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MitsyEyedMourning t1_iw0nqmc wrote

Eh Ukraine, swoop them up. Auction them and buy some more drones.


kstinfo t1_iw0q8rf wrote

In the short time this story has been up many comments have been about the value of his art. Him going into a war zone has more value to Ukraine than that. Bravo Banksy !


VyrPlan t1_iw0tdvt wrote

that mural of putin getting slammed by the kid...

*chef kiss* magnifique


kdubstep t1_iw0yskp wrote

My favorite artist. Period.


opney t1_iw15ufw wrote

Damn this guy knows the marketing


W61_51XD_Goose t1_iw1gl1s wrote

I choose to believe that when I take Ambien before bed, I become Banksy, hypnotic artist and world traveler.


batmattman t1_iw1n9nz wrote

Yeah this was my thought, all Banksy needs to do is design the stencil and then he can get anyone to go paint it on a wall he wants it on

Not saying that is the case here but its fun to think how he might get things done


eugene20 t1_iw1o6k0 wrote

Those walls could now be worth millions to support rebuilding.


[deleted] t1_iw1rn1i wrote

It is these little snippets of beauty that help me process the fucked up place we are as a species.

I hope something this cool happens tomorrow again.


DPool34 t1_iw1ub2u wrote

I don’t think so. Banksy’s a guy who loves street art. Based on what I know about Banksy (and most street artists) is he’d find it sacrilege. The environment is part of Banky’s inspiration, as well as his medium. So I don’t think he would commission someone to execute his design.

I could be completely wrong though.


iBlag t1_iw1yoym wrote

“The infamous hacker 4chan” is just the plural word for a collection of FBI agents.

Oh wait, it actually might be “wiretap”.

Or “black bag”.


BlueBlooper t1_iw203zn wrote

Wow I wonder what this will mean for the underground


ShiggyGoosebottom t1_iw27cc1 wrote

I reckon Banksy is “the” artist of our era. In a hundred years, five hundred years, I hope that when people think of the early 21st century, they think of Banksy and illustrate all documentaries with this artists work.


Hobbit_Feet45 t1_iw2k40a wrote

I know everyone loves Banksy, but I also love Banksy.


Shaomoki t1_iw2sn0l wrote

Starvox and collective events are now gearing up and adding it to their next overpriced unauthorized exhibition.


StuKazoo t1_iw2wnss wrote

Who do you think you are!? I AM!


buttfunfor_everyone t1_iw2y7gl wrote

Yep, that is correct.

Unlike Chihuly and many other prominent artists the power in Banksy’s work lies mostly in the message- not the technical difficulty of his actual work.

The only thing that’s ever really got me thinking when it comes to Chihuly is how the hell do they transport all that glass on a regular basis and not shatter it all to hell 😂


Substantial_Ask_9992 t1_iw35uxr wrote

Lol I think the whole thing is unbelievably cringe

Hey sorry for all your loss of life and suffering - here’s some really corny 10 years outdated and now mainstream corporatized street art that will get me a lot of attention and do absolutely fuck all for you. Hope that helps!


el_t0p0 t1_iw39vlh wrote

r/im14andthisisdeep: the artist


MyNameIs-Anthony t1_iw3odqi wrote

Banksy designs art via stencils for other people to go and get them setup.

Stencils for large outdoor art pieces has been the standard for a few decades now because you need to be quick to avoid police noticing.

It also adds a level of plausible deniability in that if Banksy or any other members of the collective get caught, it can always be played off as "We just got paid for this gig, that's all we know."


Aircraftman2022 t1_iw44muv wrote

Ukraine PLEASE preserve these pieces ,very inspirational. Slava Ukraini


irwinlegends t1_iw6htgd wrote

They glass is a lot stronger than it looks, but some pieces do break and chip in transport. They anticipate this, and make a whole lot of replacement 'just-in-case' pieces.

The team also has glass ovens that can be moved to location in case they have to make fresh pieces as they put an exhibit together.

Any piece that is chipped or broken or otherwise can not be used is to be destroyed completely. One day Dale himself was doing the honors of busting some glass rods in a parking lot and having a hard time getting the thickest pieces to split.

Source: friend worked at a museum while a Chihuly exibit was being set up and I got to meet the team


LostInAnotherGalaxy t1_iw704xd wrote

The one with the gymnast has something to it, putting it on an annihilated building, and a picture of a little girl, kind of represents what’s going on with Ukraine. Ukraine has been inhabited for much of civilization, but it’s current borders are quite fresh in the grand scheme of things and is metaphorically the child in the situation. Everyone’s throwing money+resources at this young nation to battle off the considerably more powerful Russian juggernaut. (See second piece)


butchudidit t1_iw764rr wrote

cult artist. people flock on this guy like nike shoe drops


ScienceLivesInsideMe t1_iw80xj7 wrote

It helps to know I'm not the only one feeling like this. Sometimes I feel so fucking alone that I have no one who looks at the world like I do, even though it's super unhealthy and depressing to focus on it so much. But it's just nice knowing other people do the same


irwinlegends t1_iw85iyp wrote

Glad to share.

Another fun thing about the exhibit is that while they were installing, a large portion of an adjacent parking lot was fenced off. The team had the ovens in that area and people could watch everyone work from outside the fence. There were a few times scheduled for interested people to come in and see the process up close while Dale and his students took time to teach people how they do everything.


buttfunfor_everyone t1_iwd0wu5 wrote

You could try but you wouldn’t get very far. The counterfeit art market is indeed a massively pervasive issue. You would not be alone in your attempted fraud.

Banksy in particular used to be ripped off regularly- some fakes have earned more than $300,000 at auction. This is why he created his not-for-profit company “Pest Control”- to sell and authenticate his official works- the latter of which they do for only 65 euro- a brilliant move that makes the process accessible for anyone regardless of net worth. It also allows him to preserve his anonymity- something that would otherwise be difficult during typical validation processes.

All things considered, whoever is at the helm of the Banksy collective is more than just an artistic genius. They’ve proven themselves more than capable in many other less obvious ways.

I wouldn’t want to cross someone so formidable, personally 😂