeah, but this post, like many others, is meant for the average redditor who knows nothing about football, so they can imagine this is the worst World Cup ever while instead things are pretty much in the norm.
I've even seen people trying to argue that Qatar's elimination in the group stage somehow proves they shouldn't have gotten the right to host the tournament... so they mean like South Africa in 2010, huh?
Bodisia t1_iy6d2vi wrote
I just wish his shirt was mentioned in the headlines just as much as the pride flag was.
hubaloza t1_iy6duay wrote
Freedom is one war waged on many battlefields, every victory is cumulative, not held alone.
DrWhiskeyDiq t1_iy6e064 wrote
Sooooo.... never?
[deleted] t1_iy6fs5e wrote
Zelensexual t1_iy6jpaf wrote
Eh, in Qatar any flag can be a pride flag if there are enough colors on them.
ursus_americanus_ t1_iy6kb9e wrote
Fair point
Water-Donkey t1_iy6kq8b wrote
Yes, it's the Italian peace flag, or pace flag. It differs from the gay pride flag in several ways. First, it says "PACE" on it, "peace" in Italian, pronounced pah-chay. Second, it has an extra shade of blue the pride flag lacks. Third, the colors are inverted compared to the pride flag with the red at the bottom as opposed to the top. Fourth, and possibly not quite finally, the PACE flag was first produced in 1961, whereas the pride flag was first produced in 1978.
Lots of differences, but will a group of people who think women and members of the LGBTQ communities are second class citizens worthy only of breath if they shut up and/or stay in the closet their entire lives even care? Doubtful.
Thanos_Stomps t1_iy6lnc2 wrote
Standstill - situation or activity in which there is no activity or movement.
So like, a football match with no activity cause plays been stopped.
ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iy6luv3 wrote
And once again FIFA chooses hate
[deleted] t1_iy6m97a wrote
[deleted] t1_iy6rbpg wrote
Nerdlinger t1_iy6s8au wrote
Do you mean other than this submission? Because the linked story both shows the shirt and describes it.
[deleted] t1_iy6tomu wrote
UnmeiX t1_iy6v0nk wrote
To be fair, the statements made by his shirt aren't as likely to get him jailed/executed as the statement made by the flag. I personally think it was the right choice of focus.
didntcondawnthat t1_iy6x2vj wrote
The soccer forum has a post that shows it. Their subreddit doesn't show up on the front page. They opted out to stop people from getting game spoilers.
didntcondawnthat t1_iy6xari wrote
It is all over the news, though. Mission accomplished from that perspective.
[deleted] t1_iy6zwk9 wrote
scillaren t1_iy7102t wrote
That’s KSA. The Qataris will just throw his ass in prison for the rest of his life.
roj2323 t1_iy72rcl wrote
It is too public in the eyes of the world for them to get away with that.
Edit: As predicted they released him.
Supercoolguy7 t1_iy74scs wrote
I've seen several that show the back. In fact the first time I saw it the front wasn't shown
Intrepid_Method_ t1_iy76hxx wrote
It’s the anti-war pace flag (1961 version). Same theme as his shirt.
pangolin-fucker t1_iy78r0z wrote
Wonder what happens in Qatar after rain fall and a rainbow naturally appears?
jjolla888 t1_iy7bft8 wrote
> pronounced pah-chay
As a Italian, hearing this would hurt my ears.
It's pronounced paah-che
jjolla888 t1_iy7bp3n wrote
They don't know what rainfall is
jschubart t1_iy7cbq6 wrote
Great guy. Here he is helping out Ukrainian refugees back in March:
[deleted] t1_iy7ecf3 wrote
LowestKey t1_iy7fbxh wrote
Russia and Saudi Arabia would like a word with you
roj2323 t1_iy7gcv1 wrote
Russia and Saudi Arabia aren't hosting a sporting event being watched potentially by billions of people. Qatar is.
[deleted] t1_iy7gy9n wrote
ObscureDeath94 t1_iy7ln2h wrote
and it's not even a pride flag but the peace flag.
Patralex t1_iy7sj1y wrote
I can already see the headline
“Local ruffian trips from an 8-story window” - Russian Times
[deleted] t1_iy7snt1 wrote
Water-Donkey t1_iy7w4du wrote
I think we are probably pronouncing it similarly, our phonetics could be at odds, mine obviously incorrect in this case. Thank you for the clarification.
5zepp t1_iy7xil8 wrote
Stop being hyperbolic, he's already been released.
5zepp t1_iy7xjk2 wrote
He's already been released.
5zepp t1_iy7xldg wrote
He's already been released Mr Hyperbole.
Jimmyb3121 t1_iy7xlxe wrote
You know what the American government says to people going to middle eastern countries like Qatar? “If you get in trouble there, you’re on your own.” There is NOTHING that would stop Qatar from doing wtf they want with this dude.
5zepp t1_iy7xn0y wrote
The fact that he's already been released? Sheesh.
gestaltaz t1_iy7zdya wrote
Couldn’t be more wrong.
Ozryela t1_iy80vnq wrote
so what does it stand for? Peace, I presume. But that can mean many things.
Hydrochloric_Comment t1_iy841vg wrote
Approximating phonetics without the usage of IPA is difficult.
jorsiem t1_iy84yho wrote
Jesus 🤦. Ok sure bud.
L_Cranston_Shadow t1_iy88zku wrote
After being given borscht by the KGB FSB.
Nerdlinger t1_iy8a1te wrote
Find me a sports organization that lets people run freely on its fields of play.
dietmayhem t1_iy8cx34 wrote
That is so missing the point
lokoston t1_iy8er8c wrote
Haven't seen that.
Nerdlinger t1_iy8fe7h wrote
It's not missing the point at all. There is no sports organization that would allow someone to run freely on the field like that, yet that commenter (and you) are trying to paint this like it's a FIFA doing something wrong.
It's just flat out disingenuous. There's more than enough to criticize FIFA for, this isn't one of them.
420ipblood t1_iy8ftfq wrote
You haven't looked either. Too busy shitposting on dramatic old news.
[deleted] t1_iy8fues wrote
Emoviolins t1_iy8gy06 wrote
Absolutely not missing the point, doesn't matter what flag he has or shirt he's wearing, running out on the field in a sport will usually get you arrested or banned, how many times do you see people get tackled by security and hauled off by the police in MLB and NFL games for doing the same thing
JohnHwagi t1_iy8m6n5 wrote
The state department says that so people do less stupid shit. They generally still work to help Americans that are arrested for stuff that’s not a major crime in the US. This dude will probably just be held for a day or two and then deported by Qatar if he is American; the US has more military in Qatar than Qatar, and is most of the reason Qatar is still around.
[deleted] t1_iy8mbec wrote
nowcalledcthulu t1_iy8zroz wrote
I think the Pride flag was more relevant to Qatar, unless Qatar is also on the bad side of the Ukrainian invasion as well.
Mr_Bubblemer t1_iy9xob4 wrote
No game was brought to a standstill because of this, they got him out of the field real fast.
SeatKindly t1_iya1i4y wrote
Depends on his citizenship more than anything. Qatari peeps know better than to mess with American citizens directly.
Lurknessm0nster t1_iyaj0iz wrote
Jamal Khashoggi has entered the chat
[deleted] t1_iyc4gb0 wrote
lokoston t1_iydigso wrote
Just read. He was beaten by Qatari law and deported.
SeatKindly t1_iydttk4 wrote
Yeah that sounds like par the course for a foreign citizen breaking moral law while the global spotlight is on them.
Drake_Acheron t1_iye13dw wrote
What? This is the most ignorant comment ever. The DoD has recommended guidelines for every country you can travel to. They don’t sugarcoat the danger but they absolutely will make an effort to protect US citizens don’t be fkn dumb bro.
Drake_Acheron t1_iye1g1v wrote
It’s not a fkn pride flag. Omfg it’s a peace flag. OP or news org are either ignorant or lazy, probably both.
BeltfedOne t1_iy5ylgt wrote
To be summarily beheaded tomorrow?